Thank you, I wrote about a week ago to that email address and did not get a reply. Today I did ask these questions in a support query on the EHX website in addition to the forum because I wasn’t sure whether staff would be more likely to respond here or to a direct website query.
Hello, I wrote but got no response.
Thank you for the fast reply! That is a great video, but it only control of the ring modulator, not the pitch fork. Sorry I just want to make sure–will it work with the pitchfork to create arpeggios? Also, is there a special cable needed or just a standard 1/4″ patch? Thank you!
I build pedals and in the process I’ve learned that many 9V DC sources actually put out about 9.4 to 9.6. Decent components should be able to handle those small differences in voltage (in fact the resistors and capacitors used in a pedal sufficiently vary from the values that they’re supposed to have that you can expect a decent range of voltage variability from pedal to pedal. I think you will be fine, but maybe be careful if you have any digital pedals, because sometimes those ICs can be touchy.