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  • in reply to: Countdown to the new Deluxe Memory Man #95602

    Ahhh bless that pedal
    I have just retired mine out of service and replaced with the Hazarai, But the old deluxe gave me trouble free sevice since 1979! heaps and heaps of gigs, it will always have a very special place in my heart.

    in reply to: 2880 CF card and signal loss #95537

    Is there a light indicator on it to show it is on, maybe it could be as simple as a blown plug fuse.

    in reply to: New song from Gods of Harvest #95488

    I thought it was great, nice guitar and very lush vocals, good luck too?

    in reply to: black finger? #95472

    I did try to tighten the screw but it was already tight. I will try some different 12ax7s. Thanks for that.

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix HOG pedal does the Hammond B-3 #95446

    Thats outrageous! It just gets better and better :)

    in reply to: black finger? #95442

    Thanks for that
    Yes I changed the original tubes for some sovtek 12ax7s and it came in around the same. This is only on the lamp/led in normal mode. The squash setting is noise free thats why i reasoned it might be just the way the thing works, buzz or no buzz I really do like how it works and love the different compression settings that you can get from it.

    in reply to: black finger? #95440
    Hi All,
    been lurking in the shadows for a while here but finally decided to jump in.


    I too am a proudf owner of a black finger and yes i simply love it too but have to say yes I get that ‘buzz’ too on the Normal/Lamp /led setting. When on squashed its silent. when i play thro my amp i don’t really notice it however if i play thro headphones there it is buzzing in the background. I had an idea today to put lesser high gain tubes in and see if it made a difference. Well it did but the volume dropped by half! and it wasn’t even compressing. So I am like you here I really don’t know what it is??? Any ideas anyone?

    I just wonder, does anyone else notice this buzz and do you have any idea what it might be?? Or…. is it just the nature of the beast?

    in reply to: OVERLORD #95359

    I think the 12ax7s are the ones for the job

    in reply to: Big Muff Crying Tone Pedal #95234

    Some really nice sounds there. What a great sounding pedal the crying tone is.

    in reply to: Whats the deal with puting tubes in a guitar pedal? #95159

    I stand corrected

    in reply to: Whats the deal with puting tubes in a guitar pedal? #95149

    Well, i’m afraid I come out on the side of valves hands down. Most of what I feel has been said here already, but just to add my very first amp (I was 14) was a tube amp im not even sure what it was It could have been an ex military thing and some speakers in a small cab i made, wow what a sound that was (this was the 70’s !). Then in the early 80’s got my first proper amp a trany 100 watt but even with a TS9 it still sounded thin, reedy and just not very good. It wasn’t until the early nineties that i eventually got a JCM 900 and was reborn, THIS was the sound i has always wanted without a doubt. Hard to define but the words warm, rich, edgy, dirty spring to mind.

    I don’t use any distortion/fuzz boxes on my board incidentally I get it all from my amp but i have two of the EHX tube pedals, the wiggler and the black finger and again the sound is the same as the above. An engineer once told me that valves have the actual element of fire in them, something very real and organic. But as has been said its all down to personal taste.

    in reply to: black finger? #95075

    Hi All,
    been lurking in the shadows for a while here but finally decided to jump in.


    I too am a proudf owner of a black finger and yes i simply love it too but have to say yes I get that ‘buzz’ too on the Normal/Lamp /led setting. When on squashed its silent. when i play thro my amp i don’t really notice it however if i play thro headphones there it is buzzing in the background. I had an idea today to put lesser high gain tubes in and see if it made a difference. Well it did but the volume dropped by half! and it wasn’t even compressing. So I am like you here I really don’t know what it is??? Any ideas anyone?

Viewing 12 posts - 91 through 102 (of 102 total)