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  • Folkstone57

    Hello All,

    I love all my children equally, so I’m going to list my EHX pedals in order of which gets used the most to the less often used ( I hope I don’t get a call from HRS for this ) child:

    1: English Muff’n
    2: Stereo Memory Man
    3: HOG
    4: MicroSynth ( big case version )
    5: Flanger Hoax
    6: Black Finger

    I would point out that my number one pedal is also my favorite pedal in general, so it’s a double duty rating.

    in reply to: Placement for HOG in Effects Chain? #114632

    Hello All,

    In my opinion, the HOG is the most amazing tone shaper for guitar out there & the more tone you give it, the better job it can do. So, I put everything that can colour the sound before the HOG & then delay or chorus afterwards. Usually I have a chain like:

    Guitar CMP
    English Muff’n
    Flanger Hoax

    I’m sure you notice the Flanger HOAX before the HOG, that’s just me experimenting & I’m going to place it after the HOG next but I just wanted to see what the FH did to the HOG. The FH is my newest pedal so I’m still trying to figure it out……… may take a while………

    in reply to: What Channel does the hog listen for CC messages on? #114631
    What Channel does the hog listen for CC messages on?

    Although I haven’t used this feature yet, as far as I know it takes whatever you send it & the EXP MODE setting you are using responds to it. You might try looking at the instructions on-line here at the EHX site. I believe the manual says to use MOD & the HOG will respond.

    I am very tempted to pull the trigger for an used HOG.
    The only worrying is its size…

    Do you think that a compressor behind would be a must with it too?

    Hello Andtea,

    I love my HOG & almost all of my SpaceMusic is recorded with it in the chain someplace. I find that the more you shape your sound before it, the better the results. I usually have my guitar compressor on into my English Muff’n before my HOG to play with the sound before the HOG sees it. Then, my MicroSynth might be in there and/or my Flanger HOAX. After the HOG is Stereo Memory Man. The HOG is in my opinion one the most amazing tone shapers out there for guitar & the more tone you give it the better the results.

    in reply to: Plans to release new Flanger Hoax? #113300
    I would love to see an XO version of the Flanger Hoax!

    Problem is getting 9 knobs; 4 jacks & 3 toggle switches on an XO size box…………………

    in reply to: Plans to release new Flanger Hoax? #113288


    I would love to see a stereo version as well however I am not bothered by the size at all. More room for more stuff & I think for the price, it is an amazing pedal. There are already smaller flangers from EHX so I think those are already covered.

    in reply to: what amp and guitar do you use with your English Muff’n? #113281
    I treid one a couple of times and I wasn’t blown away…which I felt was strange because most EH stuff I really love…..and, I have found the certian pedals like a certian set up but not another guitar and amp combo….

    what are you using: guitar (including which PUs) amp and, speakers?

    thank you


    EM with lower output tubes (5963’s) into various other pedals to a Tiny Terror Combo.

    in reply to: FLANGER HOAX #113280

    Hello All,
    I got my Flanger Hoax in yesterday. & started playing with it last night. Actually did about 3 hours today along with some recording when I got something interesting happening. My first impression with this gadget is that I would have loved to have some EHX settings come with it to get a general idea of some of the basic things it can do. Obviously, it wasn’t what anyone would buy this for since it can do some very wild stuff. Of course, it only takes a little research on the Internet to get other folks settings, but I really do think some basic ones in the box would be very helpful. Perhaps this would be a good job for Bill to take on. I also agree with one of the reviews I read in that this thing in stereo would be amazing. So, having said all that……..

    I absolutely love this thing for mostly all the reasons I love my HOG. Not your run-of-the-mill pedal, this thing has so many options/tweaking room variations that my main frustration is having to sit & find them. Plus, trying to come up with something combining the FH into the HOG…………..
    I also like the self-oscillating areas the FH has. With some counter-intuitive knob turning, all kinds of neat usable sounds are produced. It’s also useful to listen to the differences between the BLENDED & EFFECT OUTPUTs, but I’m not yet exactly sure if I can put my finger on the differences. So far, the BLENDED jack is just a lot more effect obviously. That’s what I’ve used so far to record with through the HOG.

    in reply to: Using Micro Synthesizer with a pitch shifting device #112595

    I am a new member to the EHX community and am the proud owner of a 2880 and a pre XO Micro Synthesizer.

    I was wondering if any one has ever used a pitch shifting device such as a Digitech Whammy either before or after the Micro Synth and how they interacted with each other? If the pitch shifter was placed before the Micro Synth, would it track? If the pitch shifter is placed after the Micro Synth, would it harmonize the output from the Synth? I am trying to see if there is a way to work around the inherent monophonic nature of the Micro Synth to get a sound similar to the lead harmonized guitar synth lines in King Crimson’s “The Sheltering Sky”.

    Thanks & best regards,

    Sjon (it is pronounced like Sean)


    Not sure what you mean. The MS is not monophonic, it will output octaves, it just does an incredibly bad job of tracking more than one note at a time on the input side. As far as using a Harmonizer AFTER the MS, it would simply depend on the how well it tracked the part comming out of the MS. I normally use my MS ( same one you have ) before my HOG & I have no problem at all. Just a matter of getting the MS set up & then adjusting the HOG thereafter.

    in reply to: Pedalboard noise with gain-based effects #112551
    I have finally bought a good quality pedalcase and have set up my pedalboard. It is “relatively” quiet, also when using most of the effects. BUT when I activate any of the 3 OD/gain-based pedals (n° 3-4-5) that hum becomes really loud, nasty and annoying.

