Hi, here an italian Black Finger owner.
I these last two weeks I’ve had the opportunity to check TWO Black Finger units in fast sequence.
In fact I bought two of them …
… the first one sounded sweet… but something was wrong, it got many of symptoms I read in this forum, noisy (buzzing) when opening Post-Gain (or Pre-gain) already to low levels (expecially in SQSH mode). Distortion when in normal mode.
So I sent it back to the seller, but I was already in love for that unit (after having used it),
So I decided to buy another one (from a different internet-seller)… I tried my luck… I felt myself almost sure that I was ahving to get again another noisy unit!
Instead this one is really a very very silent one!! BINGO! Really silent, more silent of other effect-pedals I got! Even with knobs of gain totally turned clockwise. A real sweet and natural compression! Also the controls seems work differently compared to the first unit, this time more properly.
Now I am very happy to have it. (together with the other three EH Mic-pre I own)
. Franco .