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  • in reply to: HOG for bass questions #93673
    I don’t think it would be difficult for them to do.

    As for desired results, it largely depends on your cabinet. Ampegs you usually run what: an 8×10 or a 1×15 or bigger and a 4×10? That’d handle the HOG fine. Now if you’re going through a single 15″ or wider speaker, I could see problems (though some 15″ speakers are surprisingly bright)

    On a guitar cabinet, you’d probably get the best results with a 4×12, but a 4×10, 2×12, or 2×10 would all work fine.

    Not to be disagreeable, but isn’t there a reason that guitar amps are 100w and bass amps are 1400w?

    Maybe it’s my lack of imagination, but one amp and speaker effectively and evenly reproducing tones that are two octaves down and four octaves up (and plenty inbetween) seems like quite a strain.

    Isn’t that why PAs have different sized speakers and crossovers and the like?

    I guess I can’t knock it before I try it.

    in reply to: HOG for bass questions #93654
    You’d think so, but an amp with a good cab works wonderfully with a HOG. I have a Bassman 135 with a homemade cab with two 12″ Texas Heats. It rules.

    I don’t know if EHX would have one with split outs, it already has so many features. But I would imagine a crossover would be nice with it.

    I just can’t imagine running a bass signal (original or guitar through two octave down) through my 5150, for instance, nor running that four octave up through my Ampeg and getting a desired result.

    Maybe split outputs would be difficult or impossible, depending on the circuitry, but an internal crossover into dual outputs would be very nice.

    in reply to: HOG for bass questions #93648
    HOG tracks bass well IMO

    There is a dry output


    Any chance of there ever being seperate “octave up” and “octave down” effected outputs, through either modification or future versions of the pedal? This isn’t a crucial point immediately, but like I said, what guitar amp could handle such a wide frequency? The effect almost demands going straight to PA.


    I seriously love this track!! That has some amazing texture!!

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