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  • in reply to: Effectology episode #23 “The Ravish Sitar” #116928

    I’m still GASing for this thing.

    If you need any suggestions for upcoming effectologies: A couple pedals I’d like to hear in combo with the Ravish Sitar:

    Frequency Analyzer or Ring Thing (so you could tune the sympathetics to all the upper and lower sideband notes of a particularly gongy sounding chord) + the ravish I think would sound pretty cool.

    HOG – maybe with some half-cocked freeze glissed 5ths? I’ve always found that can get a pretty far out eastern sound by itself, I’d like to hear it in combination with the Ravish.

    Microsynth – I don’t know, I just suspect it’d sound cool.

    in reply to: EHX Pedal Abbreviations / Shorthand #116920

    Here’s the ones I can think of

    FA = frequency analyzer
    SMMH = stereo memory man with hazarai
    DMM = deluxe memory man
    DMB = deluxe memory boy
    DMMTT = deluxe memory man tap tempo
    XO = XO series of pedals, as opposed to the big box version
    DMMTT550 = deluxe memory man tap tempo 550ms
    BMP = Big Muff Pi
    BMPTW = Big Muff Pi with tone wicker
    BBM = Bass Big Muff
    G4BMP = Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi
    DEM = Deluxe Electric Mistress
    SEM = Stereo Electric Mistress
    SCT = Stereo Clone Theory


    Hopefully they’ll make something like this, or maybe the superego is something like this already.

    in reply to: Best way to use the voice box? #116896

    What exactly are you trying to do? Use it as a guitar effect rather than a voice effect? What’s going through the instrument jacks?

    I think you want one of each of these:″+to+xlr+adapter&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=29613l30351l1l30460l8l8l0l0l0l0l135l771l2.5l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=905&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10685479286823391468&sa=X&ei=HgUrT8jXEciqgwfElOGoCg&ved=0CJoBEPICMAA″+to+xlr+adapter&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=29613l30351l1l30460l8l8l0l0l0l0l135l771l2.5l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=905&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=17444997910996797058&sa=X&ei=HgUrT8jXEciqgwfElOGoCg&ved=0CMABEPMCMAc

    in reply to: HOG vs POG2: The Reckoning #116891

    My thought on pedal size is that I can always make a bigger pedal board, or have two pedalboards.

    If I ever get a 2880, I think I’d have it up on top my amp & have a midi controller on the floor for it.

    on the HOG, half-cocked gliss gets some really great sounds, that’s definitely one of my favorite settings.

    As for HOG revisions:

    I would like more options for tonally sculpting the octaves, the filter’s nice but I wish there was a way to tweak the tonality of each octave. I find a lot of the upper octaves just a tad too shrill, but the low-pass sort of just blankets them all. Ideally I’d like a multi-mode filter for every voice with a pitch tracking option. Or maybe on future iterations they could just make it sound better. I accept that the tone of the HOG isn’t always 100% awesome & on some settings can be a bit obnoxious because it’s so awesome in so many other ways.

    Midi control would be awesome too, I could program some awesome effects into it if I had midi-control of all the effects at once.

    I miss my stereo polyphase. I loved the slow envelope & the expression modes. I thought the LFO modes were cool & I could get cool effects in conjunction with the expression pedal opening and closing the phase, but I thought it could have been a bit more pronounced, more like a small stone. Also I liked it for clean but not for dirty tones & it would have been ideal if I had a nice way to switch on my fuzz & switch off my phaser at the same time. I still have problems with tonal transitions, although generally now that I run parallel effects chains it’s not so messy.

    in reply to: HOG vs POG2: The Reckoning #116888

    I’ve had mine for a few years now & I still find new sounds with it. The price does seem steep, but for the amount it does & how much you can integrate it into your technique & style, it’s really a good value.

    in reply to: Getting static shocks from 22 calibre #116871

    This is actually a very common problem between amps & PA systems. It’s a shock that you get from discrepancy between the grounding on two different systems. There’s either charge on your guitar strings that is finding ground through your microphone, or vice versa.

    A lot of PAs & some amps allow you to select your ground. Finding the correct ground in this way helps reduce shock.

    in reply to: Effectology Vol.25 Recreate Blade Runner on guitar #116862



    Just tell me it’s not a boost pedal. A lot of people on Harmony Central’s effects forum say it’s going to be a boost because in the 70s there was the Ego Microphone Boost.


    I wonder what it could be

    in reply to: Ravish Sitar #116709

    hmmm, I think you’d want to have it in the effects loop, but it might be fine out front, depends on how you use the pre-amp in your amp. If you use it for tons of gain, I’d say you’d probably want it in the effects loop.

    is this really the magic?,, any ehx people want to comment on that?
    If I knew what was coming I would forgo other purchases.,

    I’m sure it’s not. In the interview on youtube, he mentioned this & the upcoming FX line & a new bass big muff.

    Graphicfuzz (who does graphic design at EH) also posted on harmony-central & alluded to it not being ready yet.


    From what I understand, EHX is just showing the stuff they released in 2011, and the new stuff apparently isn’t ready to be debuted yet. :(

    in reply to: 2880 hardware sequencer questions: what are people using? #116802

    Pretty sure there are some pretty cheap midi foot controllers out there.


    I hope it’s not that. The whole console thing is sort of a cool idea for shops in that you can quickly demo a lot of things, but if I’ve got a delay module, trem module, and fuzz module- I want to be able to use them all at once, I don’t want to have to swap stuff in & out, whether practicing, writing, recording, jamming, or live.

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