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  • in reply to: analoge vrs digital #106004

    I know this debate will rage on til the end of time, however for 30 years I had a delux memory man as part of my pedal board. This pedal was/is truly awesome, never had a problem, I loved it deeply. Then……..SMM with Hazarai arrives , i’m blown out of the water!
    The quality of the sound from this pedal is nothing short of stunning, I think the keyword here is clarity. For years and years with the old memoryman I have been very happy to hear the woolly repeats with hiss, I know its all part of its charm and I love it (still do). But I do know what I now prefer and that’s that crystal clear precise sound for delay. Both pedals are a masterpiece.

    in reply to: stereo pulsar vs wiggler #105870

    Well I haven’t got the pulsar but I do have the wiggler and love it. Fender ehx forever summed it up for me, tiz the sound of those tubes mmmmmm so warm. The wigglers great for Hendrix sounds I just love it, but have no knowledge of the Pulsar but I bet its good too.

    in reply to: Merry Xmas! #105663

    Have a cool yule too ;)


    Bill, it is always a great pleasure to hear your work. You are an amazing advert for EHX and what can be done. Thank you for being so inspired !!

    in reply to: Whos your favorite all time guitar player???? #104822

    Yes, I was wondering when Jimi would come in……….
    Yes he is my number one
    then there is

    Steve Hillage
    Steffi Sharpstrings
    David gilmore
    John Macglaughlin
    Jeff Beck
    there are so many……….

    in reply to: Compressor: Dyna Comp or Boss? #103915

    Save those pennies, its really worth it

    in reply to: pedal order ? #103610
    Are ya’ll talking about the MXR M-102 Dynacomp. What do you guys think of the Black Finger? And are all Compressors noisey?

    Well as a proud black finger owner all I can say is get one. I am still discovering it endless sonic possibilities. So forget about your boss and mxr stuff (though Im sure they are ok) Slash out and get a black finger or a soul preacher, you will not be dissapointed.

    in reply to: Where are you from? #103509

    The UK

    in reply to: Black Finger overdrive? #103098

    Yes basically you back off the compression all the way and then up the pre and post volumes this in turn overdrives the 12ax7 valves in the pedal, sound pretty good.

    in reply to: Hazarai #101310

    Hi Robert
    I find a degree in tap dancing very helpful

    in reply to: Compressors ????? #101309

    I thought you said earlier that you were going to get a black finger??

    in reply to: Before Or After #101256
    I’ve messed around with my order.. only to find out that the original was the best. :)

    Guitar to amp: Guitar > wah > filters > OD > boost > lowered voltage muff fuzz > Big Muffs Pi’s > input
    Parallel Effects loop: delay > chorus
    Series Effects loop: EQ > boost

    I like my delays to have the chorus sweep on them, not to have the sweep get weirded up by the delays.
    I’ve played around with my dirt order a lot the last days, but I never really use more than one at a time so it doesn’t really matter.

    I prefer wah and filtering before dirt..

    Soon I might get a Wiggler, I’m wondering where I’m going to put it. Before the amp will give me a bit of a creamier sound .. but after will probably let the effect shine more beautifully. Aw well, I’ll know in 2 weeks! ;) Any wiggler owners here like to comment?[/quote

    Yes I have a wiggler in my chain and its toward the end after a small stone and before a hazari. But, my pedal board is in my effects loop. The wiggler sounds fine there too. It has a natural creamy sound anyway that is very evident in the loop. Good luck, its all a matter of experimentation and personel preference.

    in reply to: Compressors ????? #101255

    Well, I can only say the black finger as that’s what I use. It has three types of compression and these parameter’s are adjustable, best to check the spec under ‘effect pedals’ on this site, there you will find all the info you will need.

    in reply to: Compressors ????? #101249

    If you can get a black finger get one, its a fab pedal and im still exploring what its capable of. I use mine in lots of musical situations, boost for lead it is fantastic and yes you get that controlled feedback. Also for rhythm work it can make your guitar really pecussive. Well worth investigating

    in reply to: HOG in effects loop or inline? #101172

    I have my whole board in my effects loop. I too have a marshall (Jcm 900) Duel reverb 50W combo. On the back of the amp where you have the send a return for the effects loop there is a balance screw where you can effect the level of the loop volume. Thats the one.

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