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  • in reply to: Pog 2 Broken slider #118439

    Mortad! Macho…que coñ±o hacemos hablando en inglés!! :oP

    Man…the problem i have is I want to sell the POG2 as soon as I repair it…so I can’t do that and fix it with silicone. :o(

    Let’s see if someone from EH says anything…I can’t believe you had to do that to fix the pedal…why is that impossible to find that same slider????? damn

    in reply to: Pog 2 Broken slider #118437

    Hi mortad! I had the same problem 2 years ago…still haven’t found the solution, man….this is so annoying.


    after that, I bought the microsynth slider from newsensor’s website but obviously it didn’t work…it was a plastic bigger slider.

    Then…a few months later I found another user with the same problem who posted on this forum, like you and me…

    Then A few months after there was another post here (which has disappeared) where another user with the same problem contacted the European tech support in Germany:


    and he managed to buy the replacements for his broken sliders. I contacted them twice with months between both emails…the first one they were asking me for 30€ to send it to Spain…the second time it was 50€ for the same thing. considering the alpha sliders are sh** quality and considering we are not stupid it’s easy to know that this pot is costing them at most 2€ and come on…shipping costs for an envelope with one or two faders from Germany to Spain are not more than 10€…it looks like an amazing business to me to get a 40€ benefit from the sale of two sliders, isn’t it?

    I send the last email saying that I thought it was and abusive price…with CC to …but got no answer from anywhere.

    Now…I’m as lost as you are…I keep checking online every once in a while just to see if there’s news regarding this issue but…nothing.

    I just contacted newsensor to see if I can get an answer. I can’t believe the only option is to expend 100€ sending the pedal to repair to the EH support service.

    I would appreciate some response from the EH team regarding this problem…it’s not just one person who’s having the same problem…we’re a bunch of users with the same issue and no solution.

    in reply to: Pog 2 Broken slider #101549

    Same thing happened to me..and still haven’t been able to find the slide pot to replace it. I’m in Canary Islands, Spain…so send it over to the States to fix it is not a nice option.

    I desoldered the original broken slide pot and tried to figure out all the details…tried to contact with Alpha but no response.

    Can’t find it anywhere. I can’t believe there’s no replacement anywhere for this piece. Definitely not the best publicity for EH.


    in reply to: Replacement faders for POG2 #111062

    You won’t get any clue here…Same thing happened to me a few months ago and i tried to get the replacements….NOWHERE!!! I ended up buying a fader that didn’t work…mine are still broken.

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