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  • in reply to: Pedal order suggestion request #115602

    This is such a win win!!

    The Double Muff inside the FX loop… blended with the clean signal… it’s unbelievable!

    in reply to: Pedal order suggestion request #115599

    You think I’d have enough cables to patch that all up… :)

    Double Muff gotta go on first, or else it gets too trebly.
    I got a lot of hiss from that setup, I think it might be my cables, but also all that gain going on all the time (Hot Tubes, BB clone).

    One nice thing to try out is to split the signal at different points and join it back together.

    direct/ Big Muff >
    / MXR > Hot Tubes > DD3 <
    direct/ wet CE2 clone >
    > DM > Tu > DEM <
    BB clone >


    The only problem is how to snap those signals back together. I can join 2 with the FX loop.

    I just tested

    / Hot Tubes
    signal > DEM < > FX loop
    wet /
    BB clone /

    and it was nice to trim out a bit of the DEM. It gets too intense on most setting in my opinion.

    in reply to: Pedal order suggestion request #115596


    The low impedance volume works best after a buffered pedal… and most things I usually have before the delay are true-bypass or non-buffered. The times I tried it before the DD3, there was some significant signal loss… but I think the Hot Tubes would fix that on this setup.

    I’ve used the Rat on the effects loop, and running that into a slightly overdriven amp has been my best distortion so far. I’ve played that way for several months on a band, the only problem was, the sound was very amp-sensitive.

    I’m curious, I’ll see if I can try this setup tonight.

    in reply to: Pedal order suggestion request #115624

    The FX loop pedal is homemade, by a guy here from Sñ£o Paulo.

    I find it works nicely with distortion pedals, you blend in the clean signal.

    Flangers are IT! :D
    I like having one before distortion and one after.

    Also it would be nice to have the volume pedal before the delay, to do that swelling and stuff, but it would have to be the high impedance one.

    Why would you put the overdrive at last?

    I might try that setup at home later, thanks!

    in reply to: MODULATION MADNESS #115633

    I currently own a vintage MXR flanger, Electric Mistress and a newer Deluxe Electric Mistress. I find the first two to be superior, but I haevn’t toyed with the DEM much yet. It seems more “invasive”.

    But yeah, if it’s possible, I’d get them both (I did). If you don’t like any of them, sell ’em.

    in reply to: Hot Tubes drilled wrong #101552

    But wouldn’t the buttons be a bit off too then?

    Anyways, it works and sounds fine :)

    in reply to: Hot Tubes drilled wrong #110388


    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #105800

    I just welcomed a Hot Tubes aboard.
    Played with it a bit just before buying it, and it made me go “OMG gonna ditch all my OD/Dists/Fuzzs”.

    Just wanted to share :)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #115816

    You know, sometimes I think I own far too many pedals, and shouldn’t be thinking of buying more (Hot Tubes currently). On those times, it’s always good to come over this thread and see that I’m wrong.
    I just hit the 13 mark.
    But on my current band I’m cutting down as much as possible because of transportation. So it’s lightest/cheapest guitar I own + tuner, overdrive, chorus, delay.

    in reply to: Double Muff power supply #115375

    Ok, thanks.

    I’m already using another socket for the Mistress… the less, the better.

    in reply to: Deluxe Electric Mistress NEW vs VINTAGE #114221

    Yes, you’re right… the one I wanted was the DEM. I was going to have a friend bring me a new one from the US, but then an original EM popped up here on local Ebay… for a very nice price, so I had to check it out.

    I really like the sound of it, the only bummer is the volume drop. I’ll try to fix it this weekend.

    in reply to: Deluxe Electric Mistress NEW vs VINTAGE #114174

    Yes, I bought the original one. Big Muff styled box, (what’s left of) green painting.

    I’ve read somewhere that there was no difference at all between the green and the silver DEMs. Can’t remember where.

    There’s a guy on youtube that shows a mod to solve the volume drop issue on the original EM, it seems quite simple, just solder a capacitor and a resistor in there somewhere…

    in reply to: Deluxe Electric Mistress NEW vs VINTAGE #114170

    K, so I bought it.

    It looks comlpetely beat-up and rusted from the ouside, but the sound is pretty cool. Can get very extreme, the pots are working just fine. The only thing that bugs me is the volume drop. It way to huge to get by live. Only if you use the EM on theough a whole song, or pair it up in an external effect loop with a booster.
    I might be looking to mod it.

    Oh, and theres a capacitor that has been switched, I can tell because it’s made in Brazil… wonder if that changes anything on the sound…

    in reply to: Mistresses difference #114000

    MMmmmmmmmm… I dont think so…

    Coincidentally, now there are 3 flangers at an affordable price… the EM, an MXR and a BF2 (which would be totally outruled, but it’s REALLY affordable).

    Is 3 a number to big for flangers on a pedalboard? :)

    in reply to: Mistresses difference #113985


    I madly want a DEM but the only ones I can find here in Brazil are ridiculously over-price (as much of musical gear is here). And today an used (pretty beat-up) EM popped up for an affordable price, in a city nearby. I’ll see if I can try it.

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