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  • in reply to: Big Muff Reissues #107653

    I got a huge laugh when I read that one! I really don’t believe it. It was almost too ridiculous to be true…but you never know. I have heard some odd things about some of the more respected makers in this community by people I know and trust. Makes me wonder sometimes who really knows what and who is screwing who over. I tend to think we are better than that overall.

    in reply to: Big Muff Reissues #107650

    Yeah, they were pretty f’d up. There was a very nice blue box CW on there that closed a few days ago. The guy knew what he had and set his ad up well. Sold for $635.

    in reply to: Big Muff Reissues #107639

    Yeah, too many, I know. It is just not the time to sell them right now and make my money back.

    There were five CWs on ebay here just this past week. None had been available for a few months, then bam, they all hit at once.

    in reply to: Big Muff Reissues #107636

    Right now, exactly 30 factory Muffs, including the one Mr. M just sent me. But I am always buying, selling or trading them, so it may be different next month. Sometimes I’ll buy one just to play it and photograph it, then I’ll sell it again. I have a bunch I need to get rid of right now. There are only about six of them that are my keepers. The V2’s I mentioned above were not all mine, by the way, but the Sovteks are. I have a crapload of them.

    in reply to: Big Muff Reissues #107631
    Very true.

    Actually I havent a/b tested any other muffs with my black russian one. As soon as I tried the 2000 russian one it was exactly what I wanted. I just clicked it on and turned the knobs to whatever sounded good at the moment and Boom! exactly the tone I was looking for. later I tried the current USA BMP and little muff and a few others but they didnt have what i was going for. So I went back to the russian. But I never really tested side by side. But like I said I agree that every version is differnt and subject to taste. And the whole “mojo” statement thing I was saying is from talking to other people who shelled out big bucks for a vintage triangle rams head something or other because Gilmour or someone used it on this or that recording. They bought it unheard and untested because its mythic. Its also very true that with the russian ones you can be lucky and get a good one or you can get a crap one. this seems to be true for the USA ones as well.
    I wonder if someone side by side tested lets say 10 of the legendary v2 BMP’s how much varience would there be between each one? Odds are you would find a favorite among the crowd.

    I just did this recently with seven V2 Muffs and 10 of the 1990s Sovteks. I recorded it, but listening back, I’m not sure too many people would notice the differences from one to another, except for two of them. I can hear the differences when I play in front of my amp, but with a backing track or band, not sure many people could tell. The Sovteks did have a lot more variance than I thought, listening back, but again, with a band playing, not sure sure you could hear much of the treble/bass/clarity differences in an mp3.

    Now, listening to a V2 and a reissue – Huge difference. Listen to the comparison clip 1 for each here if you want to hear why people shell out big bucks for older Muffs.

    in reply to: Green Russian Knob and Battery Door Project. #107549

    There are actually two different sizes of the plastic battery door that fit the different Sontek cast aluminum enclosures, so you would have to decide which to make, or both. One won’t fit all the big box Sovteks. Probably the one that fit the early green Russians is more prevalent. Problem is, the damn things are so loose they would just fall out again. It would help if they were reengineered a bit.

    I have both, so if Ron can’t help, let me know.

    I’m interested in getting knobs if you plan on making plenty!

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff… #107486

    I would be interested to know if it is different as well. I have only ever heard from one person who owned one. He said his sounded like a typical USA reissue, but I never got a photo of the guts to see.

    in reply to: Sovtek big muff VS Big muff pi which do you like best #107459

    V8 Russian Big Muff Pi – small black box.

    V9 USA reissue Muff Big Muff Pi

    V10 LBM

    V11 Bass Big Muff – similar to Sovtek circuit

    V12 Tone Wicker BM

    Same gear and setting used for all clips. Strat into Fender twin with a bit of chorus mixed in 50% with a Barge VBjr and some delay.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107344

    That’s what I would do. If it still does not work after adding the diode and hooking the batt and switch back up, then you can look at swapping the caps and transistors. If you have never done that before you may want to just send it to a tech and have it done professionally. If your guy bought those parts he must not have known what was not working on the board and was going to try switching parts out to find what was bad.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107329

    A 1N418 silicon diode is what you need in place of the one that is missing at D2. 1N914 should be Ok too. If you are missing one of the knobs, Davies Molding makes almost exactly the same knobs, #1470. they are cheap.

    As far as it being a transition model, it’s just a typical V3. Circuit color does not mean much as it changed frequently. transistors are BC239 which is common for V3s. Typically you see these with those big gray box or barrel electrolytic caps, but not always. It is rare to see one with ceramic disk caps. Those small resistors appeared on some of the later V2 Muffs and most V3s, but its the same circuit on both. Pot dates don’t tell you when the Muff was made, just when the pot was made. The Muff could have been made a year or more after the pots, but it would have been made around 76-78, and the pots should date to around that time as well.

    Be very careful if you bend the pots back to check the date code. The boards the leads are attached to in the pot can get brittle over time and may crack on you. Do it slowly, or just bend the leads back with needle nose pliers instead of holding the pot. Post the date code if it is out of the ordinary. Lots of us Muff fanatics like that stuff.

    Shouldn’t take much to get it working again. Good luck!

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107288

    That’s what the attachment button is for. Preview post just lets you see the posting before it is posted. If the attachment button is not working for you, your photos may be too large. That’s why Photobucket is easier. You can just dump everything there, resize them, and just post links so the photos don’t eat up the forum server space.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107249

    You have your security settings set so only friends can see photos. Photobucket is better.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107224
    Hi there everyone ive just joined your forum so hi to everyone and thanks for letting me join.

    My name is wayne

    I have some sort of bigmuff i bought on ebay had it for years its in dam bits and pieces now i figured if iam to keep it i better find out what ive got and how the hell iam going to fix it its a 3003 board seems to be light pastel green coloured and has an eh in solder etched into it in upper case E H sustain and volume pots seem to be side mounted that is rather then having all their legs mounted the same side of the board as the tone pot their to the side of the board the pedal has light green and fawn coloured wire the foot switch is an old looking carling switch and the knobs have dakka ware chicago made in usa on their base the pots all have plastic or nylon looking white shafts with brass or metal nuts on them its not a rams head model but is ina big box red lettering electro harmonix made in usa all in black any idea what i have here?

    cheers wayne

    Hi Wayne. Sounds like you have a V3.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107223
    Really kit should have said NOTHING about it IMO! He has inadvertently ruined it for collectors wanting IC muffs.

    Hey, don’t blame me. Someone here and someone on the Gear Forum (I think) pointed it out before I did :)

    I blame Billy for releasing that pic.

    in reply to: To Deluxe or not to Deluxe? #107131

    Definitely worth holding out for the series/parallel version. They show up on ebay every so often. Set an automatic search so emay emails you when they show up.

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