    Here’s the setup

    1) Boss TU-2 Tuner
    2) Vox 847 Wah
    3) Dr.No – More Gary (a custom made blues crunch pedal by Dr.No effects, worth its 275 USD)
    4) Ibanez TS9
    5) Vox Satchurator (not my cup of tea but got it 4 free…)
    6) EHX “the Wiggler”
    7) Boss CE-2 Chorus
    8) Boss BF-1 Flanger
    9) EHX Holy Grail Plus

    All this (except the wiggler) is powered directly by the 9V outputs of a T-Rex Fuel Tank. (Only the BF-1 is powered by the ouput on the Boss TU-2).
    The effects run straight into a Dr.Z Carmen Ghia combo (no FX loop).

    Now my questions:

    Is this FX order correct/logic?
    Could I remove the hum by daisy-chaining several effects to one 9V output on the Fuel Tank. Why would that be better?
    Or should I simply get a noise-gate or EHX Hum Debugger (although that doesn’t fix the problem, the result would be OK)

    Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it!


    You might consider getting a switcher, like the Carl Martin Octaswitch. That way, you can set up your pedals in any combination you want & only bring up the ones you want & the others are out of the FX chain. This will quiet things down. I’m not familiar with the T-Rex, is it a buffered PS? Also, does it have enough juice to power all your pedals with room to spare?

    in reply to: Any one for tea and an English Muff’n? #112543
    Hands down my favorite OD pedal.
    I have used it on countless sessions and after countless years of playing I can say that pedal rocks.
    it sound just like a classic Brit tube amp turned up.
    I use it into a totally clean amp sim and it records like a DREAM

    Keep the treble at 9 o’clock as well as bass.
    Thats the trick.
    Mids between 12 and 2 o’clock.

    Great Fratellis Chelsea Dagger Jumpstyle sound.

    Hello Bill,

    I think the English Muffin’ is an EHX masterpiece. I put a pair of 5963 tubes ( I hope I got that number right, I’m just getting into tubes ) & the thing is amazing. The GAIN knob actually works past 12 o’clock now, & with the addition of an Empress ParaEQ in frount of it to push the thing into my tone territory, it is an amazing pedal. I have an Orange TT Combo which my luthier Bill Covert at Lyrical Lumber in Maitland Florida ( another blantant plug ) helped me change the pre-amp tubes to get more clear tones, & the combo is amazing. I can’t say enough about the EM. I still haven’t quite gotten the hang of the tone knobs, I usually keep the HIGH/LOW at about 10:30 & the MID at 12 or slightly past. I find that playing with one tone knob makes the others respond strangely, so I don’t have the right touch yet. Any info on this or am I just imagining things?

    in reply to: English Muff’n tube replacements #112539

    Hello All, I replaced the tubes with 5963’s & the EM sounds amazing. Much more range of tones, the GAIN knob is actualy usable past 12 o’clock, & my biggest mod is an Empress ParaEQ before the EM. I can push the EM into really wonderfull territory with the ParaEQ & the EM itself responds fantastically. This has turned into one of the best buys ever for me. I have an Orange TT Combo which I’ve also changed the pre-amp tubes to obtain more clean range. My Luthier, Bill Covert at Lyrical Lumber in Maitland Florida ( yes, this is a blatant plug but he’s a genius ) helped me with the amp tube change, so the EM is now perfect at getting my lead tones. EHX, in my opinion, has created a real masterpiece with the English Muff. Thank Mike!!

    in reply to: Got an English Muff’n (clip inside) #111435


    Thanks for the info. Also, anyone have a suggestion for tubes? I’m looking for an upper-mid-range tube without a lot or no bottom end. I’m going for a clean clear singing sustain with little breakup for my lead tone. I’m not even sure what kind of tube to put in what position on the pedal since I’m really sure what each one is doing…………… :facepalm:

    Here’s an update: I got some 5693 tubes ( I think ) & they sound fantastic. A lot more tone variation & more range from the knobs before total breakup. To me the original tubes were harsh & broke up so early that the GAIN knob wasn’t usable beyond about 12 o’clock. Also, I am using this before my Orange TT Combo & with the tube changes in the combo for a more clean tone I now have a lot more room to play around with the tones of both before breakup. Really nice & I love my EM now. Couldn’t live without it unless EHX comes up with a better version…………..

    ( Yes EHX guys that was a hint )

    in reply to: Got an English Muff’n (clip inside) #111431

    Hello All,

    I just got a Black Finger & I noticed that once it gets up & running the tubes definitely have some glow on them. However, my English Muff dosen’t glow at all. Has anyone else noticed this? I’m just wondering if the glow is a good thing or not so good, although I would think with the power these tubes are receiving they should have a bit of glow happening.

    in reply to: Micro Synth: Bass or Guitar version? #111067

    If you’re planning on ever playing Bass then you should get the Bass MicroSynth. I would imagine it would still work on guitar, not sure though how it’s voiced. Of course, you could simply get one for each & that way you wouldn’t have t worry about the problem at all………….

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