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  • Cryabetes
    So I cannot just stop the play of the looper….and punch it on again?

    Basically all I wanted was the drum machine to operate as the ‘master’…and the 2880 looper to slave to it…but I needed the looper to operate as a looper like the drum machine wasn’t even hooked up to it….just accepting the midi time clock info so they would sync and not lose time as time went on.

    No, you can start and stop it. But it won’t quantize to the next beat for starting.

    basically picture that you have two squares that rotate, and they’re stacked ontop of one another. both have a red side, a blue side, a green side and a yellow side. following so far?
    They rotate at the same rate and direction and their sides match up. Now say you stop one square’s rotation until its red side isn’t quite lined up with the other square’s green side and then start it rotating again. now they aren’t lined up, but they’re still rotating in the same direction/speed.

    Same idea.

    Basically I want to play ‘live’…using basically my drum machine / voice / and guitar…then punch a loop in the middle of the song….where I lay down chords for whatever…(say chorus or verse), and then solo over it…then punch loop off and play live again, with just the drum, voice and guitar…and looper off?

    Not something really difficult…

    If anyone can help I sure would appreciate it….I want to keep it as simple as possible…No recording or audio quirks…just simple straight forward..playability type question.

    Vern =)

    It’ll be quirky if you’re doing it that way, I can almost guarantee that. Loopers work best when you think in loops rather than changes over a linear time.

    in reply to: ARC #116673

    Know what’d be awesome? Ehx taking the cartridge concept from the l6 tonecore pedals and making one wah base and swappable cartridges for whichever models of crying tone.



    1- the looper slaves really well to external clocks like drum machines (I use mine with korg electribes, etc). With starting and stopping a loop, you’d have to leave the drum machine going (so if you wanted to cut the drums, you’d want to cut the audio output, not just hitting ‘stop’).

    Starting and stopping either would result in asynchronicity- by this, I don’t mean your loops wouldn’t be quantized to the same bpm as your drum mahine, but their beat 1 could be the drum’s beat 2.1 . It wouldn’t line up if you’re starting/stopping either one. However, by muting things or sending control messages to the faders (thereby cutting things out) you can give the appearance of starting/stopping.
    Also reverse will cause asychronicity and octave will be disabled. Also changing bpms on your master will cause speedups/slowdowns of your loops. All things that can either be used to your advantage when they’re known or avoided due to careful drum programming.

    2- the footswitch. A standard amp fs won’t work with this. The options are the ehx hog, 2880, or 16 second delay foot controllers or a midi controller, which you’ll have to program for use yourself. As in the other 2880 thread, I recommend the fcb1010, modded with a rewritable eeeprom.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116662

    No idea; I’d contact Behringer and ask them. Bizarrely, they’re actually responsive and helpful on their facebook page.

    in reply to: Holy Grail Reverb question #116658

    reverbs at the end of your chain, unless you are in the 80’s, in which case you can have a compressor + gate after it.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116657
    Thank you for your reply, things are definitely starting to become a bit clearer.

    I’ve looked into the fcb1010 issue and it appears to be that to cut down on the cost of the unit they’ve used a one time programmable EEPROM so you can’t update the firmware without physically replacing a chip or two. It’s a good thing you mentioned this as I hadn’t come across this issue and was pretty certain this would be an elegant solution.

    After further searching I’m wondering if:

    Rocktron Midi Mate


    Tech 21 Midi Moose

    Would do the trick?

    Oh, and I meant to type 1/4″ Jack :)

    those run into the same problem as the Digitech PDS3500 though (minus that they’ll pass stuff through); you’ll need a bunch of them. I’d still say the FCB is the elegant solution and that modding isn’t that much of a problem; in fact, lots of people sell the modded ones.

    Also, the 1/4″ in is for the EHX footswitch, not midi. I mean, it’s probably just using the ground as a voltage send and the tip as a voltage return, with different resistors under each of the fs’s stomps, but that’s not midi.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116651

    There’s some issue with the fcb1010 where its programmability is hindered so it doesn’t infringe on a patent or somethhing. It’s switching out an IC or two (or maybe an eeprom?). If they didn’t pass clock signal as is, you could always get a quadra thru and then merge boxes for clock+fcb signals. Not sure what you mean by 14″ out.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116643

    Otherwise if you are running into issues with that 300ms thing, you can use a mute pedal on one of the outs and use the panning to separate them.

    Also i’m pretty sure there’s usb-to-midi hosting devices, just little boxes that’ll host midi stuff, but i’m not familiar with any of them so I couldn’t recommend any.

    in reply to: Ravish Sitar Volume #116630

    Yeah like I said, my old strat had problems with it. I ended up filing/sanding down the raised poles and then raising the entire pickup, although mine wasn’t for a Ravish it was so playing with a bow would pick up more evenly. Hooray cheapie guitars.

    You probably don’t want to do that though.

    in reply to: DMM question. #116626

    promero85 – maybe with the humdebugger; the noise suppressor would only do something while there isn’t signal passing. However, it’s an analog delay, and there’s generally always a bit of noise from those.

    smile- sounds like a busted pot. which would entail installying a new one.

    in reply to: Ravish Sitar Volume #116625

    are you sure it’s not the metal pole pieces in the pickups directly affecting output volume?
    I know my old strat had all sorts of problems with that.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116624
    the midi solutions one would work but you’d need four or five for what you’re talking about.

    Thanks for the response. This is the question I was just thinking about.

    But wouldn’t it be possible to have several buttons on a footswitch with 1/4″ stereo (Tip+Ring+Sleeve) output? I.E. the Digitech FS3X?

    yes, but your equipment has to be set up for it- there’s some physical circuitry wizardry going on with the digitech fs3x.

    Midi Solutions also sells a rack mounted version with 8 footswitch inputs – but I think this is overkill for what I’m trying to do. In addition to cost, one of my priorities here is real estate, and I don’t currently use any rack effects.

    Don’t underestimate some rack stuff- you can use it as a floor for a pedal board or mounted under your board, especially if it’s just footswitches/triggers.

    Another option I have been thinking about is using my computer to send the appropriate CCs, and building some kind of DIY floor switch out of an old keyboard or something. However, until now I have successfully kept my guitar rig entirely independent of the computer (meaning it will work the same without it) and I’d like to keep it that way.

    I will look into your other suggestions. Thanks again.

    yeah yeah that works well too. when I saw EOTO last year, that’s what michael travis had done rather than buy another footcontroller. And yeah, i’m not a fan of having to rely on my computer for music work.

    in reply to: Good MIDI foot controller for 2880? #116613

    the Randall one is more for midi-switching rigs, like where the guitarist has a bunch of different racks for his Van Halen effects, his Nitro effects, his Scorpions effects, etc.

    the midi solutions one would work but you’d need four or five for what you’re talking about.

    The softstep would be an option but i’m not sure if that’s a standalone item or if you’d need a laptop to run it.

    The Digitech PDS 3500 would be an option but you’d need four of them and a midi merge box.

    a modded Behringer FCB1010 would probably be the best bet.

    Or there’s a roland one too, that’s a bit smaller than the 1010 but I can’t recall offhand what that one is.

    in reply to: Ravish Sitar expression pedal #116611

    Moog EP-2 is the go-to EHX expression pedal.

    in reply to: Syncing Logic Pro with a 2880 looper #116580

    I don’t use logic, but why are you making the 2880 the master clock? seems more worthwhile to do it opposite.

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