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  • in reply to: The Freezer #98620

    Drone Boner


    in reply to: Delay suggestion #98616

    First I’ve heard of Memory Toy. Sounds GREAT!

    I’m praying that the Memory Boy will make as happy as my D Memory Man. As I’m about to gift it to someone for their 40th birthday. And will no doubt need to replace it with something at some point.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #98608

    will do. actually one of the first things that came to mind.

    Think I might keep the paint on this time around.

    in reply to: The Freezer #98607

    Sure it could, it would just be the synth tone. That’s why I was saying I think at some point we split into two different pedals here….

    The Freezer being the Freeze/Gliss mode from the Hog. Much like a Feedbacker from 1984 Boss.

    And then another pedal that is more like a VERY short delay type of thing with a filter. Which I feel like can be done with other pedals out there already, but it’d be cool to see someone make a dedicated device for it.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #98564

    Alright! Picked up my second SMMw/H today :love:

    That ought to do me.

    in reply to: True Bypass Looper Pedals #98562

    Hadn’t seen that, but I literally need stereo thru, then an aux for distortion, and aux for a looper, another aux for my ring mod chain, etc… And I switch it all around a lot.

    I’ve been recently just using the 2880 as sort of my mixing board and effecting things pre loop. It’d be nice to be able to post-effect things. But seeing as all 5 loops are coming out the same 2 outs – that’s not going to work out so well.

    But the Mackie set up is literally like 2 Mono loopers and 2 Stereo loopers running into the board then FX on the Aux send, back into the stereo channels. Allows for the most routing/creativity I’ve found.

    A matrix mixer is something I’ve never played with though. That could be fun. Also running your signal IN the in of a Boss LS-2 and then out the Sends to two different chains works well. I just wish there was an A+B+Thru option, which there isn’t.

    in reply to: True Bypass Looper Pedals #98560

    I’m in need of something like a effects loop with a volume on it. Something say like the AUX send on a mixing board. That passes my main signal thru, but allows effects to be added as well, with a nice fade in of a volume knob. But I’m in need of so many ridiculous routing schemes… Have yet find anything that really allows me to do what I want to do, other than routing everything thru a Mackie – which wont fit on my pedal board.

    in reply to: The Freezer #98559

    Oh see now we just have two completely different ideas running. I’d love to see both happen.

    The Freezer


    The Drone Boner


    Can’t wait till ITouches are down to $100 a piece second hand and I can throw various Max/MSP patches on them all, and have the all APPLE pedal board, with touch controls! Hahha

    (I’m not joking…)

    in reply to: Can EHX please make us . . . #98524
    The EHX SmashCan – Bit and Sample Reducer

    It could be a simple bitcrusher/sample rate reducer in either a Nano or XO box size.

    This would sell. It seems like most Bitcrusher reducers out there are more just ring mods marketed as Bit Crushers. The frostwave and the ModFX are the only two I know that are true bit crushers.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #98521
    Here is a page that I’m putting together with a good deal of settings, soon to be more up…

    hazarai addict

    nice will keep my eyes on that one…

    in reply to: The Freezer #98520

    This is why I needed to hear the sound samples again, funny the confusion.

    What we’re really discussing in “The Freezer” is more like a Sustainer than a Freeze. As it’s matching you tone with a note, that sounds in the Hogs case like an organ.

    There’s another pedal company that made a similar thing happen, although not quite as advanced – as it was 1984. The Feedbacker/Distortion.

    Now as for a Stuttering delay based effect. That’s a whole other story. You can achieve this effect with most delays with a loop function. The Haz does a great job of it. As well as the Dl4.

    in reply to: The Freezer #98473

    OK at the one minute mark there’s a good example. Watching this I’m doubting this is going to economically make any sense as a stand alone unit. Not saying I would LOVE one, but it seems like it would require too much of the HOGS guts to pull of, and not just include the other features….

    HOG Freezes At 1:00

    in reply to: The Freezer #98471

    I have a REQUEST:

    Can someone with a HOG post some sound samples of the Freezing function in action? I would be really grateful! Since I haven’t touched a HOG since the week it was released, I’ve forgotten how it actually sounds! If I remember correctly it’s just an organ-like tone matching your last input?

    Sound sample please :clap:

    in reply to: Powering The Big Muff Pi #98470

    I use an old green Russian Big Muff – no wall socket to be found. I just use one of these on the end of my Furman cord:


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