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  • in reply to: Ideas Please #124325

    No answers so far…

    i only can think of an octave pedal in front of a riddle. The Filter section could do this i think.
    If you want to play it on the bass guitar, the Enigma: Qballs of course should do it. Or the Qballs alone (but i don’t own this, so i can not say this for sure).

    For guitar with only one unit, the HOG could maybe do it, but the filter section is not as sophisticated as on the Qballs pedals.

    All options might just get you near to the original sound.

    hope this helps


    in reply to: 720 looper – minimum recording time #124187

    No, that’s not fast enough, sadly, you are right.

    thanks for the answer.

    in reply to: The RIDDLE WAH !!! – urgently needed! #123362

    Oh I didn’t know that – which pedals had this?

    To continue with my request: A Volume Pedal as secondary function – imagine a Volume Pedal with the START/STOP ability – you finally could easily dial in your minimum Volume setting in heel and you maximum setting in toe (and therefor it would be much easier using different intruments in the same line.

    Anyway – A Wah Pedal with START/STOP!!! Best way to finetune your own Wahsound depending on your setup!

    in reply to: Stereo TremoPan w/ TapTempo #120494

    …with mouth still open!

    Hats off again.

    Can’t wait to play with that one!

    (please give us that functionality on a thru zero flanger!)

    your the best


    in reply to: Stereo TremoPan w/ TapTempo #120471

    I knew you could do it.

    I just knew!

    That looks so absolutely lovely!

    Hats off to EHX!

    So, when will it be availabe and what will it cost me?

    can’t wait.


    in reply to: Stereo TremoPan w/ TapTempo #120469
    in reply to: Stereo TremoPan w/ TapTempo #119871

    oh, and this as well.

    a stereo tremopan with the functionality of a dlx memory boy/man tt is so much needed.

    there are not that much pedals like this.

    and with the 8step you could have such great and weird panning and tremolo/slicing.

    i so much hope for this to come.


    sorry I have to bump this again.

    Recently I work a lot with the riddle again and it’s just soooo cool to dial in the tone you like with the start-stop dials!

    I really wished, there was a flanger like this.

    This would give us total control on the sweep and with the implementation of tap tempo and expression input and envelope you’d get the flanger of all flangers.

    Of course – it would be the icing on top of the cake if it was thru zero.

    I know, if anyone can do it, it’s EHX!

    So again – sorry for the bump, but hey!


    in reply to: take the 8 step home! #119109

    Glue presets is a pretty neat idea.

    the only thing i don’t like that much about the 8 step is the random mode, since it may be really random, but it would be better sounding and much more useful if one step would not repeat twice.

    say the randomness should happen between the 8 steps and never repeat one step as in some ways i use the 8 step it sounds off time or laggy.

    i very much hope, this would be updateable, but i don’t think so.

    apart from that it’s perfect!


    Hi, well, for me it worked. I will try a Ibanez/Boss type and write if it works (should work, but so should a onespot i guess).

    There’s been another thread about this issue:

    Batteries should work of course, but i don’t play with batteries.




    Yeah, i also love the Toy, but!

    … you really have to use the EHX power supply imho. i tried a one spot and it really didn’t sound the same.

    with the original power supply from EHX i got more and louder repeats, and a overall clearer sound.

    so now i am quite glad with it

    anyhow i still prefer a malekko ekko for a small pedalboard analoge delay. but that’s another unit and a little bigger and more expensive.


    GOT IT!

    …and man – it’s all i asked for and then some!

    GREAT work EHX! This IMHO is already an evergreen! There’s so much you can do with the 8 Step.
    I played with it for maybe two hours now and barely touched the surface of what this little helper is able to do.
    i mean – forget the demo video with the hog (sorry). Of course you can do so much more with the hog alone. there’s tremolo, step-filter and -wah, octave-sequencing (as shown in the demo), strange freeze-sequences.
    but then with the stereo polyphase you can actually build your own phaser-waveforms! sawtooth, vibelike, stepphaser of course. amazing!

    now – i asked for this pedal and it’s here, and now i wished it would have 12 or 16 steps. :-)

    OF course now we NEED a polyflange with CVin (as i mentioned here
    AND a Deluxe Stereo-Pulsar

    I mean – think of a Thru-Zero-Flanger where you could build your waveforms?!

    Really – Great work EHX.

    This pedal rocks and already is a classic. And because it’s affordable, i might buy another one!

    Keep on doing such great things!



    CV thru!


    EHX, you’ve done it again.

    I bet, this will be a classic!

    When will it be available?!



    Great ideas. yeah, i was thinking by myself, that you could maybe plug an EP between the 8step and your controlled pedal.

    both ways should work – you’d only need one preset for this, so alright.

    a pedal through would be cool though – no preset wasted AND you could switch between preset and pedal!

    cool stuff anyway – can’t wait to get one!

    one of the most interesting pedals EHX made since the Freeze and the HOG imho.




    Hi celcicelk,

    i wrote an Email to EHX about this issue, hopefully they will consider this or even better it’s as you wrote and this function’s already on board!
    would be very practical that way!


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