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  • in reply to: Another new old pedal! #103530

    Need to go get batteries for the camera. I will definitely do it tomorrow. It isn’t the RAMS head though. It’s the modern looking case.

    in reply to: Another new old pedal! #103427

    So, I’ve had some time to mess with it. It sounds GREAT!!! The only problem with it is that it is missing 2 screws from the top, and I think all but one of the screw holes are stripped out. Everything else is functional. Pots aren’t scratchy either. I am very happy with it! I will take some pics as soon as I get new batteries for my camera.

    Oh yeah, I got an old switchblade too. It cost me $30. Nothing I can really say about it, other than it works. I got it to switch between speaker cabs, and run amps in stereo. For that it works great. I will put some picks of that up as well.

    in reply to: Where are you from? #103270

    I live in California, USA…but I’m really from Texas! Big difference!

    in reply to: What Amps Do You Have? #103181

    I have a Peavey Valveking 2×12 with Avatar Hellatone 60L’s and JJ tubes all around. These small changes were completely necessary for me! I also have a Vox AC4TV combo, which continues to blow my mind!

    in reply to: Do most EHX users also use Fenders? #103180

    My strat is probably my main guit!

    in reply to: Billy Corgan’s Muff pic! What version is it?! #103126

    “There’s so much variation in big muffs and so much misinformation on the www about big muffs its a wonder ANYONE can make an informed decision about any muff purchase!

    I know Ron and I at least try to correct this misinformation…but there’s not much we can do about the consistancy of vintage big muffs!”

    That’s why I plan to own them ALL!!! HAHAHA(evil laugh)!!!

    In all seriousness…you guys have been great sources of information for me. Thank you both!

    in reply to: What kind of music do you play? #103125

    I play a lot of Grunge/Blues/Alternative/Punk type stuff. Like a mixture of Smashing Pumpkins(Main Influence, but only Gish/SD era), The White Stripes(I dig the bluesy over the top fuzz), Nirvana and Rancid. It is what feels most natural to me, maybe because that was the music of my teens.

    But…I play a lot of nu-metal/lame/whiny crap too. Unfortunately, if I want to play with my group of friends in a band situation, this is what I have to do. Not really my cup of tea, but it is a good time to get together with friends. Bullet For My Valentine type stuff is probably the most tolerable for me.

    RANT ON**
    Flame away if you guys want, but when I play metal, I think we should be singing about tough things. Things like war blowing arms of and demons coming from hell to conquer humanity. I am a little bothered by some music that sounds like good heavy metal, until you realize the guy is singing about being depressed over his girlfriend dumping him. Hell, I’m divorced after a long crappy marriage, but I realized real quick how awesome it was, because now I have twice as much money to spend on gear! I am not going to sing about the darkest depths of my sorrow. I mean grow a pair. You are shredding like the late Mr. Abbott, but whining at the same time??? I just don’t get it.
    RANT OFF**

    Anyways…sorry for the rant.

    in reply to: Billy Corgan’s Muff pic! What version is it?! #103117

    I can nail Siamese Dream perfectly with my version 5 Big Muff. I think the icing on the cake with his tone, is using the right guitar. I have a Strat with Lace Sensor R-S-B. It is spot on same sound as the recordings through my Peavey Valveking(except clean tones).

    in reply to: Billy Corgan’s Muff pic! What version is it?! #103102

    “Why did this have to come out the week after I sold mine?”

    HAHAHA! I don’t mean to laugh at you, but that sounds like my kinda luck.

    Oh, and +1, Sustain Punch wasn’t even making the Creamy Dreamer until like 1999. But you all know how rumors spread, especially on the net.

    in reply to: Billy Corgan’s Muff pic! What version is it?! #103055

    Great link!

    I am gonna go out on a limb here…as one of the people who chases the early pumpkins tone, I am going to say it is a V4. I come to this conclusion with the help of this page:

    According to this, the V3’s still had the volume and sustain knobs mounted to the sides of the boards. If you look at the picture, he says that is the setting he used(with pencil marks).

    It looks like he had his gain maxed out, volume in the middle and tone a little on the trebley side. This is a setting I tend to use(long before I saw this) when playing songs like “today.”

    So, I think he used an OpAmp BM! Of course I could be wrong. I think if we can get this information out, then all of our OpAmp BM’s will be going for $500 on the bay! HAHAHA!

    in reply to: NEW old LPB-1!!! #102905

    Here is a link with some info.

    in reply to: NEW old LPB-1!!! #102883

    I think it was brand new. The guy who sold it to me said it sat in the box for 30 years, in the back of an old music store. It even had the EHX battery still installed. The only flaw is the part of the H missing. When I saw the pic he had of it, it had tabe over the switch, and you can see on the case where it was. I think the tape took it off. Anyways, it sounds pretty cool. I am happy with it.

    in reply to: NEW old LPB-1!!! #102759

    I looked at it again, and it looks like part of a 7 after the 13. The third and fourth numbers are the year right? If so, probably a late 70’s as opposed to early 80’s. No real way to know for sure, I guess, unless I de-solder it…which ain’t happening!

    Nevermind. I gues the 137 means Chicago Telephone Supply. Oh well.

    in reply to: NEW old LPB-1!!! #102754
    1977 and up.

    Cool! Do you know when they stopped making these? I’m assuming around the time the closed the doors.


    in reply to: Russian Muff Rumor? #102282

    Man! I just bought one 2 minutes ago, after reading this post. I am not going to let this get away.

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