I always read that the LBM was supposed to be exactly the same as the NYC muff but in a smaller package
thus i was dissapointed
we will see if it actually sounds like a NYC muff
the LBM was supposed to sound like that too
but didn’t work
It’s been a while since i have heard this song
but it’s nothing like a big muff
it’s just kind of like a fuzzy overdrive
it’s hard to explain but very interesting
edit: im listening the the song right now
it might be able to pull it off
are you interested in buying one?
i just happen to have one for sale
I think it’s going to be the same size as the LBM
or that’s what it looks like atleast
I would really like to hear this thing
i wonder if it is going to sound like a LBM or an NYC muff when it’s in “normal mode”
does anyone know the release date?