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  • cheesedude5050

    Let’s all remember that this is going to be analog, so it won’t be a new hog. He said it would be unlike anything on the market, so ate frankly, I have no guess. But really mike! It’s been over a month. You could at least tell us what it is

    in reply to: Which Small Stone ? #116649

    i have a green russian that im pretty happy with, but i feel like it could be a little smoother


    does this have anything to do with the new analogizer?


    I can’t believe some one finally commented on this! i’ve decided on the deluxe.

    in reply to: Idea: Pedalboard friendly looper. #103196
    I’d love a basic, 20-40 second looper. since i don’t want to get a delay with a built in looper,

    why do you put these ridiculous limitations on yourself? Just get a delay with a looper. you don’t have to use the delay if you don’t want to, no one is making you do it.

    I want to save some money. I’m trying to pickup a used DMM on ebay, which is going to cost me, and don’t want to spend $150 on a delay with a looper in it. It’s not that i’m shunning the idea of a delay with a looper in it, it’s just that the delay i want to get doesn’t have a looper in it. once i have my main pedal board set up, i’ll probably get a SMMwH. but untill then, a standard phrase looper would be awesome.

    in reply to: Idea: Pedalboard friendly looper. #104246

    I’d love a basic, 20-40 second looper. since i don’t want to get a delay with a built in looper, my only options are big $200 3 hour preset blahbadiblah fancy loopers. i’d love a deluxe freeze, with a built in phrase looper. it could be an XO. that guy would sell like hot cakes.

    in reply to: Relative newbie advice question #110370

    the memory boy is okay, but there are a lot of much better analog delays out there. for $150, the carbon copy’s a great, basic analog delay. if you want a lot of customization in your tone, and want to stick with ehx, i’d get the DELUXE memory boy. for 60 bucks more, you get a ton: tap tempo, tap divide, twice as many knobs, it’s a great deal.

    in reply to: vintage flanger shootout! #115812

    thanks. i decided on the electric mistress. i found an N.O.S. standard one from the ’70s on ebay with 9 days left. but whew! what a day! just scored a reissue black finger for $116 and and an english muff’n for $80! can’t wait for them to come in!

    in reply to: MODULATION MADNESS #115820

    change of plan! just found some great vintage flangers on ebay! now the choice is between a vintage deluxe electric mistress or a vintage mxr flanger. i love the great sounds eddie coaxed out the mxr, but i also just love the warmth and overall vintage goodness of the electric mistress. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: MODULATION MADNESS #115819

    its kinda out of my price range. I’m looking between 80 to 140. for flanger, 100 to 160. for a flanger, i really want a classic sounding analog one that will fuze van halen and hendrix into one crazy extremely awesome pedal. currently im considering the deluxe electric mistress, the mxr flanger, and the idanez 9 series flanger. I’ve only tried out the ibanez, though, and loved it. feel free to through out any other ideas.

    in reply to: MODULATION MADNESS #115813

    it sure does. I’m looking for a vintage style amp like tremolo pedal. I’m trying to add more diversity too my board. the previous outline i had was all ehx and MXR, with the exception of a crybaby. any suggestions for a flanger?

    in reply to: Muff madness #115948

    Hey guys. Thanks for all the advice. I decided on the usa bmp, and baught it yesterday. I love it and would recommend it to anyone.

    in reply to: Please XO the Polychorus. #115528

    third! also, xo the deluxe electric mistress, too!

    in reply to: Anyone played through a Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi yet? #115435

    Hey. I’m wondering how the g4 compares to a standard NYC big muff pi and a germanium OD. the g4 wins on the price, but does it sound as good? and is the distortion really a fuzz, like the standard big muff pi, or is it actually a distortion? I love the sound of the big muff pi, so unless the distortion die is even MORE fuzzy than the standard muff, it’s a no go. I already have a great distortion pedal, and i don’t need another.

    in reply to: Battle of the 3 letter acronym modulation effects #115384

    Thanks. I had a feeling EHX would prevail. I think the phase 100 is a ten stage phaser, though.

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