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  • Docdemers


    Thanks again for your time helping a newbie (started playing bass 4 weeks ago!).


    It works fine! Thank you major!

    My set up doesn’t have a big hum so it looks like I was just pushing the gate a little bit too far! Around 8 o’clock seems fine.

    Last question: what will happen if I ever use a set up with a major big hum and that I need to turn the gate at let say 2-3 i’clock. Will it work or will it cut all the time?


    Hi, thanks for the quick reply!

    Yes the PAD was set at -10dB since I am playing with an active bass.

    Ok, just gave it another try this morning (just bought it yesterday evening so… ) and here’s what I notice.

    There is actually a slight variation while switching the PAD. Instead of “muting” at around 9 o’clock, it turns the sound off at around 11 while sets at 0 dB. I also notice that when I turn my bass volume higher (around 3/4 full), the threshold is also higher. It goes up at around 10-11 o’clock on the -10 dB setting and at around 1-2 o’clock while sets on the 0 dB. I must point out that my bass battery is brand new and that my Big Muff is wall plugged.

    Is it a normal? Why is it gaving me a higher threshold at 0 dB but not at -10dB? Wouldn’t it be supposed to be the opposite?

    I saw a video with Tony Levins showing the benefits of the pedal and he was actually able to continue playing after setting the gate. Why can’t I? Am I forced to play really loud?

    Thanks for your time and support.



    just bought the Deluxe Bass Big Muff and it seems that I have a similar problem. The gate knob is only at 9 o’clock and it is cutting the sound on and off all the time at random (or at least it looks like at random to me! )

    I use an ESP active bass with an Ampeg mini amp. Maybe I am missing something or maybe I am just unlucky and the muff is malfunctioning right out from the box.

    Any advice for me before I bring it back to the retailer?

    Thank you.

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