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  • in reply to: HOG vs. POG 2/MicroPog/POG #114455

    thanks, melx!

    in reply to: HOG vs. POG 2/MicroPog/POG #114424
    The HOG 2 is just idle wishing as of right now.

    EHX hasn’t really given any hints about an upcoming Octave Generator series pedal. Unless Mike Matthews lets something drop in an interview, they’re pretty hush-hush about upcoming products.

    I’m guessing here, but I think the POG came out 2004, HOG in 2006, Micro POG in 2008, and POG2 in 2009.

    Real-estate’s never a big deal with me. Worse comes to worse, I can always make myself a bigger board.

    You might be right. Btw, your demo vids are pretty good, thank you for sharing these – quite helpful!
    As I don’t own any of these pedals yet, it kinda hard for me to work out what exactly the ‘gliss’ stands for…Is there a difference between the freeze/gliss mode on the Hog and the Freeze pedal? Thanks!

    in reply to: HOG vs. POG 2/MicroPog/POG #114389
    The Eventide Space sounds really cool, I love the demos of it I heard. That said, it’s super expensive.

    The Cathedral I’ve never tried, but I really want one now. I saw Deerhoof and their guitarist Ed Rodriguez was using one and his guitar parts sounded great.

    I’ve never played a POG2. I briefly owned a POG that I won in a proguitarshop contest, but because I owned a HOG already, I sold the POG. The detune feature is nice on the POG, but it’s not an absolutely necessity.

    I absolutely love the polyphonic whammy capability of the HOG. And the freeze gliss mode is killer. If you half-cock the expression pedal, you’ll get the notes constantly glissing and it gives this weird eastern slimy sounding reverb that’s pretty awesome.

    The spectral gate on the HOG can be very useful as well. It takes the harmonics out of your guitar signal so that the octaves don’t sound like guitar octaves.

    The attack/decay controls allow for more possibilities- you can set different attack times for the low and high voices. You can also set them to decay quicker, which is nice.

    The other expression modes and the switch for the envelope on/off are nice. I don’t really use the expression footswitch much, because I use the expression pedal. I wish they would have wired that up to do something more useful.

    Since I’m guessing you like shoegaze (Since you have the devi ever shoegazer) I think the HOG would be perfect for that. One thing that’s fun is running it in parallel with a straight fuzz sound. You can get these sort of whalesong and flute sounds from the HOG on one channel (maybe with a little tremolo and verb for added shimmer) while in the other channel you’ve got a straight fuzz sound. I believe I’ve got some clips on my soundclick site (check my sig)

    Another thing with the HOG is that if you have the foot controller (I don’t, I need to get one) you could call up multiple presets in a song, in any order you want, which could be useful for live performance. Cycling through them on the POG2 could sound cool though too.

    POG2 might have better tracking/less latency since it’s neweer. I’m not sure about that. I never really notice the latency on the HOG, but complicated chords- while they don’t really glitch- they can sound pretty messy. Your typical majors, minors, and 7ths all sound pretty good though. I play a lot of weird tunings, so that’s where I get that from.

    I have an SMMH myself. I like it, I don’t find myself using it much for anything outside of verb (which it doesn’t do that great) and looping. I’m thinking about getting a Cathedral and putting the SMMH on my synth board. Although if I get a new looper (that Vox one looks sweet, and also I’ve wanted a 2880 forever) & I get a Deluxe Memory Boy (or make my own delay), then maybe I’ll part with the SMHM. Or just put it on my synth board.

    Thanks at lot, Julian!
    Yep, Deerhoof are absolutely stunning live, saw them a few months ago.

    The Cathedral is pretty damn amazing too, (especially reverse reverb on the infinite mode!) for textures and soundscapes. I would recommend it. But I now happen to have GAS for the Space and wonder if having the two might not be overkill…

    I’ve also been on the fence for a HOG for a while but could never afford it at the time. Recently, there have been some good bundle offers for the HOG that sparked my interest when I was originally looking for a POG 2. (If I sold some stuff on, I could get the HOG for nearly the same price as the POG 2.

    The problem is that the HOG (with footswitch and exp takes up so much real estate on the board that I’d have to get rid of something else to make room. Plus, people are already talking about a potential HOG 2… now if new version of the HOG (ideally smaller, multiple freezes and exp modes simultaneously + midi) would actually already be on the horizon, I’d rather get a POG 2 now and wait for the HOG 2.

