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  • Jazz Noise

    I’m more of a recorder/sound design type than a gigger, but I still find it difficult to have static positions for pedals. Putting it after the Q-Trong could be interesting, that said!

    I’ve always been tempted by a Ring Thing, but I decided that since I’m doing a degree I might aswell design and build my own Ring Modulator (with some wacky/interesting features even in comparison with the Ring Thing)! If I’m still not happy with it I’ll just take my degree and spoil myself with the Real McCoy.

    Jazz Noise
    ITT: people who label tones that don’t like as digital.

    Exactly. Bucket brigade delays are analouge and are generally grainy at longer delay times, abit noisy and lacking in high end. Digital delays are bright, clear and generally have much longer delay times.

    If neither are what ye seek. Be aware that the Pink Floyds and such often used tape delays, which don’t involve either of those technology. Merely 2 tape heads a fixed distance apart – commonly used for the country “slapback” echo.

    But yeah. Calling something very digital is silly. It’s like calling something very MP3 or very 2 inch tape. Either can sound good if done right or sound dreadful if done badly.

    in reply to: DMB mod effects #115965
    Jazz Noise

    The DMB does do a chorus effect if you set a low delay and a fairly generous modulation with the triangle LFO. It’s an interesting sound and if you’ve an expression pedal you can vary the modulation speed which gives you this nice, organy sound.

    My complaint would be getting the delay time right is difficult as your talking microseconds.Which is why setting the delay to 0, 100% wet and using it as a vibrato unit is also a good option.

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