hello, i’m a 2880 owner and i just designed an open source midi controller based on arduino, not limited to use with the 2880, but with a patch specifically designed for the 2880. i’ve also incorporated some neat functions of midi sequencing all from a foot controller.
want your 2880 to also be a tremolo, or have auto-pan sequences, or jump to specific intervals (5ths, 3rds, 7ths, 9ths…) of the pitch you recorded at without having to adjust the pitch slider…? my pedal does all that. it’s still in the prototype faze, but i will be releasing it soon as a kit or a fully assembled unit… whichever you prefer. this pedal is only limited by your imagination and arduio coding ability.
see video here, and let me know what you guys think: http://vimeo.com/30407042
-jared smyth