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  • CRWolf

    Add me to the list of those who would love to see an updated version of this awesome pedal. I’ve sold one, bought another one and sold that one in the last 2 years. If the looper was easier to use and the volume drop was fixed, it would never have left the first time. I’d love to see a lot of the features already mentioned, but realistically, I know you guys can’t do them all.

    Some of the things you already do with other pedals, like the third switch and the separate preset box seem like they would be great on the Hazarai.

    Expression control is a must. Maybe it could be implemented the same way the low-pass filter is on the DMB in order to keep from having another button on top. Just turn the knob, or knobs???, you want to control.

    Obviously, sound quality would be an expected improvement.

    The controls are fine the way they are as far as I’m concerned.

    A true multi-tap mode would also be nice. A new mode altogether is probably the only way to do this without sacrificing the things that make the current multi- mode awesome.

    Tap divisions aren’t necessary to me, but I get that a lot of people want them. True multi-tap would be better and unique, IMO.

    I don’t think a new Hazarai should aim to compete with the likes of Strymon or Eventide’s superdelays (in fact, I think that would be a huge mistake). I love the quirkiness and weirdness of EHX pedals, and the ability they have to get wacky sounds. Please just make a new Hazarai that fills the same space the current one does, just make it better at that. And whatever you do, DON’T ELIMINATE THE ABILITY TO HAVE REPEATS INCREASE/DECREASE/MAINTAIN VOLUME.

    Phew. Feels good to have that off my chest.

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