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  • in reply to: still on the hunt #98275

    Hey everybody, guess what I just did! I found a Big Box Pulsar and ordered it for myself! I’m such an asshole! Blowout section of Who would have thunk it? Here’s another one:
    Don’t tell me that it’s too expensive. $75? I think that’s fair for a brand new unit. I payed $100 for mine, then I found this.

    in reply to: what will become of the small clone? #98274

    Here’s the best corse of action: Acquire all of the classic pedals you want before they become either impossible to find or hideously overpriced. I just ordered a classic Pulsar a few days ago. It was a bitch to find, but I did it.

    in reply to: What pedals do you currently want? #97918

    I need to get me some more EHX.

    Double Muff- A gnarly, temperamental dirt box? Don’t mind if I do.

    Deluxe Electric Mistress- I need a flanger for various trippin’ tones.

    Russian Big Muff Pi- You can never have too many muffs.

    Stereo Memory Man- Not the Haz, the discontinued analog one with 300 milliseconds of delay and chorus. I must completely EHX-ificate my pedalboard, therefore the Carbon Copy will not do.

    Mini Q-Tron- Not to be confused with the XO Micro Q-Tron. I’ve always wanted an EF.

    Frequency Analyzer- Real cool time, it would seem.

    Octave Multiplexer- Even though I have a POG, I would like to have an analog octave effect.

    Korg DT-10 BR Tuner- Not really an effect, but I need a pedal tuner. I hardly ever tune my guitar though.

    Vox Wah of Sorts- Maybe I’ll get a McCoy if I come across one and have the money. If not, just the standard V847A.

    in reply to: New Pedals #97898

    Here’s a novel idea: Don’t try to emulate the tone of other’s or base your tone on an archetype. Create, don’t emulate. Unless you want to. It’s your prerogative.

    in reply to: Fender Sonic Youth signature guitars #97822

    I knew this would happen eventually. It’s just strange to see Thurston and Lee with guitars that aren’t beaten to shit.

    in reply to: AMP’age: the amp roll-call….. list ’em! #97719

    Fender Hot Rod Deluxe.

    in reply to: An expansion of the “small” pedal series… #97599

    Oh yeah. Damn. Foiled again.
    How long did it take you to amass that collection, and at what approximate price? Also, do you own pedals made by any other companies? Or do you really exclusively use Fender and EHX (forever)?

    in reply to: An expansion of the “small” pedal series… #97589

    I’d like to burgle that.


    I suppose that the link between music and art is wearing quite thin. Terrible shame, that. I rue the day that it is completely severed. It’s getting pretty close. Spot on, John J.

    i don’t care about board space since i don’t have a board. aesthetics ftw.



    You know me; always in favor of the vintage. If anybody is aware of preferably new Mini Q-Tron, please let me know. Oh yeah, the reason. Mojo. Yeah. That elusive, vague concept that most folk aren’t aware of as long as they have their convenience and cookie cutter tone. Here’s a digression: Why do most guitarists strive to emulate the tone of well established “celebrity” guitarists rather than create their own (or at least try)?

    in reply to: An expansion of the “small” pedal series… #97466

    I don’t see why EHX couldn’t have just made the pedals smaller, but still housed them in tolex and sheet metal so they have the same aesthetic. XO is far too generic. EHX just isn’t as unique as it once was. Compared to Boss, Ibanez, Digitech, etc. I suppose they still are, but they’ve almost completely lost their mojo. Fuck all of that “trying to appeal to a wider demographic” shit. EHX already appealed to the right people, not most people. Right is what’s important. If people are too shallow to look past the large cases and semi-obsolete power jacks (which add to the mojo), then fuck ’em. They can fester in their boring, digital cesspool. EHX should plan a vintage revival. I know they won’t, but it’s a nice thought. Stop the genocide.

    in reply to: still on the hunt #97031

    It’s probably only around $80.

    in reply to: still on the hunt #97022
    …for a big box pulsar.

    i cant believe i sold mine back in the day. i want another so bad.

    ive been looking for a while and theres nothing near me. i dont do ebay, because its the root of all evil.

    if youve got one, show it off.

    Go to They have a brand new big box.

    in reply to: Which Small Stone?! #97015

    Yeah, I just ordered a NYC Small Stone. I should be getting it today. Get them sonsabitches while they last.

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