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  • in reply to: Memory Toy trims #110014

    In my opinion, the mod trim is set correctly out of the box. For me the most useful purpose of modulation switch is to add a ‘chorus’ type effect. This is normally 20~30ms. If the mod width was set any lower, you wouldn’t have enough pitch shift. Above 30ms, you get into slap-back territory. And I personally have no use to modulate slap-backs or longer echos. Therefore, if you keep the delay time set very short (<30ms), the pre-set mod width works very well out of the box.

    in reply to: The EHX wishful thinking thread. #110962

    Nano 3 knob Big Muff Pi, Nano 3 knob Electric Mistress or (Deluxe)

    in reply to: Electric Mistress deluxe xo????? #110961

    You know, when you think about it, The ‘Memory Toy’ is basically an original Memory Man (not deluxe)
    in a Nano chassis. (at least functionally) There’s probably no technical reason that they couldn’t re-issue other 3 knob pedals like the Big Muff Pi or original Electric Mistress in a nano package.

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