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  • in reply to: ‘Kaos Pad’, in stomp box form ! #91524

    This whole idea is kind of useless.

    in reply to: Tube Reverb and Tape Echo… #91523

    This just in:

    I would never buy either of these two pedals anyways, so I don’t care if they get made or not.

    in reply to: Introducing: Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker #91522

    Meh, no BMTW for me.

    in reply to: Analog vs. Digital #91521
    why, because it’s my favorite EHX effect?

    That, and because it seems to be your favorite.

    I have an idea for the next Generation of Memory Man! THE SUPER ATARI DELUXE MEMORY MAN WITH QUINTUPLE HAZARAI! Dont get me wrong i love the Latest SMMH I just wish it had 3 more presets per mode and a foot controller to control it all with AND a hold button to extend the delay indefinitely would be tight! I even came up with an artistic rendering of the footcontroller! ^_^

    That seems like a very groovy and effective controller.

    in reply to: Analog vs. Digital #91510


    the frequency analyzer rules

    Of course you’d say that… 🙄

    in reply to: For Those About to Play (We Salute You) #91487
    Too bad I just sold rock band 2 to get a graphic fuzz!

    That’s not a bad thing at all. Too bad that game isn’t worth enough to obtain said fuzz.

    in reply to: For Those About to Play (We Salute You) #91486
    Do you play the game?

    No I don’t actually, these Guitar hero games really kind of piss me off because these little kids think that they are accomplishing something, but they’re not until they pick up a real guitar.

    in reply to: What’s Your Favorite Band/Artist? #91485
    Dunno, it just sounds very raw, more like jams rather than a real studio album, and that’s the beauty of it. And the second CD, the live one, has a screwed-up version of Stairway to Heaven. :)

    That sounds pretty cool. The only song off of it that I’ve heard is Traveling Riverside Blues, which I absolutely love. Awesome slide work.

    in reply to: Analog vs. Digital #91483
    Less pedals are better, because then you dont have to worry about batteries and adapters. Also, its hard to keep on switching pedals on and off if you have a lot because some get in the way. Know what im sayin?

    Yeah, I know what you’re sayin’. That’s another valid reason to take it easy on the effects. What effects do you want to get before you get/build a guitar? The only pedals I think I need are some more fuzz boxes (fOXX tone machine) and a small stone, maybe a flanger and tuner, that’s about it. But I can’t decide if I should get some of these first, or just get that Highway One Telecaster I’ve had my eye on. Being a player of only three years, I only have one electric (I destroyed my shitty “beginner guitar”.)

    in reply to: effect loops and output levels #91482
    IMO the electric guitar is a totaly different instrument with a ‘pure’ signal… isn’t really much more than an amplified acoustic…..people like Hendrix and Townsend wouldn’t have did what they did without effects and nor would the thousands of bands that followed….that’s what makes the electric guitar special.

    Yeah I know. But Hendrix and Townshend only used about two or three pedals each (townshend just used a univox superfuzz as of 1969, here’s an overview of his setup from then:

    So I don’t think effects are bad, they should just be used tastefully and sparingly.

    in reply to: effect loops and output levels #91468
    The best way to solve this problem would be to keep your tone pure and not use any effects. I would do the same, but I just can’t part with my wah and fuzz quite yet. I’ve kicked the modulation and delay addiction, so that’s a plus.

    I could never get rid of my pedals.

    I could, possibly. I have the shiftiest mind in the world, and it tells me to change my stuff around all of the time, so I don’t even know what to do anymore. As of now, I am only using three (crybaby, big muff, small clone) but it keeps changing.

    in reply to: effect loops and output levels #91450

    The best way to solve this problem would be to keep your tone pure and not use any effects. I would do the same, but I just can’t part with my wah and fuzz quite yet. I’ve kicked the modulation and delay addiction, so that’s a plus.

    in reply to: Analog vs. Digital #91406

    I just did some major downsizing and thinking and such, and now I have narrowed my pedal selection considerably. I only use a wah, fuzz, and maybe a phaser just for kicks, and that’s about it. The shorter your signal chain, the better your tone is going to be. Less pedals = more tone; that tone should come from your guitar and amp mainly, so BlueSteel, if I were you, I would go for a new guitar rather than more effects.

    in reply to: What’s Your Favorite Band/Artist? #91405
    I recently bought a Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions CD – and I adore it. I never liked Led Zeppelins more intricate material – I enjoy their standard blues stuff a lot more, and this album is full of it. :)
    Of course, I still think some of their later songs are genius – No Quarter, Nobody’s Fault but Mine (The acoustic version on the Page & Plant “No Quarter” tour DVD kicks some serious ass), When The Levee Breaks, but still. I’d choose Jimi over Jimmy anytime, haha :)

    I’ve been wanting to pick up the BBC sessions album for quite a while now, but since I’m such a cheap bastard and will only buy it used for a discounted price, the opportunity hasn’t come up yet (actually it has once, should have gotten it then, damn). I think it’s the last Zeppelin album I will need, because I already have all of their studio albums and coda.

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