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  • in reply to: Oh My Goodness!! DELUXE Memory Boy! #109554

    We have tested the DXMB with a 1Spot and Powerall, daisy chained to other pedals, and the DXMB worked fine.

    I’m curious to the decay on the Freeze. I am wondering if you could have it freeze a chord or note and decay naturally while you play over it. Because that would be awesome.

    There are four decay rates available on the Freeze, from instantaneous in FAST mode, to three slow decay rates in SLOW mode. You select the SLOW decay rate during power up, by holding down the Footswitch while applying power to the pedal, the toggle switch then selects between medium, medium-slow and slow decay rates. When you release the footswitch the slow setting is saved and is remembered during power cycles.

    What exactly is it???

    The Freeze allows you to sustain whatever sound is going through the pedal at the time you press down on the footswitch. If you play a bar chord on the guitar, then press down on the footswitch, that bar chord will sustain for as long as you hold down the footswitch on the FREEZE, or if you are in latching mode, the chord will sustain until you press the footswitch again.

    It is the Freeze function from the HOG but without the Gliss.

    in reply to: Vox AC15H1TV aka My new amp thread #102888
    Flick: unfortunately not, but i’d like to stick to tube amps :)

    I couldn’t not ask and I forgot my smiley in that post :)

    in reply to: Vox AC15H1TV aka My new amp thread #102982
    well it doesn’t look very good

    and i’m not sure about the C1 either… we’ll see, i’m gonna try some amps during the holiday and then pick something… i fear i won’t be able to post here, because i’ll be ashamed that i started with AC15H1TV and ended up with something from bullshit-amps (insert what you don’t like)

    Have you tried a 22 Caliber?

    in reply to: Vox AC15H1TV aka My new amp thread #102882

    I recently bought a used (but in mint condition) AC15HTVH head and the V112HTV cabinet and it sounds amazing, I love it. I bought it from some guy on Craigslist that turned out to be the lead guitarist in Rammstein. He said it didn’t fit his style.

    Before I bought the Heritage head and cabinet I went to a Guitar Center and first played the AC15C1 and I loved it and thought this is the amp for me. Then I played the AC15H1TV immediately after the AC15C1 and thought it sounded better! After a little going back and forth I thought the Heritage was worth the money. The H1TV has more of a vintage tone, it sounds like a classic amp to me, the C1 is a bit more modern sounding though more versatile.

    Personally for me, I get all the different sounds such as distortion, reverb and tremolo from pedals, I don’t need those from the C1 so I went with the amp that sounded better just on its own.

    I gigged with my Heritage head and cabinet for the first time this past weekend and it sounded so good!! A couple other guitarists used it for their sets and I thought they sounded great also. I moved up from a vintage 60’s silverface Princeton (was just not quite loud enough) and I am totally in love with the Heritage setup.

    in reply to: RING THING / PROBLEM / HELP !!!!!!!! #97990
    Yes of course, but the good mode is M-Audio…
    It’s the same with the EV5…
    I don’t know if there’s a trim pot inside the pedal…

    There are no trim pots in the Ring Thing. The problem sounds like it is with the Ring Thing.

    in reply to: Cathedral – Pedal Power 2? #98038

    The Cathedral manual states –

    “Plug the output of the Cathedral’s supplied AC Adapter into the 9V power jack located at the top of the Cathedral. The Cathedral requires 9 – 9.6VDC at 200mA with a center negative plug. The Cathedral accepts Boss style AC Adapters.”

    Do you know if this means the Pedal Power 2 + can power the Cathedral? The individual outputs on the PP2 are rated at 100mA (too low) and the Line 6 Outputs are rated at 250mA (too high).



    As long as the power supply’s current rating is 200mA or higher it will be fine. So the 250 mA outputs from the Pedal Power 2 should work.

    in reply to: RING THING / PROBLEM / HELP !!!!!!!! #98042

    If you’ve tried more than one expression pedal, the problem could be the Ring Thing. Do you have the switch on the bottom of the M-Audio pedal set to “M-Audio,” not “Other”?

    in reply to: V256 Vocoder question #98048

    Yes you can connect just about any electronic instrument directly to the V256. Synths work great!! Bass should work also but the richer the instrument’s harmonic content the easier it is to get a vocoded vocal.

    Yes you can use the V256 as a Mic Pre if you want. It only has a switch for setting the gain but otherwise it should work fine. You can either set it to bypass or turn the BLEND knob down to 0, both will give you just the dry vocals.

    You should be able to get Kraftwerk type voices, I assume they mostly used synths for their vocoding.

    in reply to: High Pitched sound in my Deluxe Memory Boy #109053
    Yeah, I have reduced the Feedback and it haven’t had that problem since. I guess i was initially stumped to see that even after I had bypassed the unit, the sound would come back when I engaged it again. It definitely seems like I have to be more careful with the feedback knob when I am playing around with the pedal.

    The DXMB doesn’t kill the signal in the delay loop while in bypass, it keeps it going.

    I got my Ring Thing today, and I tried using my VP Jr as an expression pedal, but when I plug it in, it doesn’t shift the pitch at all when the Thing is set for Pitch shifting. What are you guys using for expression pedals? Also, could I be doing something wrong?


    The Ring Thing EXP. PEDAL input won’t work with the average volume pedal. You need an expression pedal such as the Roland EV-5, Moog EP-2 or M-Audio EX-P. The Roland FV-500L has expression pedal capability though it is listed as a volume pedal.

    in reply to: High Pitched sound in my Deluxe Memory Boy #109034
    I just got a Deluxe Memory Boy and I’ve been playing with it for a while. I really like the pedal tone and controls, but there is one big problem. Every time I enable the delay there is a very noticeable high pitched sound coming out of my amp. I have tried this pedal in two amps and the same thing happens. I have also switched guitar cables, power supplies and nothing seems to get rid of it.

    I have made a youtube video where you can hear what I am talking about.

    Do you guys think this pedal is defective?

    I read all of your posts and watched the video. I think you should try reducing the setting of the FEEDBACK knob. In the video it was right at the point where it will start to runaway. The sound is getting stuck in the feedback loop, going through the filters and producing that oscillation that you hear in the video.

    Try setting FEEDBACK to the noon setting and I bet the oscillation goes away.

    My power supply went dead after 37 days after date of purchase so i can not take it back…Which is the correct power supply number?I can not find one list for 45ma 9volt center negative…

    This one:

    Or you could use a 1 Spot.

    just checking … for Europe it must be this one?

    That’s the correct adapter.

    in reply to: midi sync / new loop #108551
    when using the 2880 with external sync in a live situation, how do you clear the previous song’s loops to start a new song without recording loops right from the start of the external clock?

    in other words, lets say i finish a song with the 2880.. then i want to start a new song from my external sequencer. i want the old loop to clear, but i dont want to start making new loops until several bars into the new song.
    make sense?

    right now it appears to me that if you press “new loop” you will start recording silence as soon as you hit “play” on your external sequencer. if you dont press “new loop” then the last song’s loops will start playing back again.

    does anyone have a workaround for this, or am i missing something?

    Possibly the easiest way to clear the loop would be to press New Loop, followed by two presses of Record. The first press begins recording the New Loop, the second stops recording the loop. But this might be tricky if there is no MIDI Clock running at the time you try to do it. Also if you are using Quantize mode you would have to wait for a couple bars to pass by before the second Record press.

    There might not be an easy way to do this.

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