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  • in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #111532

    Thank you very much for this great information! :thumb:

    I think I will ask to the shop to send me my unit back…
    But it seems to be clear that EHX did a mistake while building their units…
    It should have been OK with any expression pedal..

    Anyway, I’ll buy the Moog EP-2 and ROCK AGAIN ! :rawk:



    in reply to: HELP! RING THING DOESN’T WORK WITH EXP-Pedal #111399

    Hi The Ghost of Sim Tut!

    I got my RT mouths ago,
    but I had to send it back to my seller because I had a problem with the pitch while using the epxression pedal…
    The pitch always got a little down the cross value I choose on the pedal when I plug the expression pedal.
    The same in ring mod mode…
    If I tune with the switch, in the toe position the pitch of the octave mode or ring mod is a little bit lower than it should be… I know I could fix it with the fine knob but it’s not supposed to be this way…

    When I unplug the exp pedal, it’s well pitched.
    I tried many expression pedals, but it’s always the same…

    So I can’t use the whammy function or any epression pedal possibilitys because, it’s always a little bit lower than it should be!!!
    I must know if it’s normal or if it’s because it is a deffective unit…
    It’s been 3 mouths since I sent it back to the shop, and my unit still be there…

    Did you have the same problem?
    (I know, my english is not so good…)
    Thanks for your answers !!!

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #111397

    Hi Everybody!

    I got my RT mouths ago,
    but I had to send it back to my seller because I had a problem with the pitch while using the epxression pedal…
    The pitch always got a little down the cross value I choose on the pedal when I plug the expression pedal.
    The same in ring mod mode…
    If I tune with the switch, in the toe position the pitch of the octave mode or ring mod is a little bit lower than it should be… I know I could fix it with the fine knob but it’s not supposed to be this way… :angry:

    When I unplug the exp pedal, it’s well pitched.
    I tried many expression pedals, but it’s always the same…

    So I can’t use the whammy function or any epression pedal possibilitys because, it’s always a little bit lower than it should be!!!
    I must know if it’s normal or if it’s because it is a deffective unit…
    It’s been 3 mouths since I sent it back to the shop, and my unit still be there…

    Did you have the same problem? Specialy “The Ghost of Sim Tut” :rawk:

    (I know, my english is not so good…)
    Thanks for your answers !!!

    in reply to: RING THING / PROBLEM / HELP !!!!!!!! #93840

    Ok, so I think I’ll have to send it back to my seller…
    I’m not lucky on this case…

    in reply to: RING THING / PROBLEM / HELP !!!!!!!! #97989

    Yes of course, but the good mode is M-Audio…
    It’s the same with the EV5…
    I don’t know if there’s a trim pot inside the pedal…

    in reply to: Which expression pedal for Ring Thing? #98047

    Hello !

    I plugged a M-Audio EXP expression pedal, or any other E-Pedal I tried like BOSS EV5,
    The toe down position is always a little bit lower current setting of the COARSE knob…
    And if I unplug the pedal, the good tune/setting comes back..
    I tried to turn the pot on the expression pedals, to try different setting with different models…
    But it always do the sames….

    Did someone met the same situation…


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