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  • in reply to: FREEZE sucka! #110473

    well it makes sense, doesn’t it? the short capturing window ;)

    cool to hear you like it… i love the idea, but don’t know if i’d use it

    in reply to: What are you listening to right now (revisited)? #110444


    just an awesome album

    in reply to: What are you listening to right now (revisited)? #110348

    Michael Brook

    in reply to: Whats your guitar of choice? #110347

    Fender&EHX4ever;: amazing post as always :D that Vox looks really great!

    btw i’m surprised how many people mentioned Tele… nice :)

    in reply to: Whats your guitar of choice? #110335

    last year i probably found mine… it’s a Telecaster :) i own one and since last year i’ve played a few of them and i just love them

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #110308

    yeah, Tut, i had some problems with the expression pedal and my stereo polyphase, too… good luck with it

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #110299
    hey, SMMH fans… i keep on hearing that the multi-tap mode with echoes fading in is the BEST THING EVUR, BEYOND SEX, LULZ and so on…

    i just can’t come up with any good sounding settings when it comes to those increasing echoes… any tips? :)

    thanks ;)

    Well I wouldn’t say the multi-tap echo is beyond sex, but since I had fun with each of those things today (Yay Tut! Today is fun!) I will say that running the Delays close together (faster than you can tap) and Blend full wet (wetter than you can wet) gives you an attack delay/slow gear/microsynth fade-in that’s just great.

    interestig, thanks :) that didn’t occur to me…

    by the way… tut… damn, wetter than you can wet :D you are a fun guy ;)

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #110287

    hey, SMMH fans… i keep on hearing that the multi-tap mode with echoes fading in is the BEST THING EVUR, BEYOND SEX, LULZ and so on…

    i just can’t come up with any good sounding settings when it comes to those increasing echoes… any tips? :)

    thanks ;)

    in reply to: SMMH repeats problem #110281

    yeah, the changing function of the decay knob was a big problem for me :D i remember those times…

    and wilfbiffherb, you have the most awesome signature!!!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110273

    freshchops – wow… awesome setup!

    i feel like my photo just got even more lame :D

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #110272

    i recently tried it in stereo into Laney Cub10 and Laney VC30. It sounded really spacial :) especially the reverbed delays

    and the Cathedral in stereo sounds awesome! just do it!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110252
    Cool arty pics, ‘Chops.

    exactly what i was going to write :)

    this is mine… just added the stereo polyphase :)


    in reply to: Stereo Polyphase #110235

    yeah, triple posts… way to go me :(

    anyways… it’s awesome!!! The envelope is really interesting, slow envelope is a great idea. The phaser has really nice sound and a wide variety of settings… i don’t know about the subtleness – when combined with distortion i could easily get that heavily pronounced Incubus-like, Boss PH-2-like phasing… but it can sound really nice and subtle, not like the PH-2 i had before :)

    i usually put modulation in front of the distortion, but since i have vintage specs fuzz, i choose to put the fuzz first… the polyphase after the silicon fuzz face is just WICKED :) especially in the envelope mode – the fuzz compresses a lot, so the funkyness isn’t very apparent, but what is this really cool filtering :) With the distortion after it’s cool

    the EXP mode – i haven’t explore the possibilities yet, but it sounds cool :)

    all in all – i’m happy with it :) and it fits nicely to my pedalboard

    in reply to: Electric Mistress deluxe xo????? #110196
    you know what if they do a reissue of the electric mistress I want the original one not the deluxe i mean look at the hartman flanger and then make the pedal cheaper how simple could it get ;)

    hell yeah! make a cheaper hartman flanger and i’ll sell my soul to the devil

    anyway… i’m not a big fan of XOing when it comes to certain pedals, but i think that with DEM it could work :)

    in reply to: Big Muff History – Mike Matthews and Jimi Hendrix #110152

    Interesting, i’ve always wondered, how it went with JH and the big muff… now i know :) thanks for the story!

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