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  • in reply to: EHX 95000 Switching Tracks #124403

    the MIDI capability on the EHX 45000 and 95000 is totally awesome, I use a Nektar Pacer for this, I did an unboxing video and many performance videos hands free using lots of gear.

    here is the pacer in action using a 45000 (which as pretty much the same MIDI spec as 950000):

    Not just the Nektar Pacer is good for this though I have heard good things about the Behringer FCP1010 and there is a few other programmable MIDI foot controllers.

    I would say if you are comfortable programming a foot controller then this is a great way to go to extend your looping options in terms of start/stop, track switching, etc


    Same, I have the 45000 and the next looper I use will have this feature, so get on it EHX! variable loop length will make this a killer! :)

    in reply to: Individual track control on EHX 45000 #124300


    This is possible with an external MIDI foot controller programmed to send track mutes to each channel.

    The best pedal I have found to do this is the Nektar Pacer but there are others out there (I used to use a MIDI Moose but its a bit limited and cannot be reprogrammed)

    Here is an example of using the Nektar Pacer

    Because I use my 45000 tracks in pairs (LR stereo) I mute both tracks 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 together (one buttton 1 and 2, next button 3 and 4). and it works quite well.

    I found the pacer much better than using the EHX 45000 foot controller I find really noisy when stomping on it compared to the Pacer.

    Other options are the Behringer FCP1010 but heard it can be hard to program for novices.


    Been a user of the EHX 45000 for a while now and wanted to add that switching loops is only achievable by stopping the unit, advancing a loop and recording again.

    It can be done but is very tricky and would be super useful if the unit can do this itself.

    I made a few jams doing two part songs but this is the one off the top of my head that shows the process

    I use a fill on my drum machine to introduce the second part and begin recording after the fill, super tricky but with practice it can be done! :)

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123276
    Here’s the thing, the 45000 does not pick up the tempo from the audio that it records, the tempo is either determined by the TEMPO slider or by receiving MIDI Clock if EXT. CLOCK is enabled on the 45000. If you want to record a drum pattern in sync with the 45000, MIDI Clock must be used so that the two machines are in sync at the time you record the loop. In this case the drum machine must be following the 45000’s MIDI Clock tempo at the time you record the loop. So if you want to record a loop at approximately 75BPM do the following:

    1. On the 45000, make sure EXT. CLOCK is disabled. In this state the 45000 outputs MIDI Clock based on the position of the TEMPO slider.
    2. Connect a MIDI cable to MIDI OUT on the 45000 and MIDI IN on the drum machine.
    3. On the drum machine set it to sync to MIDI Clock.
    4. Enable QUANTIZE on the 45000, the QUANTIZE LED should be lit.
    5. Press NEW LOOP on the 45000, the drum machine should begin playback.
    6. Press RECORD on the 45000, the drum machine will reset playback to beat 1. The 45000 begins recording after the 4-beat Count-In.
    7. When enough bars have passed, press the PLAY or NEW LOOP buttons on the 45000 to stop recording the loop.

    Thanks Flick! Got it to work using your advice, I understand now that the EHX 45000 must initiate the tempo via the tempo slider.

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123269
    When you recorded the 75BPM loop onto the 45000, what was the MIDI Clock master during this recording? Was the 45000 set to internal or external sync during this recording?

    It was set to internal.

    Was the 45000 outputting 75 BPM when you made the recording? When you measure the 118 or 119 BPM from the 45000 where is the TEMPO slider located on the 45000? If you move the TEMPO slider on the 45000 does the BPM change on the drum machine? Make sure the drum machine is set to follow MIDI Clock sync from the 45000 when you record the drum pattern onto the 45000.

    Hey Flick thanks for the quick reply and continued support!

    Not sure what the 45000 was outputing because I recorded the loop into the EHX 45000 using NEW LOOP + REC, then NEW LOOP to complete the loop. I expected that since I know the source audio was a loop at 75BPM then this would get picked up (at least multiples of that reading).

