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Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Hi everyone, I recently got a v256; I have a couple of questions as far as connectivity.
So voice comes into the XLR input and the carrier signal comes in the Instrument In. My question deals with outputs. I’m planning to use this for 2 things: Vocoder and Reflex-Tune.
I’m interested in the vocoder and how it plays with the outputs. If I went to a full wet signal, is the XLR output a full vocoder output?
My input for the carrier signal will come from an AudioMatrix 16, allowing me to route almost any of my synths to be the carrier signal. I have no reason to also have the instrument coming out from the v256 unless it is the only way I can get the vocoder sound as I can simply route the synth for regular synth playing to a different AudioMatrix out.
I am hoping that the XLR output suffices for the output for both vocoder modes and Reflex-Tune modes. Otherwise I am kind of eating up another input on my AudioMatrix.
Thanks in advance for any help and advice!
PaulIt is pretty simple to set up the V256 the way you want it: just connect an XLR cable to the XLR EFFECTS OUTPUT and then turn the BLEND knob up all the way. The output of the XLR will be the vocoder/Reflex-Tune signal only with no dry vocal. The instrument signal is never routed to the XLR output.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:So I seem to be having the same problem with my pedal and when I found this thread thought, “oh good! other people have been having this problem and seem to have fixed it!” however none of the previously mentioned things worked for me. I am having the same problem where my device freezes, however it seems to only be when I attempt to loop something. I tried scanning and repairing the SD card on my PC, however that did nothing. I then tried updating the firmware, which also didn’t do anything… Also my R.TYPE is reading as -1 which cannot be changed. so I am assuming that means there are no drum loops on the device, so I then tried to do the copy function to see if this would help but no matter how long I held down the MODE button COPY never began blinking. Everything seems to work fine otherwise however, and all the buttons are functional until either LOOP A or LOOP B is touched.Do I just have a bad SD Card? This pedal was just purchased this past Saturday and was new in the box. any help would be great, as I am beginning to become frustrated trying to figure this out on my own.
Thanks, Z
It does sound like it could be a bad SD Card. Do you have another SD card you can throw in there and try?
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorThe NCV51411DR2G should work fine but we have never tested it.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorU12 = On Semiconductor CS51413GD, don’t buy the CS51413E version.
U13 = ST L78M05CDT-TRFlick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Hi.I’m wondering if the “push” function of the “mode” knob (the act of pressing the white button) can be controlled by midi.
Instructions give CC numbers for everything exept the mode knob.Also, if it’s not possible, I found another way to get the same result, which is, in my case, swiching between PC 8 and PC 17 (if I recall correctly). this swiches between “preset inst controll” and “non-preset inst controll”. Is there something like a foot controller that just swiches between these patches or that can be assigned to switch between them?
Thanks in advance
Yes you can control the push function of the white encoder via MIDI CC (continuous controller) on the V256. Page 15 of the manual has a table listing the CC parameters and what they control on the V256. CC30 is the encoder press, when you send a value of 127 the V256 performs an encoder press.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:I just bought the silencer. I have a few Pedals connected to my effects loop and also a BOSS ME-70 a Mel9 and a Ravish Sitar not in the effects loop. I’m not clear on hooking up the silencer properly. Ihow do I hook it up with the effects loop and direct at the same time ?Thanks for buying a Silencer! I’m not sure I completely understand your question yet but it kind of sounds like you have pedals connected to your amp’s effects loop and you have pedals, like the MEL9, connected between your instrument and amp. Is that about right?
I want to mention at the start that the Silencer’s effects loop has nothing to do with your amp’s effects loop. Normally you would not connect the Silencer’s SEND and RETURN to the SEND and RETURN on your amp. More on this in a second.
A basic way to set up the Silencer is you would figure out which pedals are noisy and then put those pedals into the Silencer’s effects loop. You could, if it makes things easier, put all your pedals in the Silencer’s FX Loop. You would then connect a clean version of your instrument to the Silencer’s INPUT jack, the signal present at the Silencer’s INPUT jack is used by the Silencer to figure when to open and close the gate. You would then connect the Silencer’s OUTPUT jack to your amplifier’s input or a pedal that is not noisy.
If you want to use the Silencer to gate pedals that in your amp’s FX Loop, you can do that. You would connect the amp’s FX Send to the Silencer’s INPUT jack then the amp’s FX Return to the Silencer’s OUTPUT jack. The pedals that were in your amp’s FX Loop should now be connected to the Silencer’s SEND and RETURN jacks.
