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  • in reply to: Volume drop with NANO small stone? #112234

    You need to contact the EHX returns people.

    I think all the info you need is there.

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112233
    So what is the point of having a help/technical questions section at all? It seems like all that goes on here is customers complaining that this isn’t tech support, and moderators complaining that they’re not paid to be tech support. If we’re not allowed to ask questions about the technical aspects of EH pedals here, what exactly is supposed to go on?

    Our ‘job’ as admin is to keep the forum spam free, moderate any inappropriate content and keep the forum chugging along for it’s users (including ourselves). It is not our job to answer any questions about anything, we do help when we can, just like any other forum member would.

    I wish there were a member of EHX tech support logged in at all times to answer questions here but there isn’t…. and if a forum member (admin or otherwise) can’t help you will told to contact EHX, that’s not always the ideal solution but it’s the only one we have to offer. I don’t like that fact anymore than you do, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

    It’s not that we are moaning about not being paid to be tech support, we aren’t tech support.. most of us are just musicians and effects users with little technical knowledge especially on new products that most of us don’t even own. You can ask whatever technical questions you like here and sometimes another member may be able to answer, but that’s as far as it goes. If you don’t like the answer you get that’s kinda tough, it’s an open forum not EHX tech support.

    in reply to: Graphic Fuzz, should I get one? #112232
    I just bought vintage unit from the early 80s. The envelope section is really cool. Turn the sensitivity slider up, and you can play softer to get the tone almost clean, then play harder and it goes into high gain. Great for those grunge dynamics.

    ok, enough of that!! I really want one now, but cannot afford. :(

    in reply to: How can I tell if my EM has reticon chips #112216
    Cool thanks again

    no worries, write that info down and next time someone else asks the same you can look like a ‘clever clogs’ too! :D

    in reply to: How can I tell if my EM has reticon chips #112214
    Wow you guys know your onions don’t you?

    What’s CTS?

    Thanks very much

    no problem

    CTS are just a company that makes pots, it stands for “Chicago Telephone Supply” other companies have different number codes, Bourns are ‘381’ Allen-Bradley are ‘106’ .. etc.

    … so if you see a pot code of ‘3819612’ you know it’s a Bourns pot made in 1996 in the 12th week of that year. It’s simple when you know.

    Remember this is only a guide to the pedals age though as obviously pots are stockpiled to an extent my manufacturers and builders.

    in reply to: How can I tell if my EM has reticon chips #112206
    ok thanks very much -does that give you a rough date or can I detect it from some numbers on the parts in some way? The only visible pot has 1378036 on it.

    ‘137’ means it was made by CTS ‘8036’ means it was made in 1980 on the 36th week..september is that??

    so your pedal would probably have been made around 1981 at a guess.

    in reply to: Graphic Fuzz, should I get one? #112200
    They have them for £89 at iMuso btw … probably the cheapest I’ve seen them.

    I managed to get Hot Rox to match a price of £99 i’d seen elsewhere but £89 is even better. I’m going to try and get them to match it as their website states they’ll match any price and throw in free delivery. However when I emailed before they only said they would reduce the delivery to £1.25 and not make it free so I replied saying they shouldn’t state things on their website that they’re not going to honour. They have yet to reply.

    Hotrox are good, good luck with that.

    yeah, it’s a regular 9v psu, the reason you get one with it is there is no battery option … so it’s not an optional extra.

    in reply to: Graphic Fuzz, should I get one? #112187

    They have them for £89 at iMuso btw … probably the cheapest I’ve seen them.

    in reply to: Graphic Fuzz, should I get one? #112185

    have you watched the ehx vid?#

    that should give you a pretty good idea of what it sounds like, it has a decent amount of gain imo, enough for everything other than really distorted metal.

    The new one can use a regular ‘boss’ 9v power supply, the old version needs it’s own special (40v if I recall) power supply, so that’s an improvement on the old one to most people, it’s also smaller and from what I’ve heard it sounds the same (although I’ve never had the chance to A/B them directly) so ‘not as good’ really needs more explanation, I’m sure as many (if not more) would think it’s better.

    in reply to: POG2 – Not Saving Presets #112167

    Try Giving them a call, Mon-Fri 10am – 6pm (eastern standard)
    Toll Free: 1-800-633-5477 (US and Canada only)

    in reply to: Buffer good with EHX pedals? #112160

    I have so say it’s not something I worry about, it’s very rare that I’m plugged into a row of pedals and don’t have at least one on.

    in reply to: Volume drop with NANO small stone? #112155

    It’s sounds like the switch for sure, if you can solder or know someone that can, buy a 3pdt switch and replace it, that should sort it out.

    in reply to: Micro Pog – is it supposed to be making this noise? #112154
    So, who is this mystery repair man, Chip, with a sovtek email address? Is he part of the EHX engineering department? An ex-employee? Just a genius electronics guy?…

    He’s the New Sensor ‘customer services’ guy (New Sensor is EHX’s Parent company)

    in reply to: Micro POG Not Functioning #112150

    well, as you can see there seems to be a lot of POG related stuff in this section at the moment, but I have owned a micropog and I never had any issues with it at all … and I guess out of the thousands sold it seems only a few that have problems, but it’s hard to say, a lot of people that post on here think they have problems when they don’t (my big muff hisses when I turn the sustain to maximum) .. I mean that’s not a fault, it’s a high gain 4 transistor fuzz, they all make a bit of noise when you crank them. There’s also a lot of 2880 threads but I’ve never owned one so it’s hard to say if the unit is faulty or the person has messed it up somehow or just not understanding something. For example when the Hazarai came out a lot of people were complaining about the loop being played back at a lower volume, it wasn’t a fault it was people not bothering to read the instructions. I really think it’s almost impossible to answer these kind of things on a forum without going back and forth saying “have you tried this” “have you tried that” … I’m a little suspicious sometimes too that the person has either plugged in the wrong power supply and blown it up or bought it off ebay ‘broken’ and then come here trying to get it fixed for nothing… so it’s kind of hard to say if i’m totally honest. I’d say footswitches breaking (especially in older pedals) is the most common thing, but that can happen to any pedal by any brand.

    There’s a thread somewhere (i’ll try and find it if you can’t) which is “list your favorite ehx pedals from best to worst” or something like that…. if you look through that you might see a pattern of what’s hot and what’s not.

    Edit, it’s here

    also check out the reviews section for the positive and negative stuff.

    in reply to: Micro Pog – is it supposed to be making this noise? #112147

    No it isn’t supposed to be making that noise, use it in isolation just to be sure and exchange it if you can… if you can’t return it to the shop for whatever reason contact: Chip “Scooter” Dugan:

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