    When measuring the BPM the tempo slider is set to default position (for this recording somewhere in the middle) and the indicator LED shows that the BPM is unchanged from original recording.

    The drum machine is set as MIDI clock slave and the TEMPO slider adjusts the drum machine accordingly… just not at the right BPM causing it to not sync.

    I opened up the TEMPO.TXT file of the recording and its actually

    Tempo= 118.12527 bpm (Min 59 to max 240)
    QUANTISE= Off (Off or On)
    STEREO= On (Off or On)
    Last Play:
    TEMPO POT= 62 (0 to 127 or blank)
    OCTAVE= Off (Off or On)
    REVERSE= Off (Off or On)
    You can use Notepad to edit this file when importing track files. In
    that case put value in Record Tempo but leave TEMPO POT value blank.

    Which is weird because the loop is actually 75BPM , strange? :(

    does the tempo slider need to be in a specific position before recording? Gonna try this :)

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123267
    When you recorded the 75BPM loop onto the 45000, what was the MIDI Clock master during this recording? Was the 45000 set to internal or external sync during this recording?

    It was set to internal.

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123264
    Just curious how you confirmed that the 45000 is sending out MIDI Start, Stop and Clock commands? Thanks.

    Hey Flick,

    I confirmed this because the slave devices respond to start/stop commands by starting and stopping their own sequencers. I think you could probably slaves any device (considering I tried three of them) to an EHX 45000 and see if it works for yourself. Maybe its my unit, not sure :(

    EDIT: I just recorded a 75BPM loop down into the 45000, then made the 45000 master to the device that I recorded audio loop from (A Digitakt Drum machine) and the clock signal that the EHX sends out for the 75 BPM loop registers on the slave registers between 118-119 BPM. Thats not even double, so something is really up here, totally lost :(

    If I got this working it would open up a whole new world… the original OP claimed he fixed it but did not say how…

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123258
    The 45000 continuously sends out MIDI Clock on the MIDI OUT connector as long as the EXT. CLOCK LED is off. It will also send MIDI START and MIDI STOP commands when you press the PLAY button.

    Hey trig thanks for the response this is exactly what I did and nothing syncs as slave to the EHX 45000, I get the start/stop commands, it adjusts the tempo but every device I use (The Korg Monologue, Korg Minilogue or an Elektron Digitakt) does not sync correctly.

    in reply to: 45,000 MIDI out #123239

    I am also having issues using the EHX 45000 as MIDI clock master with a Korg Monologue (I also want to sync the arpeggiator).

    I want the Korg Monologue to sync to the EHX 45000 but it does not seems to be completely out. I would have thought regardless of what loop I record on the EHX 45000 it could send out the right clock signal to slave devices? (I have set the Korg as a slave)

    Are there any specific requirements of using the EHX 45000 as clock master that need to be considered?

    in reply to: EHX45000 New Loop Function via MIDI drops the sound? #123180

    Thanks Flick it works! :) it was intermittent so I am hoping I am not just getting lucky, however I tried twice now and it works so fast :D

    in reply to: EHX45000 New Loop Function via MIDI drops the sound? #123176
    This sounds like a bug that may have been fixed in the latest firmware update. Try updating your 45000’s firmware, below is the link to download the update, the zip file contains instructions on how to perform the update.

    Great! thanks I will try that :)

    in reply to: EHX 45000 with Midi Foot Controller #123173

    I know this is old but I thought I would answer since I managed to solve this by using a Midi Moose and making a custom MIDI mapper box (with Arduino).

    I would not recommend the MIDI Moose since, its just a banking system (bank up and down in 5’s) for program changes which is why I created a MIDI mapper box that allows me to remap the MIDI Moose to place the EHX MIDI functions more closely to each other rather than using the Moose to bank up and down to the right group of 5 program changes… it was a nightmare.

    Anyway, I made a YouTube video showing how my setup works.

    The only issue I have now is NEW LOOP over MIDI seems to be laggy which is why I am looking at the forum today to see if others have experienced this issue and will be seeking support from EHX on this issue :D

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