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  • in reply to: english muff’n problem with volume. #119186

    Glad to hear it. What you described is a very common problem that indicated the tube(s) is failing. Also, odd popping noises or noise that seems to swell & fade. Enjoy the pedal, it is one of my favorites & if you check on my youtube channel you can see my pedalboard with the English Muffin. Just do a search for Folkstone57. I’ll be adding some new ones soon now that my new pedalboard is almost finished.

    in reply to: english muff’n problem with volume. #119184

    Hello Gentleman,

    It does sound like a tube problem. Not just swapping the tubes but also make sure the tubes are sitting properly & no bent leads on the bottom of the tubes or broken pieces left in the socket. I must say that I have never had any luck sending a pedal to EHX’s repair depot. They do not seem to really do more than take your money & then send the pedal back. I would suggest finding someone local who can take a look at it. My Luthier fixed my micro synth that came back from EHX’s repair guys & they had soldered a lead to the wrong spot on the back of the pedal. My Luthier opened the thing up & spotted the problem immediately, which made me feel pretty stupid as I had spent money to get the thing fixed, which took several weeks to get back not working, then drove 2 hours to my Luthier’s shop to have him fix it in 5 minutes.

    in reply to: Effect help #118946

    Take a look at the ZOOM multi-FX pedals. Quite nice & I got the BlueTooth version. Very happy with it.

    in reply to: English Muff’n clean/low gain? #117787
    Folstone57 is spot on

    Brian, I assume you have the English Muff. What tubes have you tried?


    Hello All,

    After a few weeks of playing with the SuperEgo, I’ve come to the obvious conclusion that just like the H.O.G. this pedal is very dependent on what you put in front of it. Also, I have a question for all who have the pedal so far. It seems to me that since you can use the FX Loop out as a “wet” send, the only thing that really happens on the return is to combine the synth engine with the dry out. Nothing else is going on, right? I get how that would make the routing possibilities simple, so that the FX Send would allow for a purely dry out for the original signal. In that case I’m wondering what the Synth / Dry knobs really do other than simple volume levels. It would also allpow for a second instrument to come in via the FX Ret to combine with the dry signal? Anybody got any input?

    in reply to: English Muff’n clean/low gain? #117784

    The simple answer is to simply replace the tubes. I have & it made the pedal even more amazing & with a lot more tones available than the stock tubes. This is my favorite O/D pedal right now, just amazing. I spend less than $20 on a few tubes & have a combo that I love.


    Absolutely cannot wait till this pedal gets to my door! Matt at The Mad Ape has an empty box waiting for the SuperEgo to climb into so he can send one off to me, along with the patch controller for the H.O.G.

    in reply to: Noisy Hog #117489


    Thanks! I sent off an email today.

    in reply to: Noisy Hog #117487

    Hello All,

    Well, now my HOG is making noise & it’s coming out of both the FX & Direct output. High-pitched kind of squeal. Non-stop. Plus, my input sliders are kinda strange as sometimes they seem to do nothing or at other times are very sensitive , almost impossible to adjust. No clue what’s going on.


    The SuperEgo sounds really interesting from the demo that just came up. I have listened to it a couple of times & it seems to have some features the H.O.G. has but I’m curious about the actual sound it produces. It is labeled a synth engine & from what I can see in the video, Larry is running his guitar directly into the pedal & it sounds rather interesting. The addition of the loop is familiar from other pedals from EHX that allow FX to go into the pedal, so this is a great step forward although I think the P.O.G. works well the chorus isn’t too obvious in the sound or at least I’m not hearing much effect. I’m thinking more tone FX would be more useful but then this is only the first hearing. I can’t wait to get one from my pedal guru Matt at The Mad Ape so I can put my Flanger Hoax into the loop & see what happens.

    in reply to: anybody need air play? #103193
    well it doesnt have to be pro, if you have some stuff recorded whether it be lo fi or experimental or rough work i dont mind.


    Have a listen & see if you are interested in this.

    I have some other stuff you can listen to on if you like. Do a search for Mark Showalter. Let me know what you think.

    in reply to: Idea: Pedalboard friendly looper. #103325

    I think that the best thing would be to add the looping feature to a pre-existing pedal, like the SMM. Obviously, it’s already there, but it is rather limited, especially since it’s so short a looping time & there’s the problem with the glitch on the repeat. Adding a looper to the HOG would be fantastic as well. Of course, having MIDI clock available to sync any EHX pedal looper would be fantastic as well, but 2880 already fills that role.


    Hello Bill, fun stuff as usual! Well done & keep them comming.

    in reply to: Power supply for more than a one pedal… #114635
    Hi…I think EHX pedals are perfect, I’ve never come across a bad one and it makes me wish I had more money, so I could buy them all…You’re making great stuff but there’s still a huge problem with powering EHX pedals…

    What you absolutely have to start making is a power supply capable of powering more than just a one pedal – let’s say about 1000 mAh so it can power at least 5 or 6 pedals. Great would be to make a power supply just like 1 SPOT but compatible with all contemporary 9V EHX pedal and then a more expensive Power Plant-like and that could power also other EHX pedals – like 24V for DMM, or 18V for the Mistress – specially dedicated for EHX pedals.

    Hello Mr Orange,

    I have a GigRig power supply which I purchased from Matt at The Mad Ape & it is fantastic. Other than the A/C outputs for the tube pedals, my GigRig is handling everything on my pedal board with no problem & there are lots of add-ons, so many that they can’t really be covered other than going to have a look at the thing. I highly recommend GigRig’s PS, it’s amazing.

    As far as EHX’s approach to their PS, I would guess we’d need an EHX guy with inside knowledge to join in this thread.

    Just waiting on the EHX guy to show up……… 🙄

    Come on, we don’t have all day……… :worried:

    { sigh }

    I’ll check back later…….. :facepalm:

    in reply to: Please make more analog less digital #114634
    personally i’d like to see digitally controlled analog versions of more of the EHX analog pedals; Basically take the hazarai/cathedral/POG2 knob system and put it on … well any/everything. presets. on everything.

    Hello Cryabetes,

    Absolutely agree with you 0!! Many of the EHX pedals would be fantastic if analogue pedals had presets. I can imagine my English Muff’n with midi prg change……… 127 settings at a simple step of my midi controller board……… the Flanger HOAX with 127 prg settings………. life would change as we know it in one brief moment………..

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