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  • in reply to: EHX all in one power supply would be cool #88484

    My main concern would be with the size of such a power supply, especially for powering 12VAC pedals. They’re running off of 1A supplies.

    Perhaps a supply with multiple 9VDC outputs (isolated a plus, because of pedals like the Nano Muff and Bass Blogger), two 24VDC outputs (isolated as well), a single 12VAC output (how many of you REALLY own more than one tube-loaded EHX pedal? :p), and a fourth type of output which is switchable to power the more unusual ones like the Frequency Analyzer, yet be flexible enough to run some other weirdly-powered pedal, too.

    And it should come with wheels, because an isolated-output supply of this grade of flexibility won’t be very small.

    I’ll hold out for the Nano version of the supply. :D

    in reply to: Stereo Clone Theory, extremely noisy hiss #88307
    Clone theory sounds sooo good on bass

    +1… I still regret selling mine…

    But my current chorus needs are covered by a Stereo Electric Mistress. :)

    in reply to: Stereo Clone Theory, extremely noisy hiss #88290

    Yeah, the SCT is naturally noisy (as is the original, IIRC), but there’s nothing else I’ve used which sounds like it.

    The regular Small Clone is quieter, but doesn’t sound like the SCT.

    Are you a bass or guitar player? If you’re a bass player, try turning down your tweeters. Most of the hiss will go away when those are turned down.

    in reply to: How much would I like this? #88285

    It reminds me of a Macy’s makeup product display. :worried:

    But it has the EHX logo and it’s full of tubes, so somehow its inherent manliness pervades all. :thumb:

    And puretube… you keep bills and receipts in yours? How many of those bills and receipts are for EHX gear? :D

    in reply to: will the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ power the HOG? #88117
    If I can’t power it immediately with it, I have one of those things that you can plug into a power outlet that makes it into 3 outlets, so I guess I could just plug that in.

    The PP2+ also has a 3-prong courtesy AC outlet on the back. I used it for the wall wart of my Digitech Whammy IV, back when I had a Whammy. That should save you some space on your power strip. ;)

    in reply to: will the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ power the HOG? #88082

    Barrel size isn’t an issue… you’d just need the right cable with the right barrel end. The PP2+ comes with a decent variety, and special cables like 18V/24V Y-cables are available from them directly or from a few other online shops. I special-ordered a Y cable to power my old Bass Micro Synthesizer when I still owned one.

    However, if the HOG really does need more than 250mA to function, then the right cable won’t help you in that regard…

    in reply to: Nano Soul Preacher Compressor #86793

    Yep, it’s an input gain trimpot.

    I used to own one a long while back. I had to turn the trimpot down significantly because my Stingray was pushing it into extreme “squashing” even at milder settings. By turning it down, you increase your dynamic range, allow for milder compression, and even reduce the noise.

    It’s probably set high to be ideal out-of-the-box for passive lower-output guitars. Basically, the vintage instrument / classic compression combo.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #86645

    Here’s my board. Admittedly, there’s only one EHX pedal on it at the moment: a Stereo Electric Mistress. However, it sees more action than all of my other pedals combined, and through all of my frequent pedal changes, it has stayed the longest. I don’t think I’ll be selling it anytime soon…


    Still exploring wah pedals (again) however. It may not be a Dunlop 105Q for long, as I’m looking into Morley again (probably will pick up another Dual Bass Wah), and Chicago Iron (for their Tycobrahe Parapedal remake, the Parachute). But I’ve also heard rumors about an EHX wah…

    in reply to: Idea for Technical/Help Forum #86573

    It might be a bit much to ask for the schematics of new pedals, but old pedals… hmm. There’s an idea.

    But with the way they’re reissuing the old gems, maybe it’s asking for too much?

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