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  • in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #88638
    Kevin Demuth
    haha its cool man, but im in love with the Android, its perfect for smashing pumpkin synth tones and i love the tremolo too!

    i had one of those for a little while and really liked it… i couldn’t find a use for it in my music though. :(

    i may buy another at some point; the newer 4 knob version (with added mix and level controls) may be more useful to me.

    in reply to: Knobs and Boxes! #88681
    Kevin Demuth
    I’d think EH wouldn’t really have any left overs, I’m sure they run a tight pretty efficient ship

    i agree.

    from what i gather, they’re using up what they have and THEN changing to the diecast enclosures.

    you CAN buy the EHX tube-type pedal (Blackfinger etc) enclosures though:

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #88573
    Kevin Demuth

    Today’s line-up:


    in reply to: Stereo Pulsar #88402
    Kevin Demuth
    does the Stereo Pulsar cause any change in volume? (drop or boost.)

    everyone seems to think it has a drop but my first one had a very noticable boost and this one seems perfectly level…….so who knows!!??

    that clears that up then! 😆

    i think i may have to pick one of these up soon…

    in reply to: Do most EHX users also use Fenders? #88392
    Kevin Demuth

    my main guitar is an Epiphone Casino (i also have a Gibson SG) and i have Fender, Marshall and Ampeg amps.

    i love the look and sound of Fender guitars but haven’t yet found one which feels as perfect as my Casino to play.

    in reply to: Stereo Pulsar #88389
    Kevin Demuth

    does the Stereo Pulsar cause any change in volume? (drop or boost.)

    in reply to: EHX Mod Pages #88388
    Kevin Demuth

    Small Clone ‘Tremolo Chorus’ and vibrato mods:

    i did this a long time ago on my Small Clone and it’s really cool.

    i used a toggle switch to engage the tremolo mode and added a 5k pot for a (tremolo) depth control.

    i also did the vibrato mod (which is discussed in the above link); it is definately the 22k resistor which needs to be disconnected to get the vibrato (not the 33k resistor which the above article initially states).

    * * * * *

    Small Stone ‘Vibrato’ mod:

    Small Stone Blend control:
    i’ve been meaning to try this for a while but haven’t really felt the need yet.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87894
    Kevin Demuth
    man, Kev would love that thing, he’s tremolo nut!!

    😆 you’re not wrong! :thumb:

    it looks great, tape…. so good it needs to be quoted again! :love:


    p.s. Simon, i’ve just bought another trem so am back up to 5 again! :D

    Kevin Demuth
    Hi EHX.

    Im a very active member on the Harmony Central forums, and had to sign up here for this thread.

    You need to make an XO Pog. Not a Micro Pog, not enough features. A slew of people love the Pog, but hate the size. We are seeing XO Micro Synths, Bass Micro Synths, etc etc. we need to see a similar looking XO Pog with all sliders and the low pass filter switch.

    I beg of you.

    Love, Tom

    i wouldn’t be surprised if an XO Pog appears at some stage; like you say, many of the other larger pedals have made the transition.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87808
    Kevin Demuth

    my EHX flavoured board:


    after a little rearranging, i split my pedals between 2 boards and came up with these:

    Main Board…


    2nd (/Add-on) Board…


    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87806
    Kevin Demuth
    I’ve heard J Mascis does this with his Big Muffs.

    my Rat collection pales into insignificance compared to J’s Big Muff collection…

    (i don’t know how up to date this picture is…)


    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87805
    Kevin Demuth

    thanks! :thumb:

    truthfully, they do all sound different… even the two Rat 2s which are on the board; the box-shaped one is my main pedal which i’ve had for around 15 years. the one with the extra switches and knob is a newer model which i’ve modded in several ways – with some settings it doesn’t sound anything like a Rat.
    the two clones are different too; (GGG is ‘vintage’ spec’d and BYOC is a You-Dirty-Rat/Turbo Rat hybrid).

    having said all of that, the actual board was a joke… after picking up the You Dirty Rat recently for a bargain price, i mentioned to melx that i could make a Rat Board now.

    sometimes i’ll have two on my main board but not often. i usually just chain them together in different combos in the studio. having them all on one board, all wired up was handy though… maybe this’ll become a permanent arrangement. 😆

    i’va actually got another one (Rat 2) too… but that’s on indefinate loan to my brother!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87801
    Kevin Demuth


    i was going to put the other one on the board too but thought: “nah, 6 Rats on one board would be silly!” ;)
    …and yeah, i thought having it off board was funnier.

    Rat Board!! :rawk: :love: :rawk:

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87798
    Kevin Demuth

    thanks Julian. :thumb:

    that’s the reaction i was hoping for at HC… not all the ‘wat’, ‘wut’ and facepalm-ing business.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87796
    Kevin Demuth

    i posted this over at Harmony Central but some of the kids there didn’t appreciate it… 😥

    it seemed like a good idea at the time… didn’t it Simon?! :facepalm: 😆

    i’ll take a ‘proper’ picture of my real boards (with EHX content) soon. :thumb:

    the unmarked pedal is a GGG Rat, the Batman pedal is a BYOC Rat. :rawk:

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