Hope this helps.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:I did upgrade to the new firmware and know the 22500 works but the rhythm loops are missing. Not all of them, just the first 13. Can I somehow restore those rhythm loops?Did you try the COPY command which copies the factory drum loops to the SD Card? Check the bottom of Page 22 in the 22500’s manual for instructions on how to perform a COPY command.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Hi EHX Staff.Thanks for the note.
When I turn the looper on I see the -28- shown, which I guess means that the firmware is up to date.
What I did since find out is that the looper only freezes when I select one particular bank (Nr 9 in this case).
I ran my virus protection (Kasperski) scan on the drive which had the EHX card in it.
This showed an “error” and advised to run the repair tool.The EHX manual says that there is a “Skandisk Utility” on the SD card.
I couldn’t find one.I ran the repair tool in Windows 10 by right clicking on the relevant drive in Explorer (ie the EHX SD Card), selecting “tools” and running the repair tool.
This seems to have rectified the problem with Bank 9 causing the looper to freeze… it now doesn’t.
Haven’t tried it actually connected to a guitar/amp etc yet though.
Fingers crossed !!It sounds like you did the right thing by running the repair tool on the SD card. The 22500 SD Card does not contain Scandisk, sorry for this misunderstanding, you have to run Scandisk from your PC as it sounds like you did. Let us know if running the repair tool on the SD Card has fixed it.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:hi i found this thread and i am also getting the same problem. I recently bought this new in hope of getting rid of the noise from my guitar and from the gain channel of my amp. i have other problems too with it just straight in from my guitar to amp, there was a moment when it cuts off all of the signal from my guitar then suddenly going back. i have tried it with just the battery and then with just the being powered by my voodoo lab. and also other thing it doesnt really work in the fx loop of my amp, idk if should go there or not but i see other people using a noise gate in the fx loop. also other question, does the x pattern works with this noise gate all, idk if it does but when i tried it it didnt work chain is:
guitar —> mxr comp —> ehx lpb 1 —> boss sd-1 —-> Amp — through the fx loop send —> earnie ball vp —> boss dd5 —> ehx memory boy —> mxr reverb —> fx loop out
How are you connecting the Silencer to your signal chain? What is the X pattern you mention?
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorThe Silencer does work better when it receives dry guitar at its INPUT jack. If the amp’s FX Send is already distorted it is harder for the Silencer to know when to gate the signal but it can be done, the THRESHOLD knob may need to be fine-tuned.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Flick,Thank you very much for your answer.
Somehow that was my impression I was just wondering if there was a way of silencing the noise from my amp using it in the amp FX Loop.Guess I’ll use it just on the input of the amp.
Is it the amp’s FX loop that is noisy or pedals in the amp’s FX loop? Potentially you can use the Silencer to gate the pedals in your FX loop. Connect the amp’s FX SEND to the Silencer’s INPUT, the amp’s FX RETURN to the Silencer’s OUTPUT and then place your pedals into the Silencer’s FX loop.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorThe optimal setup for the Silencer is to find all your noisy pedals and connect them to the Silencer’s effects loop. For example, maybe you want all your distortion pedals to be gated, so you would connect them as their own chain to the Silencer’s effects loop. You then connect your dry guitar to the Silencer’s input jack so your dry guitar determines when the gate should open or close allowing the sound from the Silencer’s effects loop to either come through the Silencer’s OUTPUT jack or be muted at the OUTPUT jack.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Thank you for the answer.I did as you described. I did it still before I opened this thread.
The keyboards Global MIDI Channel is 16, the V256 is working correctly except the Sustain Pedal, MIDI CC messages are sent on Channel 16 (with a Waldorf Streichfett Synth set to MIDI Ch16 the Sustain Pedal is working), I tested with 3 different Sustain Pedals and in between 3 keyboards (at last Nord Electro3), all on MIDI Ch 16.
The V256 is working perfect, except the Sustain still. Modulation Wheel and Pitchbender are working good.
I don´t know further.We will have to test a V256 with a sustain pedal to see what’s going here.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorThe V256 accepts the standard MIDI Sustain CC message which is CC number 64. Ensure that your MIDI controller is sending out the MIDI Sustain CC message on the correct channel (16) when you press on your sustain pedal.
Flick (EHX Staff)ModeratorQuote:Me again…
Here is Picture #3
And I finish with the text file (loop 19)I’m sorry to ask you to take time for my little troubles. But thanks you very much !!!!!
And sorry for my bad English …
Olivier (France)
Thanks for the screenshots. I see one issue in the Info screenshot which is that TRACKM.wav looks like it is a mono track. TRACKM.wav must be a stereo track for the 22500 to play it. Please try making TRACKM.wav a stereo track.
Your English is good much better than my French.