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  • in reply to: Double Muff? #90690
    Speaking of the whole Q-Tron situation, I’ve noticed that almost everyone goes for the Q-Tron+ over the standard, so why does EHX continue to make both?

    well the only difference that I know of is the plus has an effects loop…….if you don’t want or need that you can buy the one without for less money…..there is only one reason they would continue to make both, the fact is they must be selling plenty of the standard q-trons… otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered making an XO version.

    I think the plus may also have one more control, attack response I believe. I wouldn’t really use either of those two features (I think the Q-Tron has to many knobs for someone as “unlearned” as my self to even wrap my brain around, I start loosing the ability to use an effect “effectivley” (pun very intended) when it has over 4 controls.)

    EHX already probably made a pedal like this, but what about a nano that automatically does volume swells in response to your picking?

    they used to make something that did that, which is now incredibly rare and sought after


    Wow, that thing looks crazy awesome. I don’t think a single or double knob version of that could be made though. An XO would suit that pedal well, but I don’t think that too many people would buy it if it were reissued.

    EHX already probably made a pedal like this, but what about a nano that automatically does volume swells in response to your picking?

    I can’t think of an EHX pedal that does this…. DOD made a swell pedal back in the day, I’d imagine it worked along those lines, I think that would be pretty neat for a nano.

    Here’s a pic of the DOD one, they are pretty rare….I’ve never seen one in real life. :)


    That’s cool. Maybe EHX will pick up the idea. Seems right up their alley.


    EHX already probably made a pedal like this, but what about a nano that automatically does volume swells in response to your picking?

    in reply to: My plea to EHX… #90599
    “broken beyond repair” is a term used only by the incompetent. Real men can fix anything.

    Yeah, whatever.

    in reply to: Does anyone have a vintage MXR phase 100? #90596
    I was at guitar center yesterday and they didnt have any.

    Guitar Center will never have the thing you’re looking for in stock, it’s probably intentional too. If you want a quality phaser get a Small Stone.

    in reply to: What EHX have you owned? #90594

    All I’ve got is the standard issue Big Muff Pi USA, Small Clone , POG (My first “expensive pedal”. Up until I got this thing, the most expensive thing I had was a $150 MXR Carbon Copy, which is probably going to be replaced by a DMM sooner or later), Metal Muff w/ Top Boost(I regret getting this thing, sounds okay, kind of generic, just not my style), and a Stereo Electric Mistress (also to be replaced by the real DEM). EHX pedals that I don’t yet own, starting with most wanted:

    1. Small Stone (To replace that “block logo” phase 90 piece of shit)
    2. USSR Muff (You can never have to many Muffs…)
    3. DEM

    in reply to: My plea to EHX… #90593
    well, that’s why we are here!! we all love ehx like yourself! :)

    …..and don’t forget there are still plenty of cool old vintage units floating around to stop your hyperventilating!! :D

    What about the horrible day that all of the vintage units are either owned by someone with no intention of selling them, or broken beyong repair? EHX better have some vintage reissues comming my way…

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #90592
    I’ll be downsizing to a pedaltrain mini here soon. As much as I love the HG+, I’m going to sell her and use my amp reverb. I plan on getting rid of the creamy dreamer russian (which i love to death) and getting the tone wicker version so it will fit on the mini. I’ll probably lose the boost and get a lpb-1. The hw chorus is out of here too. I’ll be moving into a small apartment and hopefully performing soon thus the LYT32 being way too big.


    That sounds like some good downsizing, but why didn’t you just have all of those changes in the first place, before buying all of the stuff you’re getting rid of? You don’t have to get rid of a pedal just because it won’t fit on your board….

    in reply to: Double Muff? #90589
    but maybe in a nano with the knobs side by side.

    That could happen, but EHX wouldn’t have both nano’d at the same time. They would choose one or the other, probably the double because it seems to sell better, and it’s more versital.

    true, but I can see them having both… isn’t that different to having the q-tron and q-tron+, some people might only want the single which would be cheaper.

    I guess we’ll see anyway, it’s interesting thinking about this stuff though, trying to second guess ehx!! :D

    Speaking of the whole Q-Tron situation, I’ve noticed that almost everyone goes for the Q-Tron+ over the standard, so why does EHX continue to make both? They should just have all of the features from the + and call it the Q-Tron. But that’s just what I think. EHX really keeps you on your toes with all of the changes and additions they make.

    in reply to: POG #90582

    Got me a POG, POG pleased me, fed my POG under yonder tree.

    But on a lighter note, I am quite enamored with the beastly ol’ pog. Great for doing a one octave up/down with some dry signal on solos. Or you can make obnoxious noises with the +2 and nothing else.

    in reply to: Vintage Hot Tubes & Tube pedal Hot Tubes #90580

    Did you steal that thing from Kim Gordon?

    in reply to: Scott, maybe some pictures of your collection??? #90579

    What kinds of ideas about new pedals is what I wanna know…

    in reply to: deluxe big muff #90577

    This was J Mascis’ first muff in a long line of muffs.


    I feel like such a square, because I have a pittiful collection of EHX, compared to you dudes who have been playing for longer than EHX has existed, and own everything they’ve ever made, including the legendary manual wah (who’s name escapes me).

    1. Big Muff Pi (USA)
    2. Small Clone
    3. POG
    4. Stereo Electric Mistress (lame-esque)
    5. Metal Muff (Shouldn’t have ever bought it, just not my style, if I had one (a style that is).

    Here are the 3 current production EHX pedals that I have any desire to obtain (not that you care)

    Small Stone (BIG)
    Double Muff
    USSR Big Muff

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