SO, if anyone has a Small Stone, could you please take a picture of the circuitboard and post it so that we can resurrect ours? It would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, something that I find works great with the Small Stone is to use a rechargeable Energizer 9V-style battery. They are only 7.2 volts full charge, but the lower voltage changes the tone. No mess, just swap out a battery. I really miss the old Stone.
I Figured it out on my own – I’ll make a pickture later in the week as i don’t have the time right now
no help?
i was drilling a hole to fit a dc plug so i could use my normal power suply for the pedal, when the dril got stuck swinging the pedal around ripping all the wires off – It hurt like hell as I was holding the pedal in my hand. Stupid? Yes! and i’ve learned not to do that again.