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  • in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff #112353
    Electro-Melx, I listened to ‘The Hawk is Howling’. I forget the name of my fav track.. Something about the Sun. Gotta get some more.. Any recommendations?


    “Happy Songs for Happy People” and “Mr Beast” are probably the two I listen to most. ‘Rock Action’ is great too as are all of them really… I’m not a massive fan of the first two albums although my mate thinks they are the best.

    Mogwai Young Team (1997)
    Come on Die Young (1999)
    Rock Action (2001)
    Happy Songs for Happy People (2003)
    Mr Beast (2006)
    The Hawk Is Howling (2008)

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff #112341
    Cryabetes, hadn’t heard anything by Mogwai until I saw this post. So decided to check ’em out last night (while reading the history of the Big Muff). Before I knew it, I had listened to the whole album. And I can now confirm, you are correct, they are the best guitar driven band. Love those Muff sounds!


    P.S. I downloaded your bubble gum ep (I think that’s what it’s called), and plan to listen to it as soon as I finish these last few shows in Ontario:)

    which Mogwai album did you listen to?

    in reply to: Deluxe Electric Mistress NEW vs VINTAGE #112333

    There shouldn’t be a big difference, I’d try both (if you can) and get whichever you prefer.

    in reply to: Memory Boy volume LOSS when engaged #112332
    are you running it on the supplied power supply?

    No, I’m running it on a power daisy chain, will try with it’s own power (although I don’t have the supplied plug).

    According to the manual…

    …’s needs 45mA at 9v … if you have a lot of pedals on your chain it may not be getting enough power, I don’t know if that would cause what you are experiencing but it would be worth checking.

    in reply to: Memory Boy volume LOSS when engaged #112330

    are you running it on the supplied power supply?

    in reply to: POG2 – Not Saving Presets #112311
    This does beg the question, is anybody from EHX reading the forum??? It seems not and it doesn’t bode well for customer care. Hhmmm

    The answer is … EHX staff rarely visit the forum and it’s even rarer that they deal with customer care problems here.

    all the EHX contact details are in this post ^^

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112308
    I was talking with my lovely wife about this issue, and she suggested calling the Forum Section “Users Helping Users” which I think would have the advantage of not misleading people.

    Sounds like a good idea, now we just have to get someone to do it, as you need to be a higher level of admin than us to do anything like that…. ‘super admin’ (EHX staff) ….. so you see the problem we have here!?!

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff #112280
    I would be very interested in this, I am a massive Mogwai/Big Muff fan.

    Also, in regards to the person who said it’s the same as the NY Muff,
    according to the wiki it has a “slightly more extreme” sound.

    …but there isn’t any evidence for that at all. Scott Matthews (Mike Matthew’s Son) told us on here that as far as he knows they are no different. I wouldn’t be suprised if it’s a myth that’s been circulated around the internet.

    Almost every Big Muff around will sound slightly different due to part tolerances etc. If you bought a Mogwai Muff it well may have a ‘slightly more extreme sound’ than the muff you already own but I don’t think it was designed to be that way. I used to own an early LBM (with the backwards vol/sustain) and that had loads more gain than any muff I’ve played through since.

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112256
    man what is the point of being open until 6EST if everyone but the receptionist takes off at 5EST anyway?


    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112253

    that should sort out our problem anyway, the rest is down to EHX… lets hope they start doing something.

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112247
    … also the sub-heading for this section is “Ask or answer questions about EHX gear” but how many people come in here to do the latter other than EH-Man, myself and a few others? How many of the people who post a question here, have looked at the other threads to see if there is any they can answer? A community cannot survive if there are only a handful of ‘givers’ and hundreds of ‘takers’ … eventually the givers will stop giving and the takers will have nothing to take.

    …. I’ll get off my soapbox now and return to the lounge!!!

    Not to mention that most (if not all) of the power supply questions are 1st time posters who never contribute again.

    Jeezus, what a can of worms I’ve opened up on this thread! Glad to hear some of the other regulars feel the way I do.

    yeah, exactly… they aren’t interested in the forum as such they are just looking to contact EHX about something … which is fine and understandable BUT that isn’t what the forum is here for… clearly EHX don’t think so either otherwise they would have paid staff in here everyday answering the questions!

    I’m just gonna keep out of the ‘help’ section from now on, EHX staff can either come here and answer questions or they can go unanswered, I don’t come here and give my time for nothing to get a load of jip of disgruntled customers!! lol…

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112245

    … also the sub-heading for this section is “Ask or answer questions about EHX gear” but how many people come in here to do the latter other than EH-Man, myself and a few others? How many of the people who post a question here, have looked at the other threads to see if there is any they can answer? A community cannot survive if there are only a handful of ‘givers’ and hundreds of ‘takers’ … eventually the givers will stop giving and the takers will have nothing to take.

