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  • in reply to: Higher than normal power supply voltage #123490
    Best to contact service at

    JFYI, that email address is the same address as auto-response notifications I get in my email box for new forum messages or responses, which means, the same notification I just received also contains a link to this forum page, so forwarding the same information I received would be the same thing as contacting your service address. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that doesn’t seem to make much sense..

    in reply to: Higher than normal power supply voltage #123488
    Yes, that’s normal. When the power supply is unloaded it puts out a higher voltage. When the power supply is loaded down by the Q-Tron+ the output voltage will be closer to 24VDC.

    Thanks for the response and info, I wasn’t aware of that. The initial reason I asked is, the pedal didn’t work after I purchased it used, so I was skeptical of the power supply before plugging it in. It did turn on, but there was no output unless I plugged two cables into the output/fx send. However, none of the other controls worked, so I opened up the box for inspection. I didn’t see anything wrong on the circuit board at all, not even a loose solder joint, but I finally got it working by soldering two points together on the circuit board near where is says “Output mode”. I just jumped the first two pins together with a piece of wire and the pedal worked. Only problem now is, I cannot select any of the modes, but all of the other controls work. Now it seems to be locked into one certain mode, but I’m not sure which one it is. I wonder if there’s another fix for this. Thanks again for the info.

    Hughes & Kettner Red Box is not a load box.
    A speaker must be connected. It taps off a small amount of signal that is line level.
    Are you wanting to switch a speaker output or line level out of the red box.

    I’m aware a speaker needs to be connected. That was partially the point of my initial post. I’m not suggesting it’s a good idea to use a line level DI with the Swtichblade+ either, but it does in fact work. The volume is just lowered considerably.

    That said, I did try out using the Switchblade+ with two 8ohm speaker cabinets and it works just fine. It will use either one or both simultaneously, no problem. Again though, there’s a very small volume drop, but it isn’t as bad as using a DI or load box.

    As a side note, the EHX Switchblade+ online manual on this website also states that what I’m doing is possible, here’s a direct quote..

    (the second Y example shown below is what I’m doing)
    “The Switchblade is not limited the above two applications. Here are two
    more application examples:

    Y: Instrument –> Effects chain A, effects chain B

    Y: Amplifier head –> Speaker cabinet A, speaker cabinet B (be sure to use
    speaker cable and not instrument cable for this application). [/em]

    This was taken from the original [strong]Switchblade Channel Selector[/strong] document, but oddly enough, the “+” version is touted as being a “Deluxe” version, yet the document for it does not state it has the same capability as the original.

    Isn’t all of this just a little bit weird?

    Please be concise and try to explain these things without being evasive. I’m not going to email your tech people because that makes no sense.


    Wrong. Both the Palmer and the Red Box are NOT common basic DI boxes and will in fact take a speaker load, which essentially allows you to safely drive different speaker cabinets from whatever amp head is being used.

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