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  • in reply to: “Live Videos of Your Band” Thread #93574

    Here’s a video of my band playing in our drummer’s cellar in Bous, Luxembourg last October.

    in reply to: My USA Big Muff may have a problem… #93376
    My chain looks like this:

    SG > Wah > Big Muff > Small Clone > Fender Hot Rod Deluxe

    I too have a Hot Rod Deluxe. Have you tried playing at different volume levels on the amp? I find that with most pedals, unity gain will vary on the dial depending on the volume of the amp… Is that normal, BTW?

    in reply to: Tube Zipper Oscilation Chord Song by tubezipper #93339

    Nice! :thumb:

    in reply to: Help a noob with amp questions? #93337
    I’m comparing it of course to my Bassman 135 with an over sized open back 2X12 which has tons of bass. I know about the foam cushion, but my friend lost his- haha.

    Are you trying to get me to post photos of decapitated puppies? :D

    in reply to: Help a noob with amp questions? #93315
    I’ll give a vote against Hot Rods. My friend had a 2×12 Hot Rod, it was built like crud (especially the input jacks) and the pre-amp tubes rattled a lot because they were were right behind the speakers, creating an irritating noise. The speakers in it I didn’t care for, nor for the overall tone- it was really lacking in low end. I will give it a plus though in that the reverb (although solid state) was quite excellent sounding. You could get a nice rockabilly or surf tone out of it.

    In the UK I’d go for an Orange Dual Terror. I can vouch for the Tiny Terror it sounds awesome. The Dual Terror has more watts though, better for gigging.

    :freak: Funny things you say. Mine came stock with a foam cushion around the preamp tubes that prevents any rattling. Tons of bottom end and the speaker’s okay (especially in that price range). The reverb, however, is horribly overblown. Can’t turn it up past 1, it’s the one thing I hate about the amp.

    That said, I second the thing about the Tiny Terror. Awesome little amp and the new 30W version is on my wish list. But if the Peavey is as good as they say, it’s well worth considering. Even a 15W Tiny Terror Combo will cost nearly twice as much.

    in reply to: Help a noob with amp questions? #93307

    I recommend the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe. The clean channel sounds fantastic and it’s a very good platform for effects. I’ve been using one for 18 months now and I’m very happy with it.

    in reply to: Harmony Central hub bub #93274
    Wow. I can’t believe I just read like 8 pages of that nonsense. The funniest part is that everytime it seems to die down, someone just curses out a random person and then there’s 10 more pages of ridiculosity. They need to pass around the virtual bong and chill out. I would like to take this chance to say I love this forum. Lets never let it devolve like that. :)

    Send some of that virtual bong my way, while your at it. I’m tired of doing those cereal ads anyway. :freak:

    in reply to: Whats your favorite EHX duo? #93242
    Tube Zipper into Flanger Hoax…


    Love that riff at 0:45… :clap:

    in reply to: Harmony Central hub bub #93186
    Nothing’s wrong with him, it’s just that he doesn’t understand what trolling is and how to deal with it.

    Oh, brother… I just had a look at what’s going on there… :facepalm:

    in reply to: Harmony Central hub bub #93179
    Very typical of Z Vex.

    What’s wrong with Mr. Z?

    in reply to: Your Ideal EHX Rig? #93162

    I’m definitely buying a Big Muff pretty soon, either NYC or Tone Wicker, haven’t made up my mind yet. I might also have a look at the Voice Box. It wouldn’t hurt to have a Deluxe Memory Man and a Deluxe Electric Mistress on my pedal board from time to time. If the rumours about the Memory Boy are true, I’ll probably be bagging one when it’s out. The Tube Zipper sounds really sweet but those tube pedals are way to large for my liking. A QTron+ or Doctor Q may just do it for me. Talking about those huge tube pedals, the Wiggler seems nice too. And how about an LPB 2ube to use as a preamp for recording? And that’s just the EHX stuff… :facepalm: The wife will kill me. :D

    in reply to: Blink-182 is Back!!!! #93076
    … the Steve Vai of drumming. Very technically skilled, but he doesn’t play with much feel or soul, he’s sort of robotic.

    I’m no big fan of shred guitar either, but those guys can surprise you sometimes. Check out ‘For the Love of God’ off Passion and Warfare, I bet you’ll have second thoughts about that statement.

    in reply to: What guitars do you have? #93075

    – Am Std Telecaster
    – Am Std Stratocaster (2008)
    Gibson Les Paul Double Cut Special (Faded)
    LAG ‘Winter’ (electro-acoustic)
    – S-series (made in Japan)
    – Artcore AFB200 (hollow-body electric bass)

    I’ve now got enough saved to get a semi.:D

    in reply to: EHX to Music-Hating Thugs: Up Yours! #93020

    Way to go EHX! :thumb:

    in reply to: Little Big Muff (XO version) #92890

    I used a Little Big Muff exclusively on my band’s demo. I actually intended to use my Fuzz Factory but it picked up radio in the studio and we couldn’t do anything about it, so I used the LBM that my bandmate had along. I loved that thick, ballsy tone. Had a lot of fun with it and am now waiting to have a look at the tone wicker version to decide which one I should get. It won’t replace the FF, that’s a totally different animal, but it’s a color I want to have in my arsenal. :rawk:

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