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  • in reply to: gibson skylark #110617

    my uncle, the one who told me the price, said i should replace the filter caps and he also said i should keep it but truthfully i want somethin new. i dont really care about vintage stuff. i would rather have the money to buy something else

    in reply to: schematics help please #110597

    i wanted to make sure you guys saw my last post. i need help

    in reply to: schematics help please #110588

    hey fools. i need more help. this one is for the octave multiplexer. follow this link and if you go to the bottom of the page, there are 4 links. look at the layout please. ok so theres the pcb layout or whatever. in this you can see “C” and “D” then also “I” “B” and “H”. im just wondering what they are!?!
    there is also a components list that i looked through for clues but it apparently didnt help me. thanks guys

    in reply to: EHX Micro Synth Mod!!! #110582

    hey im very interested in this. my only drawback is that if im gonna get a microsynth, its gonna be xo. i will definitely buy your mod if possible for the xo

    in reply to: schematics help please #110579

    but how did you do the finish!?!

    i had this idea of taking a digital print of whatever on the photo paper (like the kind that you get your pictures printed on at walmart when you turn in your disposable camera) then use a heat gun and basically melt it onto the enclosure. the problem with that though is that it might make bubbles and it might warp the size slightly. i got that idea from doing it with pillowcases and ironing pictures onto them. my mom did that when i was little

    in reply to: schematics help please #110552

    i did finish then drilling

    in reply to: schematics help please #110548

    this morning i was looking at it again. when i had tightened the switch and knob, it scratched the polyurethane coat. well when i was looking at it again, i tried to scratch it but was unable to. well the moral of the story is wait 48hours after spray to add components but of course, make sure they fit.

    in reply to: schematics help please #110533

    oh and i was planning on using
    instead at 1st but it wouldnt fit nicely so i think i will get a slightly larger enclosure and use it for my next pedal

    in reply to: schematics help please #110532

    HOLY SHIT GRIM!!! those are so effin awesome!!! seriously you gotta tell us how you did yours.

    mine is a fuzz but its the easiest thing out there. its “1 knob beginner fuzz” or somethin like that. i accidently broke the 1st transistor putting it in and we didnt have another one of the same kind so we put in a different transistor. it sounded like an octavia but extremely sputtery. im on vacation right now so i cant fix it but i definitely will when i get home.

    what i did for the finish is took
    changed the size in paint to 2.5 inch height and printed it off. i used tracing paper and traced it. i put a barrier rectangle of scotch tape around the edge to act like painters tape then i taped my tracing paper over it and etched in my lines with a seam ripper. i then took off my tracing paper but left the rectangle and used acrylic paint accordingly. i did one coat with NO overlapping colors. it was bumpy so i decided to sand it. i was planning on putting a 2nd coat of paint but i loved the way it looked so i kept it like that and put 3 coats of polyurethane spray on it; lightly sandpapering it in between coats.

    in reply to: schematics help please #110510

    this isnt the other schematic but its a very simple fuzz. i will deffinitely be making more pedals

    in reply to: schematics help please #110459

    thanks dude! next question: wtf is a dual op amp? i kinda understand an op amp

    in reply to: schematics help please #110455

    thanks dude! now because of you, i can read schematics!!! one thing im wonderin now is what the hell is this quack.gif the 1st transistor on the left is different?

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix Pizzeria and Bar? #110411

    you guys are fucking crazy. haha! i love the idea.

    in reply to: ehx nano Vibrato pedal????? #110333

    hey cryabetes (dude i love your name) i thought vibrato was up and down in pitch while chorus was up and down in pitch with a dry signal

    i wish i would have gotten that instead of my bmptw

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