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  • in reply to: POG2 – Not Saving Presets #112894

    Does anyone have a working POG2? Anyone? Because I ordered mine yesterday, would it be wise to just cancel the order?

    in reply to: Theremin-like delay expression pedal #112892
    I have thought that this type of pedal would be fascinating to be built. I know some companies have a similar type product with their wah wah pedals, but I believe that a delay pedal with a theremin expression pedal would be amazing. What do ya’ll think?

    Most of the really good new EHX XO pedals include an expression pedal input, so what you’d REALLY need is a theremin-esque expression pedal. You can actually make these yourself using a simple hex-inversion circuit and an optocoupler. I made one and hooked it up to a wah circuit (boring I know) but laying the plate on your knee as you pick turns it into a completely different toy, as you can imagine!

Viewing 2 posts - 106 through 107 (of 107 total)