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  • in reply to: EC 4600 Small Clone Not working #120165

    okay… well it works! i just connected the footsw wire to my 9v supply and voila.

    now does anyone here have a wiring diagram for these buffered (i’m assuming) bypass ehx effects?

    THanks so much!

    in reply to: EC 4600 Small Clone Not working #120164

    another pic

    in reply to: EH 2880 Looper as Midi Clocks Master to Sequencer #110695

    I’m trying to get the 2880 to function as a midi clocks master to my sequencing program (Digital Performer 6). I can get it to act as a slave but have no luck using the 2880 as a master. I basically just want to be able to control DP’s tempo with the 2880’s tempo slider. Has anyone successfully accomplished this with their DAW/sequencing program of choice? The manual skips over this topic altogether.

    Did you get this to work? I read somewhere that there was a new software update that addresses issues with the 2880 functioning as a master midi clock.

    Also I was wondering if I could get some specific information regarding using the use of the 2880 with a sequencer. I’m wanting to be able to use my electribe sequencer in time with a looper (midi). but i want to be able to run guitar loops in perfect time with the sequencer (I dont want to be recording loops from the sequencer in the looper just time matched). Will this be easy to accomplish using this set up? and how accurate would it be? does the ehx know to end four bars at the right bpm or does it time stretch if its off etc.? which should I run as the master?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated

    in reply to: RH Big Muff broken…any suggestions #110304

    I recently went into my big muff and (after break the cheap ass wire from the pcb) i noticed there are 4 wires coming from the input jack. 2 wires coming from the same lug that has the wire that goes to the footswitch.

    there is also a 220ug capacitor along with two resistors on the back of the pcb that go to the power supply jack.

    can anyone help? ive never seen this before!

    btw… the muff doesnt work. bypass works but is distorted now


    in reply to: Vintage Stereo Memory Man internal trimpot help #109203

    I messed with the trimpots moving them very little and I the best sound seems to be the echoes with the distortion (that over no echoes and a lot of distortion) is there any internal circuitry that could be changed to really fix this old guy up. Ive got a pretty good solder hand and was thinking of replacing the electrolytic caps and some input caps to higher quality tanatulum and metal film. or maybe some nicer electrolytics. Could anyone point me in the direction of some other components being the troublesome ones?


    in reply to: stereo memory man high pitched noise #109098

    Alsoooo… I was wondering if you all could recommend and mods or component upgrades for this particular unit. I was thinking about changing the input caps to silver mica and changing the smaller electrolytic caps (1uf) to metal film caps and the larger ones to tanatulum caps. And maybe upgrading the electrolyics to some nice sanyo or panasonic ones. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I do like to go into pedals and take out all polarized electrolytics or at least the tone changing ones

    Thanks Again,

    in reply to: stereo memory man high pitched noise #109097
    What you’re hearing is clock noise from the delay ICs. There’s a trimpot that you can adjust to minimize the noise but if you really want to cancel it out you’ll need to replace it with a multi-turn pot.

    Can you post a pic of the circuit board in your unit? I’ll try to mark the trimpot for you. DO NOT TOUCH ANY OTHER TRIMPOTS!

    Im having this same problem–

    EH man you mention a multi-turn pot? Could you enlighten us a little more. I can definitely remove and solder in a new trim pot if that will help my beautiful stereo memory man


    in reply to: Vintage Stereo Memory Man internal trimpot help #109011

    judging from the internal circuitry Id say reissue. Ive already messed with the trimpots amd adjusted the gain I really just need to know which trimpot is which

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