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  • in reply to: External footswitch for Superego #118352

    That’s really a great idea. The superego really needs some sort of external switch. Unfortunately I highly doubt EHX will put out a superego with an external switch jack. With their history, they are more likely to come out with some sort of superdeluxe ultraego pogman in 2014 with a zillion bells and whistles and if you want an external you’ll have to splurge on that….. and clear a few acres from your board.

    adding, subtracting, or moving a switch is easy if you know what you are doing. The only limiting factor is the space inside/outside the box. There are a hundred and one ways of approaching the switch problem. Do you live in a major city with a good amp/pedal tech? I know in new york there are dozens of guys who would do it in a heartbeat for you. It just might not be worth the money….depends on how valuable the effect is to your music.

    I actually play both guitar and bass (and drums!). I fill different roles in different projects, and have another where I play guitar through both a bass and guitar amp.

    I have my pedalboard set up with two channels. First pedal is the blackfinger, followed by an active splitter which splits into A/B.
    Chan A is “bass” with POG>bassballs>superego>bassmuff>mxr delay>orange terrorbass/8×10 and chan B is “guitar” which is Rat>mxr 10 band EQ>mxr delay> custom built 180 watt guitar head (4xkt88)/two x 4×12.

    The board works with either bass or guitar, and can make either sound like the other….or both…so I have one board for all my projects. I play Doom metal mega-loud. I think part of our difference in understanding of the pedal is that I’m guessing you probably belong to the more traditional combo+dirtboxes school of guitar playing. I’m from the full stack cranked to 11 school of playing, so I use my pedals very differently.

    I see what you are saying, but I really have not run into problems with the overall volume of the pog. Usually it’s just one ocatve that’s throwing something off, and once that’s adjusted the proper volume comes back. Then again….I use it in a very limited sense. I only use three settings, none of which employ the Q, detune, or LP filter functions.
    You should not have any issues as long as you dial in the right settings and stick with them.


    So i got my three new EHX pedals, and spent about a month playing around with them. Here’s my take…


    I LOVE thing thing. it’s great. It’s everything the freeze was missing…which was bassically just the dry/wet mix. I don’t care about the gliss or speed knob, although they are kinda fun when playing solo. In a band situation unless they are set just right, it will throw off the rest of the band. I hate the auto function, but i’m sure it has it’s uses. I run my guitar into a splitter, chan A going into superego then bassamp, chan B into a guitar amp. I have the dry all the way down, effect up at unity, gliss and speed at 0. This way I can play a bass note, freeze it in the bass amp while playing a distorted guitar line over it through the other amp. when I don’t need the bass, I hit the splitter and the entire chain is bypassed….there’s a delay at the end of that chain so when It gets bypassed, it’s a gradual echo-out.

    my only gripe is the damn flip switch. WHAT THE FUCK IS EHX THINKING PUTTING THESE ON ALL THEIR PEDALS????? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!
    I have to tip toe around the damn thing like a ballerina trying to not make the switch go from “latch” to “momentary” to “auto”. You know what I did? I clipped that fucking switch with a pair of sheetmetal scissors and now it won’t go anywhere unless I take a sharp object and move the switch that way. Of all the dumb shit EHX has done before, these flippy switches an inch from the on/off are by far the dumbest possible thing any effects company has ever done, period. There are a dozen other types of switches and places you could have put them, but you chose the single worst type of switch and put them in the absolute worst possible location.
    This, along with a few other products you’ve put out recently make me think that you are moving away from stuff for musicians, and making stuff for bedroom wankers. You guys are not ZOOM. EHX has a long symbiotic history with musicians and when you guys start acting like guitar center patsies, it severs that symbiosis. Like that new freestanding wah you put out. WTF? do you seriously think I would use something like that, where it can rock back and forth and get kicked around on stage? Wahs have basses for a reason, it’s because we guitarists like to lay into them, and because we like to use pedalboards. This thing is a liability on a pedalboard, and a liability off of one. for bedrooms only. gah.

    Well. Awesome. everything I was looking for in a bass distortion pedal. Sounds cool on a guitar too, with some other stuff before/after..

    Well. bassballs are bassballs. it is what it is, which is awesome balls. EXCEPT… guessed it……….THE FLIPPY SWITCH!!!!!

    I run into the same problem with the POG. I find that I have to tweak all the settings when I change rigs/playing environments because different amps respond to the ultra high and lows differently. I run the POG half of my signal chain into a bass amp, with a splitter before it going into a separate chain into a guitar amp. If I switch chains, the settings have to change too. This is kindof obvious though…

    I doubt a master volume would work well because the “too loud” is often not the pedal overall, but just one of the octave sliders that becomes overpowering – usually the +2, sometimes the -1. Either of those can become exaggerated when using distortion or fuzz, or flangers in particular with the +2. It’s usually not the POG itself that exaggerates certain harmonics (making it too loud/quiet) but the way the amp or following pedal processes the information. If you add more bass in the input signal on certain amps, they will get bassier, on others, it will get distorted or woofy and obscure the highs. On some amp or pedals if you add treble you get more definition or harmonics, on others you will get more ice picks. Flangers (phasers too, but not as much) make it too loud because it’s essentially a sweeping EQ that works by combining two signals slightly out of phase. Since (due to the POG) the harmonics are not naturally balanced as they would in a normal guitar sound, the imbalance can become exaggerated. Combine that imbalance with the already existing aforementioned dynamic response of amplifiers and distortion boxes, and you end up with occasionally [seemingly, to the uninitiated] unpredictable results.

    THere are some solutions to that problem….
    1. preset your presets to how you would want them live when you are practicing, then don’t change them. When I practice with my band, we run though the set at stage volume. Nothing changes when we go live except for the addition of mics on the cabs and drums, and we don’t use monitors on stage for anything except vocals – for that we have a PA in the practice space so there really is no difference between live vs. practice. Our stage sound is almost identical to our practice space sound, so we don’t have to do any tweaking save for some minor eq adjustments on the amp heads for the change in room.

    2. Don’t use a distortion or flanger after the POG unless you either A. have a compressor after or B. the distortion/fuzz is brick-wall buffered (e.g BOSS pedal). I’d ideally advise against either. An alternate solution without A nor B is to just tweak the settings so that you have a specific setting to function with the pedals that you want on, and a different setting for when the other pedals are off.

    an easy band aid for you would be a compressor after the pog. That can function as your master volume, and you’ll be able to tweak the response better than if you stuck some other type of buffer in front to level things out.

    in reply to: Longtime EHX user reviewing pedals – EHX staff should read #118116

    I really dislike EHX tubes. I’ve been through a dozen sets of ehx 6l6 tubes and at least 50% go microphonic in the first few weeks of use. They don’t sound that great either. The 12ax7’s are nothing special either. Definitely better than groove tubes (damn do those suck…), but I use JJ’s in most of my amps now. The only ehx tubes i’m ok with are the 12au, t, and y7’s, which don’t seem to be half bad.

    I’m still waiting for a US-based company revive domestic manufacturing and put stuff out on par with vintage british-made tubes. It seems like most guitar amps are running at a fraction of their tonal capacity simply because the tubes suck and nothing better is available unless they are willing to gamble a fortune on NOS tubes. It’s a shame, everyone could sound so much better.

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