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  • in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #100862

    Tired, and excited about learning my NYC shipped two days ago and should be here within about a week.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100861
    Hey, I’m new here also. I just purchased a Big Muff w/Tone Wicker at Guitar Center for 80 bucks. It’s worth it to have the extra features. It opens up so many more possibilities in tone. I recommend it for sure.

    Nice to meet you, man. Glad to hear you got a deal, too! I think I might prefer the one with tone wicker, too, but I’m pretty short on cash, so I think I’ll be fine with the NYC for now.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100836
    I have two Russian BMPs and honestly through my solid states they sound like heaven, but through my tube amp it sounds like absolute 100% garbage. It’s all farty and weird sounding…is this normal? I’ll post a new thread and some clips later if you want to hear it. Sorry for hijacking the thread but I think you will be satisfied with your solid state fuzz sound with the BMP. I’m glad I got the Russians though because I saw a BMP in Guitar Center the other day, and it is way too damn big!!!

    Really? I’d think the USA’s would sound a bit better through solid states, considering they have bit more of a tube-ish sound and a little less mushiness (not a bad thing, just different). I guess you never know ’til you try things.

    Then of course I love the Big Muff sound. Then there’s octave fuzzes. Too much, man, too much.

    Never is too much when you talk about big muffs.

    I think I can’t give an opinion on the subject, because my bmp is russian and I play thru it with my bass.

    That’s true.

    Heard a lot of good things about Muffs through basses. I always wanted to try a bass Muff on my gee-tarr, too.

    in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #100835

    Listening to some Beatles as I chill from a long day.

    in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #100792

    Listening to Gypsy Sun and Rainbows at Woodstock as I’m tired and bored out of my skull.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100790
    I really like the sound of a big muff into a really clean amp, I think that’s why they sound great into SS amps, you get a really fuzzy sound that way.. (also into high powered clean valve amps like fender twins)

    ..lots of people say their fuzz pedals (of any type) sound good into SS amps, you get a different sounding fuzz than you do into valve amps. no better or worse, just different, to my ears it’s just fuzzier and kinda nastier (in a good way!!) :D

    Yeah, I’m a major sucker for fuzz. And it could be nice to get a different Big Muff sound, different than all the recordings it’s been on over the years that were on tube amps, just to hear/try something new. I plan on getting some type of fuzz face soon, too, and eventually maybe a silicon version and a germanium version. Then of course I love the Big Muff sound. Then there’s octave fuzzes. Too much, man, too much.

    ………just noticed the QOTSA avatar too….

    …if you turn the tone knob on the big muff right down (almost to nothing) then adjust the EQ on your amp to taste, I think you might like what you hear….. to me it’s a very QOTSA kind of tone.

    Sounds nice. I could get into that.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100779
    I use a solid state amp and my big muff sounds awesome with it.

    You guys are really getting me stoked about this more and more! When I bought it, I figured I’d just be getting a half-usable sound until I got a tube amp, and I know it’s still not as good, but now I’m really eager to get it and hear it.

    in reply to: What pedals do you currently want? #100774

    My dream pedalboard would probably be along the lines of:

    USA Big Muff

    Germanium OD

    XO Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai

    Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe 2 (Robin Trower uses it)

    MXR Silicon fuzz

    MJM London fuzz (germanium)

    BYOC envelope filter

    BYOC Leeds fuzz

    BYOC flanger

    BYOC wah

    an octave fuzz

    I’ll probably remember a few things later and put them in there, but that’s a pretty accurate list.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100773
    defo, NYC big muff into a SS combo was my main sound in my ‘grunge’ band….sounded flippin’ great to me.

    Crank the sustain, crank the volume, stick the tone somewhere in the middle……..ROCK OUT!

    That sounds practically perfect for me, then. Nice.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #100756

    Well, I don’t think you can call it a pedalboard, but I have two pedals, waiting on the third. Right now I have a Vox V847A wah and a DigiTech RP350 multi-effects processor. I’m waiting on an NYC Big Muff, though. I’m new to the world of pedals and what-not. I was planning on getting a tube amp before getting any pedals (right now I have a 15-watt solid-state Hartke which is decent), but I got some stuff as good deals, and so far everything sounds good, so I think they’ll be fine until I get a Marshall Class Five at the end of the year.

    Also, I don’t have a camera, so I can’t give any pictures. Not much to look at anyway.

    EDIT: Just noticed the poll, and voted single coils. I usually prefer them. Humbuckers are just as good, and I think they sound just as good and/or better for a lot of things, just generally I like single coils more.

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix – Doom Style :) #100755

    Sounded sick.

    in reply to: Just got a NYC Muff #100754
    Can’t help on mods and what not, but when I played through a solid state (Fender FM100 head) the Big Muff sounded awesome. Should do the trick while waiting for a tube amp.

    Sounds good, man, I’m excited.


    On that thread you can find several mods for several pedals (including the BMP), hope it helps :). Good luck on modding it, welcome to EHX world, and well. Um, I’m lacking of proper words 😆 since I’m not a native english speaker. Anyways, cheers on the purchase!

    Thanks a lot, man, I appreciate it!

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