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  • in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106708

    Another video:

    This is a really interesting setup, the guitar is going into a Pocket Metal Muff and then into a DMM. The DMM is set for a medium long delay but its BLEND is set to 100% wet. The Direct Out from the DMM goes into the Ring Thing INSTRUMENT In, the DMM’s effect out goes into the Ring Thing’s MOD input so the delayed signal is the ring modulator’s carrier signal.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106707
    I saw your other clip with ring thing and metal muff. The pitch shifting sounds cool! this is the link, didn’t see it here also just had 8 views..

    This is a good video showing off the whammy / pitch shift effect in the Ring Thing. It does have real pitch shift besides all the ring and single side band modulation. The pitch shift can be modulated with the internal LFO, by an expression pedal or with an external source. Or you can simply transpose your notes to a fixed pitch. The pitch shift mode is very powerful just by itself.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106703
    Here’s me playing the Ring Thing with an ipod providing the carrier signal.

    I saw your other clip with ring thing and metal muff. The pitch shifting sounds cool! this is the link, didn’t see it here also just had 8 views..

    This is a good video too, though it’s not me but one of my co-workers I share the office with.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106702
    i have to ask you Flick, what did you mod that PolyChorus chassis into thats sitting behind the Ring Thing? and whats that Nano sized box with the RCA jack on it sitting on top of that?

    The Polychorus chassis is just an A/B box. It allows us to test two pedals to see how close they sound to each other. We do that kind of thing a lot, especially on re-issues.

    The nano sized box with RCA jack is a future product that you will be seeing in approximately 6 months. I can’t say what it is. The final product will not have an RCA jack. The RCA was for our testing purposes.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106681

    Here’s me playing the Ring Thing with an ipod providing the carrier signal.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106673
    what will it do if I try to tune it to chords or arpeggios? Can I get it to glitch?

    Tuning to chords can sometimes be glitchy sometimes not so much. Open chords seem to make it more glitchy. It’s generally unreliable when tuning to chords.

    in reply to: Oh My Goodness!! DELUXE Memory Boy! #106632

    The range for the DXMB’s GAIN knob is -6 dB to +20 dB.

    in reply to: Oh My Goodness!! DELUXE Memory Boy! #106631
    Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but is this pedal true bypass? I would imagine it is, but it does not list that in the “quick specs” on the product page like other “memory series” delays that have TBP. Other than that, I am literally compulsively checking for updates as to when this thing is gonna be available!

    Yes the DXMB is true bypass.

    in reply to: Oh My Goodness!! DELUXE Memory Boy! #106630
    I hope the gain knob allows for equalization of output when the DMB is engaged. I had the MB, and liked it for the most part, but returned it based on the way the blend knob functioned–when it was dialed back, it boosted the dry signal as it reduced the volume of the delays. This meant that disengaging and engaging the MB resulted in fluctuations in overall volume if repeats were set to be lower in volume than the dry signal. A dealbreaker for me.

    Anyone know if the gain control on the DMB functions like a level control a la the DMM?

    Yes the GAIN knob allows you to equalize the volume when the effect is engaged vs. true bypass mode.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106629
    can you hold down the tune fsw while playing to get a sort of continuous tuning of the internal oscillator?

    Yes you can do this, it’s monophonic tuning though.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106594

    While in the UB or LB modes the Mono output will have whichever mode you are set to, the R output will have the other band.

    For example, if you are in UB mode, the UB effect will come out of the MONO output, the LB effect will come out of the R output. Vice verse when you set it to LB mode.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106593
    I wonder what the mod input is for

    The mod input allows you to use an external carrier signal. So you could use one instrument to ring mod another instrument.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106592


    These diagrams show exactly what’s going in the Ring Thing while in RM (Ring Mod), UB (Upper Band) and LB (Lower Band) modes.

    RM mode is the second diagram. In RM mode you will have both the upper and lower bands present, along with your original signal if mixed in using the BLEND knob. So if you have the Ring Thing to frequency shift your signal by 200 Hz and you put in 400 Hz, your Ring Mod output will be two signals one at 200 Hz and the other 600 Hz. Mix that with your dry signal and you have three frequencies present.

    In UB mode (the third diagram), the lower band is eliminated so that the effect only produces the upper band frequency. In the above example you would only hear the 600 Hz signal plus your dry signal, no 200 Hz signal.

    In LB mode (the last diagram), the upper band is eliminated so that the effect only produces the lower band frequency. In the above example you would hear only the 200 Hz signal plus your dry signal, no 600 Hz.

    in reply to: Ring Thing! WOW! #106591
    I’m gonna take a stab in the dark guess here that when you play a note, press and hold the tune footswitch and the carrier auto-tunes to the note you are playing?!!!

    This is correct for the Ring Mod, Upper Band and Lower Band settings.

    Play a single note on your instrument. Then press and hold the PRESET FSW for a specified amount of time (we’re still tweaking how long that should be) and the Ring Thing will tune its internal waveform generator to that note. It makes retuning the Ring Modulator’s frequency very easy.

    in reply to: 22 Caliber noise issue? Pffffffffffff….. #104580

    Does the volume of the noise change with the Volume knob setting? Meaning does it increase as you turn up the volume?

Viewing 15 posts - 691 through 705 (of 732 total)