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  • ghost

    2880 2:
    A better LIVE mix-down (option to simply clear out the 4 loops when mixdown is complete, or something that would prevent a second pass over dub/jump in volume.)
    Save multiple loop sets
    Independent loop lengths
    On/Off switch for Feedback control with sliders
    Mute channel buttons (accessible thru Midi, but I need buttons)

    Secondary ideas:
    A second set of assignable outs?
    Effects sends for loops
    Punch in on the foot controller
    Master volume knob (not sure this is necessary at all)

    Third tier ideas:
    A simple “one cable/no midi” way to sync multiple units
    Ships with bigger card (yeah the price goes up, but when someone is paying this much for a looper – they’re most certainly going to upgrade the card. Why pay twice for something just to have EHX keep the price point lower… when it kind of screws the end user)
    Savable presets for delay modes. Where it basically loads in a blank loop of saved size for use as delay. 2 sec, 4 sec, etc…

    Wishlist for the next generation of digital pedals- HOG, 2880, and SMMH2

    Did you just forget the 2880 part? ; )

    in reply to: Voice Box Review #97701
    What is it like as auto tune?
    I play in a rock band and i can’t sing in tune will this help?

    also adding reverb to my live vocal would be great!

    Just a guess…. BUT I would be willing to bet that the “V256 – Vocoder w/Reflex-Tune” (not released yet/could be fake) is what you’re waiting for. As I’m betting on “reflex-tune” being some variant on auto-tune.

    We will see…..

    in reply to: Request – EHX 2880 Super Multi Tracker Tutorial #97700

    Did I mention the sound on this thing is INCREDIBLE!!!

    in reply to: Request – EHX 2880 Super Multi Tracker Tutorial #97699

    Yeah I just did that one last time I sat down. Seemed to work alright, but it’s a good 10-20 second pause in progression of the tune I have to take to slide faders around. I wish it would just dump them over Live to mixdown – makes no sense for it not to.

    My first thought was that if you had punch-in down on the mixdown take, it would wipe all four tracks and leave just the mixdown.

    Ah the journey of getting boxes to do what you need them to….

    in reply to: Request – EHX 2880 Super Multi Tracker Tutorial #97693

    OK so got around to browsing the manual thru once today. Then sat down to play for a bit. This thing is complicated! I feel like really utilizing the feedback control when in over dub is going to take some time to get my head around.

    One thing I’m really wondering is in Mixdown, I’m almost always going to do this live. Is there a way to mixdown the tracks and then have the four shut off, go blank, or other. My attempts so far have left me with a huge volume jump as the mixdown passes a second time around, as the 1-4 track faders are still up…

    in reply to: Flanger Hoax! OMG! #97688

    Funny I was just about to make a post requesting opinions on this box. I had a loaner of one for a few months – never could get much enjoyment out of it. Aside from feedback/noise sounds which were cool. But seems like this box is just shrouded in mystery in terms of usage.

    in reply to: Introducing: POG2 #97685

    Looks like they are on the Bay for $325 or so…

    in reply to: Rumor of new EH stuff in July #97614

    Also VERY curious about this:

    Cathedral Deluxe Reverb (!!!)

    : ))))


    in reply to: Rumor of new EH stuff in July #97613

    Pog 2 looks amazing!

    Any info on the two Qballs?

    in reply to: 2880 … no stereo dry out? #97582

    The four tracks are Mono. So they treat the two inputs as mono sources. If you push the “Stereo Mode” button on the left there – it will record the left input on track one and the right input onto track two – so just set them up panned hard left/right and it will come out stereo. You essentially are turning the 4 track looper into a two track looper – Although when you mix/bounce them down to the 5/6 slider it will be in stereo and you cane reuse the 1/2 & 3/4 pair.

    Sorry if that made no sense…

    in reply to: Where to get a pedal chassis? #97108

    Sorry didn’t finish reading you post till now…. Just saw the “classic ehx” part….

    in reply to: Where to get a pedal chassis? #97107
    in reply to: The Freezer #97076

    I’m hoping for simple and cheap. So the more interesting and affordable it can be the better….

    That said a Exp. in for the filter would be RAD!

    Is the Freezer possible?

    in reply to: The Freezer #96941

    Really though – I wish pedal companies (mainly one of the handful of bigger ones) would really take notice of non-guitarists using their gear. I feel like 90% of the videos/sound samples given for pedals really only reveal about 1/3 of their potential. Which is a shame. I have really latched onto EHX though in recent years, as they always seem to (possibly by accident) deliver features that can really be taken to extremes. That and their more hands-on/no digital read outs approach to things.

    In regards to making pedals more friendly for non-guitarists – simply making as many things stereo in/outas possible would help a TON.

    A Stereo Grail is a no brainer, and I’m shocked that within the 4 or 5 (+?) versions of the Grail there is not one that is Stereo In/out!?


    Back on subject – the idea of a pedal that is geared toward “glitching/freezing” would be SO coveted by both guitarist and non-guitarists.

    If this portion of the circuit on function alone – I can’t see why it shouldn’t become a reality.

    Another similar function I wish would appear on an EHX delay is ducking. As with ducking and short repeats you can create really wonderful stuttering delays.

    The Freezer – Freeze/Hold Switch, Bypass Switch, High/Low Filter, Pitch Knob (possibly two?), Wet/Dry Knob.

    I like the idea of having a wet dry for the Dry/Wet signal and a blend knob for Original Frozen pitch and a user sweepable second pitch. Either this or just two pitch knobs would really take this thing over the top.

    And again, not to my taste, but throw a decimator on there and you have a serious (and again probably as expensive as the HOG) pedal.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 197 total)