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  • in reply to: EHX Crayon Full-Range Overdrive #121037
    Kevy Metal
    These should be shipping early December.

    Thank you for the info!

    in reply to: Satisfaction Fuzz Pedal #121021
    Kevy Metal


    It’s been awhile now and this pedal seriously keeps getting better. Maybe it’s just my ears, but the Satisfaction constantly impresses me every time I play around with it. With the Attack knob at roughly 3 or 4 o’clock, turning the Volume knob slowly to slightly past Noon brings out the most amazing nasty fuzz tone. Highly addictive.

    Kevy Metal

    I’ve updated my list due to a recent addition:

    Hot Tubes
    Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker
    Little Big Muff
    Satisfaction Fuzz
    Nano Double Muff
    Soul Food
    OD Glove

    (Running the Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker into the Satisfaction has made for some pretty awesome sonic results)

    in reply to: Nano Double Muff and OD Glove #121004
    Kevy Metal
    Yesterday, I picked up the OD Glove after trying to decide between the Hot Tubes and East River Drive, and wow, another amazing pedal. LOUD and warm, plus it gets nice and rough when I need it.

    Hey OD Glove fans, is this pedal quiet, meaning it introduces OD goodness but no lousy hiss or hum?

    I’m replacing my old proco rat knockoff because it introduces hum above 10. I like a rat sound but it needs to be clean or the sound guy will start messing with my sound.


    I haven’t had any issues with noise or hum, outside of what my single coil pups sometimes give off, which is nothing bad or unusual. Granted, I’m playing at bedroom levels, but so far it’s given me some great warm distorted tones when cranked and also some nice sounds when the gain is backed off a bit and I use it as a clean-ish boost.

    Kevy Metal
    What’s the hot tubes like,do you think I’d need one with the soul food a boss odrive distortion and gain on my amp. Cheers

    For me, the Hot Tubes really does add some nice warmth and slight compression to my clean tweed-style amp. It’s not going to tighten up your tone, more of a loose “fattening” is how I hear it. Cranking the overdrive and keeping the tone switched to “off” is perfect for the vintage tones I want, which complements my Soul Food pedal quite well.

    The setup you have sounds like it could work, but if you have the chance to test it out beforehand, I’d do that before buying one. This demo really helped me decide on picking one up:

    Kevy Metal

    Hot Tubes
    Little Big Muff
    Satisfaction Fuzz
    Nano Double Muff
    Soul Food
    OD Glove

    …”least favorite” isn’t really accurate for how I view these pedals, but my list is based more on the ones currently tweaking my ears at the moment.

    in reply to: daisey chaining #120984
    Kevy Metal

    I’ve asked about this before, sort of, with regards to using my Godlyke Power-All PA-9B with my Soul Food pedal, but no one has answered me yet.

    in reply to: Satisfaction Fuzz Pedal #120981
    Kevy Metal
    Congrats on the score! I still have that pedal on my list. Maybe somebody will feel sorry for me and put one in my Christmas stocking this year.

    Thanks! I was noodling with it yesterday, running through my Little Big Muff and Mooer Grey Faze to dazzling effect. Getting this pedal as a gift any time of the year would be a highlight.

    in reply to: Muff Overdrive! #120978
    Kevy Metal
    Today i think about to buy a Satisfaction Fuzz, because
    i heard it has treble boosting side effects too.
    I like to combine it the same way.

    Looking forward to your review of the Satisfaction. It boosts the treble, that’s for sure, not to mention that it has the ability to create some amazingly nasty noise when cranked up.

    in reply to: Hot Tubes Nano #120963
    Kevy Metal

    Played around with the Hot Tubes some more this weekend, can’t stress how great this pedal is and the growl this thing possesses. I’ve been craving the sound of a cranked-up tube amp with a slight blown speaker vibe and this pedal brings it without a problem. Running this after my Mooer Grey Faze pushes that pedal to even more heavenly fuzzed-out tones.

    The Hot Tubes Nano is a real winner.

    in reply to: Muff Overdrive! #120956
    Kevy Metal

    After many years of playing, I’ve fallen hard for fuzz. Can’t get enough of it. There’s just something about the sound, the tones… it’s addictive, to say the least. Not to mention that I currently own more pedals now than I ever have (a healthy chunk of them being Electro-Harmonix).

    in reply to: Muff Overdrive! #120951
    Kevy Metal

    Great review! I’ve been happy with all of my EHX pedal purchases, with the Double Muff Nano being a pretty amazing box of tones, so it’s cool to know that the Muff Overdrive is just as impressive.

    in reply to: Satisfaction Fuzz Pedal #120931
    Kevy Metal


    After a few nights of playing and tweaking, it’s been interesting to see how my guitars respond to the Satisfaction pedal. My 1960s reuse Strat begs for mercy when I dime the knobs on the pedal, which produces loads of perfect nasty fuzz.

    When I switched to my Lite Ash Telecaster, the Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro bridge pickup is very much the same as the Strat, but when I bump it to the neck pickup, the bitey top end of the fuzz is reduced and warmed up considerably. Great for singing leads or fat Electric Wizard riffing.

    Damn, I love this pedal.

    in reply to: What Amps Do You Have? #120863
    Kevy Metal

    After my initial post, I had to think back to the amps I’ve owned and parted with over the years:

    – a couple of Peaveys (Bandit, Classic 50, VTM 60)
    – Roland Jazz Chorus
    – Line 6 Spider II 112

    With my earlier amps, I simply didn’t know what I wanted other than something “heavy” or “crunchy”. Odd as it may seem, it really took this long to find the right amp and tones. My playing style has always been there, I just couldn’t get the sounds out there until now.

    in reply to: Nano Double Muff and OD Glove #120862
    Kevy Metal
    The Soul Food is an exceptional pedal, especially considering the price point. I actually was so excited about it when I first got it that I wrote a review of it here. I still love it, and it’s quite a nice pedal to stack in front of the OD Glove, or any other drive pedal, to really send it into the stratosphere. Put it in front of a slightly dirty amp and it will take it over the edge and beyond.

    This is exactly what I need to hear. The Soul Food was almost the first one I was going to buy before hearing the Nano Double Muff, but it stayed on my radar.

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