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  • in reply to: Talking Machine Aux menu not working? #115713
    just got a talking machine and i can’t seem to get into the aux menu. i can only get the left orange light to light up when it’s already in a preset mode, but the knobs never affect the aux parameters. is there something i’m missing?

    To adjust the AUX parameters, you need to hold down the PRESET footswitch then turn the knobs. While holding down the PRESET footswitch, the knob functions change to the AUX parameters. When you release the PRESET footswitch, the knobs go back to adjusting their normal parameters.

    You can adjust the AUX parameters whether AUX mode is on or off. Press and release the white PRESET knob to toggle AUX on/off.

    It does sound like something within the power amp section in the 44 Magnum is damaged. As soon as it starts to dissipate some heat it starts to reset itself. This is not normal behavior. I believe your 44 needs to be repaired or exchanged for a new one.

    I’m a pedalboards builder.
    Thanks for all informations about current draw.
    Searching in answers on this 3d I have to think that Black Finger needs a little bit more of 300mA from ext AC transformer. Is that right?

    Thank you very much.
    All the best

    Yeah. Pretty much all the tube pedals draw between 600 and 650 mA.

    in reply to: V256 designed by same EMS engineer as Voicebox? #114749
    hi there,

    does anyone happen to know if the V256’s Vocoder is by the same ex-EMS designer as the EHX Voicebox’s?

    it’ll be a clincher if it is….

    Yes the V256 is designed by the same ex-EMS designer who also designed the Voice Box.

    The vocoder algorithm in the V256 is the same as in the Voice Box but with a bit more control and the internal synths.

    in reply to: The What Is The Current Draw For That EHX Pedal Thread #114685

    I have an EH 2ube stereo tube pedal, and an EH 12ay7 micpre. Both have the EH12v1000ma psu, but I would like to reduce the amount of wart chaos on my pedal board.

    What is the real current draw of each these pedals? Is it possible to cascade to both pedals from a single EH12v1000ma psu?

    Lastly: Is there a power brick you can recommend for a floor board that could accomodate these pedals, as well as other pedals (most bricks seem to offer no more than a few hundred ma per 12v output.. which probably won’t be enough, right?).

    For info:
    This is for a live vocal pedal board that splits to stereo effects, so the 12ay7 handles vox in, and 2ube takes the stereo line signal out…

    Thanks for your help.


    The 12AY7 Mic Pre draws about 640 mA RMS with no phantom power. A typical phantom powered mic will probably raise that to 645 mA RMS.

    The LPB-2ube draws 620 mA RMS.

    It would be a bad idea to run more than one tube pedal from the AC Adapter that they are supplied with.

    in reply to: The What Is The Current Draw For That EHX Pedal Thread #114358

    Holy Grail + = 190mA
    Stereo Electric Mistress = 160mA
    Classic Microsynth = 70mA @ 24VDC
    Stereo Clone Theory = 14mA

    in reply to: The What Is The Current Draw For That EHX Pedal Thread #114200

    Some more current draw measurements:

    Micro Metal Muff = 18mA
    Pocket Metal Muff = 9mA
    Original POG = 220mA
    Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai = 170mA
    Stereo Clone Theory = 14mA

    in reply to: my New Deluxe Memory Man-is it or isnt it??? #114199
    Ok guys i just ordered my first brand new deluxe memory man deluxe and cant wait to get it.However,i see EXH site says its a true bypass pedal but Ive seen alot of user reviews that say it isnt.Can someone clarify??I really want it to be a true by pass as i have taken big steps to build my board up with true by pass to maintain the integrity of my clean sound.

    The new Deluxe Memory Man is true bypass.

    in reply to: Deluxe Memory Boy’s Delay Slowing… #114194
    About a minute or two after turning on the delay (adjusted and tap tempo’ed), the delay speed begins to slow until it’s not even delaying anymore. Any ideas or suggestions? The pedal is only a month old (bought it brand new). Thanks!

    Not really sure what’s going on but it is not working normally. There is some sort of defect here. You should send it in for repair under warranty or if you can exchange it for another.

    in reply to: Memory Toy with messed up trims #112807
    Well. I got the Memory toy too. I’m french. So… Do you really think that these trimpots are here because of the differences that may exist between BBDs? If that’s correct (I think it is), then do you really think that someone check every pedal made with a scope and a screwdriver to set all the trims to the correct value??? I think it unbelievable.
    What I think is that the trimpots are pre-seted and soldered in the pedal. Then, if any customer have bad experince with its pedal, then he send it back to manufacturer, and then, a tech may set the trimpots.

    So, What I think is the trimpots are factory setted to an average value, and they may be re-setted for ideal operation. So the pedal you buy may be very good or very bad, or anything in between, and most of the pedal are just average.

    That’s only my opinion, and I’ll probably NOT TOUCH THE TRIMS because I really don’t know wich affects what… I find on the web that trim 1 could affect the feedback level, as when turned clockwise a bit, the deay may self oscilate. But again, I think the average setting is correct for me, even if the delay knob is not very effective and the feedback knob offer no more than 5 decreasing repeats.

    Believe it or not we calibrate every single Memory Toy, Boy, DXMB and DMM that we sell. In fact pretty much any pedal with a trim pot is calibrated before it is shipped out.

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111638
    Well guys, i have to say thanks to electro-melx for sharing his honest opinion which is actually my perception of the advertisement. Anyway let me be clear i’m not fishing for refund or something neither i want to be picky or flaming, i just want to provide you honest feedback on the product which essential for any company. I enjoy ehx products very much so in a sense i’m disappointed when i see some products that are not pushing to seventh heaven like the others…as i said headphone amp is nice well built and perfect to use but i feel unhappy about being limited to use it on clean signals only.

    Go for a stereo input, simple cabinet emulator headphone amp and you will smash the market of these product category, honestly.

    Have a nice day everybody!

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. We are taking it all seriously.

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111556
    A cab sim would be cool, but would also raise the price most likely.

    I have the vintage unit from the early 80s. I’d be curious to know if it’s a comparable design. It’s also very clean – no amp sim either. Works great for clean or acoustic tones.

    Yes it’s basically a reissue of the original EH Headphone Amp from the older days. But the output is stereo instead of mono.

    in reply to: Holy Stain kills the signal #111541

    It could be anything in the effect’s signal path. Most likely a broken ribbon cable connection that connects to the footswitch.

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111540

    No there is no cab simulation on the Headphone Amp.

    Just to make sure I got this right the only stereo effect is the Line 6 at the end of the effects loop chain? Correct?

    There really is nothing unsafe about this set up, it should work totally fine. You may, on occasion, have a ground loop between the two amps through the Line 6 pedal which will sound like some really loud hum. If this occurs, try lifting ground on one of the amps and you should be fine. Some amps have a ground lift on the back of the amp or you could use a 3-prong to 2-prong AC inlet converter, which you can get from any hardware store for like $1.00.

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