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  • in reply to: Octave Fuzz? #97182

    Sounds like you want an Octron in front of a muff.
    But yes a combination foxx tone machine (or an Ibanez standard fuzz! or something crazy like a Bee Baa circuit) in a muff would be … interesting.
    I’ve got n old octave multiplexer for octave down and an Octavian for octave up into a ram’s head muff.

    Now you mention it, I wonder what a bass BMP would be like on the multiplexer signal.

    in reply to: Bad Stone wiring help? #97180

    OK, got one of the wires; the one from the bottom of the board goes to one of the battery clips (clumsy, I didn’t notice it was broken).
    Just the one from the switch to go — should go to the negative voltage pad on the board? Where’s that/how can I tell?

    Here’s the component side of the board.

    and another of the trace side

    Thanks Ron

    in reply to: bad stone phaser troubles #97172
    Yep, definitely a 2nd version board in a 1st version box.

    Anyone have a gutshot like the ones above for the v1 Bad Stone? I just had one palmed off on me that’s dead, and I’m trying to figure out whether I should keep it and try to fix it or return it to the seller.
    It’s got one blown electrolytic and two loose wires before I can even start to think about what else might be wrong with it.
    In fact, mine has three nasty looking trimmers soldered onto the board. Are they stock or has this idiot modded it?

    in reply to: “Clock Noise” on Deluxe Memory Man #97171
    Does anyone else have problems with “clock noise” on the Deluxe Memory Man? It’s a high pitched sound – fairly subtle, some might not notice it – that occurs when the delay knob is turned clockwise past about 10:30. Is this normal, and can it be fixed with trim pot adjustment? Howard Davis has done an “alignment” but the noise is still there, so I’ve sent it back to him for another try. Maybe I’m being oversensitive to a subtle sound. I would be grateful for any feedback any of you has.


    I have an old Tokai analogue delay that does that. Drives me nuts, so it just sits in a drawer. Sorry, not very helpful I know, but at least now you know you’re not alone in being bugged by that noise.

    in reply to: Vintage IC Big Muff won’t really bypass #97167
    You like the IC muff sound? it kinda reminds me of a regualr muff played thru a marshall.

    Jury’s still out as I’ve only just got it going properly — I’m comparing everything to a 3003 lamb’s head w/ FS36999/2N5133 that’s pretty hard to beat. It’s different, but in the same ballpark. A bit tighter sounding maybe? I’ve got an old IC Little Muff (which is a muff fuzz no a big muff right?) too, which sounds completely different again.

    in reply to: Vintage IC Big Muff won’t really bypass #97165
    I thought you were meanign the footswitch,LOl

    I wasn’t sure where the problem was, so I started on the tone switch and it cleared the problem right up. +1 for experience I guess.

    in reply to: Vintage IC Big Muff won’t really bypass #97157

    Followed Ron’s advice and pulled the tone bypass switch apart — it was really quite revolting in there. All yellow smoker grunge.
    Quick blast with contact cleaner and it’s good as new.

    in reply to: Vintage EHX that you can still find for a good price. #97151

    What’s the deal on the old graphic equalizer pedal?
    Any good?


    in reply to: Vintage IC Big Muff won’t really bypass #97142

    Thanks both for the info.
    Ron, do you mean I should clean/replace the tone bypass switch or the stomp switch?

    I was pondering true bypassing it anyway, so maybe this makes the decision a little more urgent.
    Do you guys routinely true bypass your vintage muffs? (I just counted and I have somehow accrued 9 of them…and only my Lamb’s head is TB)

    in reply to: Small stone volume loss #97119
    What, if anything can be done so I won’t lose volume when using the Small Stone?

    Depending on which version you have, it’s a couple of resistor value changes.
    There’s info about the mod here for the v3 I think.
    I found some info here that talks about my v.2 — issue J — and a schematic

    I also posted some pics here after wrestling with the same question for mine.

    in reply to: How much is my Bad Stone worth? #97113
    I just got my zombie Bad Stone off ebay…and it’s £%$%*ing dead. Not undead, just dead in the water.
    it is an ex-bad stone

    I’ll bet that there aren’t any rare components. Reviving it should be within reach.

    Yes, I hope so. The FETs aren’t easy to come by though. But I’m flying blind at the moment. I’m hoping it’s something stupid like a bad switch or loose wire, but tracking it down isn’t going to be easy…


    Well, using my extraordinary sleuthing sk1llz, I think I might have found the problem…

    So, that’s just a bog standard electrolytic cap right? It’s polarised, but now how do I tell which way round the replacement should go?
    There’s a couple of loose wires too. Can anyone help me figure out where they go?

    in reply to: How much is my Bad Stone worth? #97109

    I just got my zombie Bad Stone off ebay…and it’s £%$%*ing dead. Not undead, just dead in the water.
    it is an ex-bad stone
    The seller has shut up shop/closed their e bay account (or been booted off).
    Anyone got a guts pic of one of these so I can trace the wires?
    Seriously bummed.


    This pedal is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PEDAL!!

    in reply to: Deluxe Mistress chip #97103
    I need a schematic and SAD1024 chip for a Deluxe Mistress flanger/filter matrix
    someone got into before me. I guess it’s the 18v (120vac plug-in). Appreciate
    any resources. Thanks.

    A guy on the DIY forum has a stack of them:
    Consensus seems to be that he’s price goughing a bit though. I have no idea. Depends what it’s worth to you I guess.

    in reply to: Deluxe Mistress chip #97040

    You might also want to start hanging around the electro-music forum, or post a WTB ad.
    That sort of thing shows up there from time to time.

    in reply to: Does Anyone have samples of Graphic Fuzz? #97039
    Hi! Does Anyone have samples of Graphic Fuzz (except offiicial video)? I want to hear a range of distortion… Thanks…

    Here you go:

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