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  • maybe EH would check out the Vox VDL-1

    in reply to: Control multiple pedals with 8 step #123544
    Electrically, what you suggest should work with the correct Y-cable.

    Provided that *all* the expression sockets are CV compatible.

    Perhaps do further experiments.

    an AB box is electrically the same as a Y-cable…just more plugging

    provision that all expression sockets should be CV compatible to use a Y cable, is null .

    uh…*the correct Y-cable*… they don’t *have* to be mono

    Totally agree this could be an EH thing, but till then.

    If the control voltage is on the tip why on earth do you think you can’t split it with a mono Y-cable?
    Basically that’s simple enough with the 8 step. Just split the output.
    For an active expression pedal…the same.

    Now if you want to use a passive exp ped then it’s a different game.
    Sockets to take exp peds, like those on EH and Moog Gear, provide 5V on the ring.
    So you’d want to get that 5V to the exp ped so it can be divided by the pot.
    You need at least one stereo jack on your Y-cable, and to not wire anything to short out.
    Depends on the exact way each of your pedals works, but a straightforward Y-cable using all stereo jacks and cable might be a place to start. Given that the stomp boxes are both 5V on ring then there’s no need for this “channel isolation” that you speak of. Ring carries 5V, tip carries your CV, shield is ground.

    You can try using one stompbox to provide the 5V, but whether it’s capable of driving the whole setup will be an experiment, and you’ll have to solder up a custom Y-Cable with correct connections.

    The piece of kit you can buy is the Moog CP-251.
    That will allow you to use a single exp pedal to control 3 or 4 pedals.
    With inversion should you require it, although you’ll have to deal with the fact it’s based on a +5 to -5V standard which means messing with DC offset form it’s mixer.
    ..and some possibility for different ranges.

    If you can find/afford a Moog mp-201 then that has/had 4 channels of very configurable voltage control, and a footpedal.

    in reply to: True Reverse On Demand #123508

    Is this it?

    Loop starts playing back reversed as soon as you finish record?

    The Gibson Digital Echoplex Pro would, I think, do *any* of the stuff you’re asking, including that.

    If you can find one.

    EH, *could* in theory do what no other company seems to, and actual do research on the various loop pedals/units that are out there, the features they have, and how people use/need those features.
    (and how crabby the experienced loop guys get when the latest “most powerful” offering has what to them are no-brainer faults).


    Mute Trumpet
    Tower of power ( 4 part harmony tpt-sax-tpt=sax from low to high)
    French Horn
    Ensemble( Bassoon to start with, but as you turn up a control it first brings in flute to top notes, then fills in any mid harmony with fr horn clarinet oboe)…or simpler, but you get the idea.

    in reply to: Control multiple pedals with 8 step #123506

    Electrically, what you suggest should work with the correct Y-cable.

    Provided that *all* the expression sockets are CV compatible.

    Perhaps do further experiments.

    an AB box is electrically the same as a Y-cable…just more plugging

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