    Can anyone here recall the release dates for the POG, POG 2 and HOG, by any chance? Thanks!

    in reply to: HOG vs. POG 2/MicroPog/POG #114378

    Hey guys, this is a really useful thread so far, thanks!… maybe there are some HOG/POG2 users around who could help with these fairly specific questions for ambient/etheral/drone guitar…

    [(+) = I don’t currently own this, but consider buying; (-) = I currently own this, but consider selling/replacing]

    Contemplating updates to my rig, there are the following scenarios for a future setup:

    A) Amp < Mixer < Boss RC-50 < EHX Cathedral (-) < EHX Stereo Memory Man w/Hazarai (-) < Ibanez DE7 (-) < Line6 MM4 (-) < Fender Vol/Tone < EHX POG2 (+) < EHX Freeze < DeviEver Shoegazer < Boss DF2 < VFM Bumblebee (Compressor) < Guitar B) Amp < Mixer < Boss RC-50 < Eventide Space (+) < Ibanez DE7 (-) < Fender Vol/Tone < EHX HOG (+) < EHX Freeze < DeviEver Shoegazer < Boss DF2 < VFM Bumblebee (Compressor) < Guitar As you can see, the middle section of the chain (octaver, modulation, delay, reverb) is where the change is going to happen, whereas start (comp, dirt, freeze) and end of the chain (looper, mixer, amp) remain the same. Although I know roughly what I would like to do and how to get there, it would be great to have some additional opinions on this. Perhaps you have been using some of these pedals and would like to discuss/share your thoughts on these setups. I hope this helps me decide what to buy, what to keep and what to sell… Questions: 1) Effectiveness VS. budget trade-off: less dirt , or less freeze, or less modulation, or less delay, or less reverb?? 2) HOG VS. POG2: expression modes, detune slider…. What other differences are there between the two and how important are they to you? 3) Is the HOG worth its extra cost (and real estate) against the POG2, or would you get a POG2 and wait for the HOG2? 4) I know this isn’t exactly the right forum but does anyone know anything about the SPACE, (except for that it’s bloody awesome and expensive), particularly in comparison with what a HOG + SPACE VS. POG2 + Stereo MemMan + Cathedral would be capable of? 5) Versatility VS. tone suck, etc: what would be the pros, cons, differences, and/or overlap in these scenarios? Many thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Gigging the HOG? #114280

    cool, thanks!

    in reply to: Hog sizes #114279

    thanks!! :)

    in reply to: HOG 2 #114267
    Some features I’d like to see: multiple expression modes at once: so you can freeze notes and then bend or filter sweep them, or you could bend a 5th up to a 4th down and play in a baritone range but then use freeze.

    I guess that implies that frozen notes cannot be bent, filtered swept/manipulated then? *confused* (I don’t own a hog yet, so I wouldn’t know, yet)

    — So, theoretically, in order to make this work, we’d have to put a freeze before the hog and then use the hog to bend or filter sweep the note that comes from the freeze, is that right? Or, play the baritone range through the hog and then put a freeze behind the hog…

    Ability to change the tuning of the sliders.

    — And, using a pitch shifter in order to change the tuning, perhaps?

    …Does that make any sense or would it all be just freeze/pitchshift overkill, as the hog could do all of this itself…perhaps by feeding the hog’s fx loop back into the hog and then do the tone bending, etc. manually, i.e. in the second ‘cycle’?


    in reply to: Double HOG presets… Idea #114266

    Thank you, TGM.

    I don’t own the HOG yet, what does the input/output panel on the main unit, foot controller and exp pedal actually look like? Could somebody here let me know?

    Is anyone else here using the HOG in a setup with different a/b settings and fx loops? Would be so interesting to see!


    in reply to: Hog sizes #114263

    hello there, i consider getting a hog and need to do some planning..

    what size is the exp pedal and do you keep it on or off the board? also, do you keep the hog on the board or on a table?

    …for my ambient swells i expect to use the sliders/knobs a lot for adjustments and layering. how much of what the hog has in store can actually be carried out via the exp pedal vs. what can actually only be done by hand? –> wouldn’t it perhaps be better then to keep the hog on the table (where it’s easier to reach) next to my mixer?

    thanks! fg

    in reply to: HOG 2 #114259

    bump. any news on this yet?

    in reply to: Double HOG presets… Idea #114257

    bump. so what did ehx say? where are the presets actually saved? what a/b switch options are there?

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