    …. I’ll get off my soapbox now and return to the lounge!!!

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112244
    its just that this is called “technical questions” not necessarily “EHX tech support” there is a small difference, you should expect to hear from fellow users with sum knowledge not actual EHX tech support.

    and it just gets annoying seeing the newbie every other day asking the same question as the last person, dont people use the search option and find the answers all ready posted before asking?!?! i do.

    and yes “moderators are only here to make sure we play nice together, there not actual EHX staff.

    maybe we need to see if we can get the title of this section changed, although I’m not sure to what… how about “This is not EHX technical support” ?? lol, The problem in this section is there’s too many people asking questions and not enough people willing to answer them, I mean any of us can find out what power supply is needed for a certain pedal, but it’s always the same few people answering, I can totally understand why EH man gets ticked off… for this forum to grow and flourish into a community we all need to be prepared to give a few answers when we can, but it seems to me that the people asking questions aren’t usually forum members as such, they are just people looking to contact ehx about a problem, which isn’t really what this forum is about, it’s about discussion.. and in this section we can discuss people’s technical problems and try to help them, members might know a solution or we might not… but people shouldn’t come here expecting one.

    …that’s the bottom line in my mind.

    in reply to: Can I power my POG2 with a Pedal Power? #112242
    So what is the point of having a help/technical questions section at all? It seems like all that goes on here is customers complaining that this isn’t tech support, and moderators complaining that they’re not paid to be tech support. If we’re not allowed to ask questions about the technical aspects of EH pedals here, what exactly is supposed to go on?

    Our ‘job’ as admin is to keep the forum spam free, moderate any inappropriate content and keep the forum chugging along for it’s users (including ourselves). It is not our job to answer any questions about anything, we do help when we can, just like any other forum member would.

    I wish there were a member of EHX tech support logged in at all times to answer questions here but there isn’t…. and if a forum member (admin or otherwise) can’t help you will told to contact EHX, that’s not always the ideal solution but it’s the only one we have to offer. I don’t like that fact anymore than you do, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

    It’s not that we are moaning about not being paid to be tech support, we aren’t tech support.. most of us are just musicians and effects users with little technical knowledge especially on new products that most of us don’t even own. You can ask whatever technical questions you like here and sometimes another member may be able to answer, but that’s as far as it goes. If you don’t like the answer you get that’s kinda tough, it’s an open forum not EHX tech support.

    But you have to get why this can be a problem. I don’t envy you your job, and I get that you guys aren’t techies, but it seems like the postings here get one of three responses:

    a) That question is too easy, do your own research, you’re an idiot. (see above).

    b) That question is too hard, contact EH, we can’t possibly help, you’re an idiot.

    c) No response at all, which is arguably worse.

    My point is that this is the first hit when you google “electro-harmonix technical support”, so acting indignant when people come here expecting technical support won’t hold water, and makes for really bad customer relations.

    I don’t want to sound totally negative here, I love these forums, learning about the things people are using the pedals for, pedalboard pics, etc. But, lurking in this corner of the forum makes it clear that this is the last place anyone should go if they expect Help/Technical Questions, and the 1st place they should go if they want to be insulted (and really, I can get insulted online in lots of places…).

    …. of course I get it and like I said I don’t like it anymore than anyone else. I noticed there were 2 members of EHX staff logged in earlier, did they answer any questions? no, they didn’t. We are as frustrated as you about that… I’m not going to say that I think people should expect to be insulted but you have to understand our frustrations too. If we didn’t answer nobody would, I’m getting pretty sick of telling people to contact ehx myself, I come here for fun, to chat about effects and to enjoy it, not to keep telling people what power supply to use… and even worse people expecting me to know and tell them… I don’t know off hand usually so I have to visit the New Sensor website or Hotrox or whatever to find out myself, then come back here and tell them!

    When this forum was set up, I think we all expected EHX staff to be more active but for whatever reason they aren’t.

    My point is that this is the first hit when you google “electro-harmonix technical support”, so acting indignant when people come here expecting technical support won’t hold water, and makes for really bad customer relations.

    That’s a matter you need to take up with EHX, Forum members and Volunteer Admin are not “electro-harmonix technical support” or “EHX customer relations personel” whatever google might say!! …. contact EHX, try their email. ;)

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff #112236

    There’s one on ebay right now, so we should find out the answer to ‘what’s it worth’ soon. :)

    I might have a bid myself, but I suspect it will go way over what I want to pay.

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