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  • in reply to: Noisy Tube EQ pedal fixed #97816

    Good job, Lee, and thanks for posting. I have an LPB 2ube unit with the same sort of twin tube layout that is noisier than I would like (although not nearly as glitchy as yours). I will look into the power jack integrity and placement to see if maybe I can quiet it down some. Thanks for for sharing your experience & your fix.

    in reply to: Help Needed – Hiss Debugger??? #97188

    I’m way late to this discussion but just to add my $.02—I find the Debugger to be extremely effective although it definitely does affect the signal enough that you’ve got to make your personal decision as to whether you can live with it or not. However you also need to define exactly what you are targeting. As the original poster discovered, line hiss resulting from cascading FX units, buffered bypasses, etc, has nothing to do with 60 cycle hum that the Debugger is all about.
    Sorry to repeat what has already been covered but I just wanted to pay my props to this remarkable box. I am not 100% sure how I feel about the compromise it represents but I’m so damned impressed by how it is the only thing I’ve ever found that truly does the job when that neon Bud Lite sign is destroying your single coil sound.

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